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  1. MRJT79

    Cutting It Close

    With Otis now closer to a gun, but still catatonic, do you think the only way he’ll get out of that state would be to save Hudson’s life?
  2. MRJT79

    Rescue Me

    Now this shit is getting real
  3. Hi me again, we learned some more about Otis’s back story “The people at the hospital that had treated his burn had said between themselves that he’d been lucky not to be at home when the fire that had killed his mother started. He didn’t know why they called it luck. It had happened only because his mother had made sure he would run away.” I’m getting all confused about his back story, here the hospital staff said he was lucky not to be at home when it started so how did he get his burn, also didn’t a previous chapter say they couldn’t him any relative of Otis so he ended in an orphanage but then in another chapter we had a grandmother visit his mum asking her to give Otis to her? I’m if I have it wrong please someone let me know which chapters I have to go back and read or we may need a chapter on Otis’s back story?
  4. I now get the feeling Angel was the person who got the first club raided, maybe as a way to get away, but it backfired. I’m also starting to think Angel may be involved in saving the day or killing Watkins or Keres, after he finds out he’s the third person in the show.
  5. MRJT79

    A Game of Fate

    I’m surprised Otis doesn’t carry a paper clip around with him at all times. We have also had a few snippets about Otis there was one about him being a crack shot and there was something else he was good at but I can’t quite recall, come to think of it was it the paper clip and picking locks. I’m not sure how this plays out now, Keres did say he might keep Otis so that’s one positive to cling to, he also said they were alike, was that just a reference to them being both scarred? just thinking about this chapter, is Otis a hostage and not the third person in the opening show, as angle had be rehearsing for weeks, and if Hudson is going to be at the club for 72 hrs and he’s going to take pictures at a rehearsal then surly Otis wouldn’t be the third person at the rehearsal. I lost with how this is going to play out, I’m in this until the end, no matter how dark it gets. ❤️
  6. MRJT79

    Chapter 23

    Thank you for writing a beautiful story
  7. MRJT79

    Chapter 12

    Klaus has to leave for a while, it looks like my comment on the previous chapter is looking promising. This gives Jake a chance to get to know the staff and for them to grow to love him.
  8. MRJT79

    Chapter 11

    I know this story is complete but I do like to put forth my ideas of possibilities. My current thoughts are that Jake gets to know the staff that works for Klaus, just like he has started with Thompson, and over the months they all get to like him and they start to notice changes in Klaus. when the project is completed and it’s time to part ways Jake’s leaves, leaving Klaus too stubborn to break away from his rule of nothing long term, but it leaves him a broken, sad and lonely man. So it’s on to the next project, and when he visits the site to talk to the foreman it turns out to be Jake.
  9. MRJT79

    Chapter 9

    klaus seems to be in a unfamiliar relationship with Jake than his previous partners which makes me think there is a possibility that this one will end differently.
  10. MRJT79

    Chapter 1

    What an opening, I do wonder why Jake was so far out of his territory?
  11. MRJT79

    Boiling Frog

    I think I better warn you before reading, I have a a possible plot idea for Otis and Gideon and it’s a dark one, so please be warned. Ok, if im this far I must be invested in this story and over night I have been think a lot about this story. May main thoughts have been is there a link between Otis and Gideon. The first thoughts were that they are father and son, but I don’t think Gideon is interested in women, I had another thought but it must’ve been a good one as I don’t remember it this morning. Then during my night time, I had a darker thought, which disturbed me, just because I went so dark with it. What if Gideon was using women who had issues, like with drink, drugs and mental health problems or gave them drugs to subdue them to have children form him to groom. I know this thought is too dark even for a story plot. Otis’s mother got out with her son some how, found place in the middle of nowhere, and locked her son up so he couldn’t be found, telling him not to make a sound. She did everything she could to keep him safe only to be found by Gideon and so she set the place on fire, she would rather they die than live a life with Gideon. Gideon escapes with his body disfigurements, and Otis with his scars. I know this isn’t anywhere near where this story is going and it’s pretty dark idea but I hope this is taken as a massive compliment as the writing has played a part in my thoughts process. I hope I haven’t over shared or distressed anyone.
  12. MRJT79

    Boiling Frog

    I guess we all spotted except Hudson Otis’s house fire, but I may be reading this wrong but didn’t the report say “No mentions of legal guardians being interviewed were there, either”, so to me that means the person he calls Grandma isn’t his really grandma, am I wrong?
  13. Red herrings or future plot points, previously we learned that Otis knows how to pick locks and now he’s an expert shot? could we be looking at Otis being the saviour of the day at some point
  14. As I was reading Otis debating what to do I thought he was going to go to the club to look for him. Another thought was that Hudson was going to end the relationship with Otis and let Jackie take his place. Now I have no idea what to expect from this story
  15. MRJT79

    All the Signs

    I click sad as my response to this chapter because I read between the lines when they talk about being boyfriend and Hudson talked about at the end of this leaving I thought that meant him leaving on his own, leaving Otis behind.
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