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Sleep Deprivation


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When I am as tired as I am right now someone should really take the computer away from me, otherwise it results in me doing stupid things... like sitting here at three am making up a new thread that chances are will be so full of typeo's and bad gramar that I won't be able to read in the morning, let alone anybody else.


Exams suck, lets start off with that shall we? My sleeping habbits were bad enough before the added stress of them turned the two or three hours a night that I usualy manage to get a night into virtually none. That pesky little problem with procrastination probably is not helping the situation eather. I have been awake far to long, my hands are shaking pretty much constantly now and I am having trouble focusing my eyes on anything.


I am about ready to kill my sister, I swear that there are at least ten hairbrushes in this house at any given time, but you would never know it from the startling lack of them that you can actually find. Yesterday morning I some how manage to locate one and made the mistake of letting her use it, she says that she took it out to the car so she could brush her hair while my mum drove her to school, but guess what, its not in the car, or anywhere else for that matter. I am starting to worry about what will happen when I will need one in a few hours time.


Gah! I keep loosing things! A handfull of hair elastics are gone, as are two rings, a shirt, along with a bunch of other crap that I probably won't even notice is gone untill I need it later. I even lost my budgie for a few hours yesterday, I was starting to worry that the thing got outside but then he started chirping, turns out he was under the table that the computer is on sitting on the cords the enitre time. Damn bird.


Well thats all for now, enjoy that little rant and wish me luck on my exam that will start in about five hours, I will need it.

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Hey Ibuprofen!


Good luck on your exams! I'm sure you'll do teriffic :D


I'm sure by the time you read this you'll have already taken your exams, but as a general bit of advice (that I'm sure no one'll listen to anyway lol ) let me remind you of the importance of getting enough sleep! Lack of sleep is one of the most detrimental preventable things that can happen to your health, it's also one of the worst things you can do to your concentration (which will of course effect how you do on your exam). The other thing people tend to do when studying that's very bad for their performance is over-indulge in caffeine. Studies consistently show that large amounts of caffeine actually impair learning and recall.


Anyway relax and try to get some rest and I'm sure you'll do splendidly on your exams! I know it'll be a huge relief when it's all over! LOL, and don't worry about the hair brushes and other things, those can be replaced easily enough ;) . Perhaps you can borrow one back from your sister or other family member in the meantime?


And budgies :wub::wub::wub: awww so cute! Don't worry about misplacing him, he probably misplaced himself :boy:


Take care, good luck, and have an awesome day! :D


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Thanks for the encouragement but... I didn't do well at all, infact everything went horribly wrong. I just went and talked to my Global Geography teacher and asked if there was any way in hell that I passed the course, he said no. I am in grade 12, and that was one of the classes that I HAVE to pass in order to graduate.... and I didn't. f**k. Its like last year all over again, its the same teacher that I failed another class with, and it happened again for the same reason. I was having trouble so like they are always telling you to do, I went to the teacher and asked for help, he handed me yet another sheet that made no sense to me and sent me on my way, he didn't do jack shit to help me and it all went down hill from there. f**k.


Today has sucked, this whole year has sucked, and right now I am going to aquaint myself with the inside of my toilet bowl.


Hope you day was better then mine.

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Thanks for the encouragement but... I didn't do well at all, infact everything went horribly wrong. I just went and talked to my Global Geography teacher and asked if there was any way in hell that I passed the course, he said no. I am in grade 12, and that was one of the classes that I HAVE to pass in order to graduate.... and I didn't. f**k. Its like last year all over again, its the same teacher that I failed another class with, and it happened again for the same reason. I was having trouble so like they are always telling you to do, I went to the teacher and asked for help, he handed me yet another sheet that made no sense to me and sent me on my way, he didn't do jack shit to help me and it all went down hill from there. f**k.


Today has sucked, this whole year has sucked, and right now I am going to aquaint myself with the inside of my toilet bowl.


Hope you day was better then mine.

Ohhhh :(:(


I'm so sorry :hug:


I hope you feel better.

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