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    Thomas Nealy
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A Love Through Time - 1. Chapter 1


A Love Through Time

Harry Potter sat in the kitchen with his Godparents he was tired of the wizarding world, well the European part of it any way. It had been 6 months since he had killed Voldemort, 6 months since his life got even worse then it was before. It was not supposed to be this way. He was 16 years old, and yet he had fought and won a war. But it has cost him every thing, well almost every thing. He had Sirius, Remus, and Hermione left. Every one else he loved was dead. The entire Weasley family had been murdered, when Ron found out he had killed him self. Two years before the war ended in the grave yard that had brought Voldemort back Harry had lost the love of his life.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. Wormtail casting the killing curse and every thing slowing down. He remembered screaming as he saw that it was about to hit Cedric. Then a flash of light and he was gone. No body no nothing, he was just gone. Harry felt like he died a little that day, but it drove him to hunt down Voldemort in a way that nothing else ever would have. It was two years to the day after his love vanished, that Harry broke through the wards on Riddle manor and killed Voldemort.
Now all he had to remind him of his love was a son, a beautiful 3 year old son. Every one was surprised when Harry turned up pregnant, he was 14 and was going to be a father. No one had ever told him that wizarding men could become pregnant. Nine months later at 15 Harry gave birth, by c section, to Alexander Cedric Potter. He figured it could become a family tradition having a middle name of your dead father.
Three years later he still cried him self to sleep thinking about all he lost. When he woke up this morning he decided he had had enough. He called what was left of his family together and told them to meet him in the kitchen. They all lived at 12G any way, so it was not much of a problem. So that was what lead up to the talk he was having now.
“I can't take it any more. Nothing has changed, our friends, family, and loved ones gave their lives to make a difference and nothing has changed. Every where I look I see what we have lost what should have been. I can't take it any more!” Harry finally broke down and started crying Hermione wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. They had all lost a lot in the war, but no one had gone through what Harry had. He had lost every one but the three in the room not only that, he had been there to see most of their deaths. He had to watch as one by one every one he loved was taken from him.
A lot of people thought he had lost his mind in the war. He had told them all if it were not for Alex he would have tried to kill him self. They knew he loved them, but a person can only take so much before they break, Harry had long since past that point. The last was watching Neville be skinned alive, the war was over he should have been fine. But no one remembered that Belitrix was still alive. She had tied Harry up and made him watch as she killed Neville. Harry had chocked the life out of her with his bare hands after that. They found him two days later holding a dead Neville rocking back and forth.
Harry had a truly haunted look in his eyes almost all the time now, the only time there was ever any light in them was when he played with Alex. It was the only thing keeping him alive and some what sane. They all knew this so with a look passing between them they agreed, it was time for a move. America was different from any other wizarding country. For one they were more lax in their laws, the bigotry of Europe did not exist over there, and best of all none of them would recognize Harry Potter. Sure most knew the name, but no one would know his face. They could all start over, they all needed it. It was not just Harry that was starting to break under the constant reminders of people they had lost.
So it was decided to move to America, they picked out a small town in the middle of no where, but still close enough to Seattle that if they needed to they had access to a wizarding shopping area. They bought a large piece of land and Harry built a Manor house. It was large, large enough that they could live well with out being on top of each other, large enough that if they wanted they could each have a family there. Though for Harry that was a mute point. But because of the laws in America, Sirius and Remus could start their family they could have kids. And Hermione if she found some one she could also raise a family.
It took a few months and more money then most people can think of, but they managed to get the new Manor built and moved in before the new school year started. Hermione had talked him into getting a muggle diploma. Stating that if they were going to be living in the muggle world they needed a muggle education. So while the house was being built and furnished Hermione and Harry had the best tutors that money could by to get them caught up. They where ready for their senor year in high school in a town called Forks.
“So did you hear about the knew family that is moving in. I heard they are an old rich noble family from England. They bought the land near the res, my dad said the house they built looks like a mansion and no one is allowed in it.” Jessica blabbed on about the new family that was coming to Forks. They were the talk of the town, and every one was waiting for them to arrive at the first day of school.
Every one was excited except the Vampires, they were worried. Alice's visions were clouded and when she could see they were just flashes that made no sense. Edward was confused by what he saw, which was not much. So even the Vampires found them selves caught up in the suspense that was the Potter and Black family. Bella had joked about how they sounded like a law firm. The only thing they were able to find out was that the Blacks where the legal guardians for the Potters.
Edward, Bella, and Alice waited by the silver volvo as they watched what sure as hell looked like a red a gold Ferrari with a coat of arms on the drivers side door pull into the parking lot. One thing was clear who ever these people where, they were rich and did not care who knew it. Edward watched in confusion as two people got out of the car. His confusion turned to worry then to panic. “I can't read them!” He whispered to the other two standing next to him.
“I guess your not alone after all Bella, we found others like you!” Alice said, then her smile vanished as she sniffed. Then a frown appeared on her face. “They don't smell like food?” Edward nodded his head in agreement.
“What do you mean?” Bella asked confused.
“She means they don't smell like food. Every human smells like food, they trigger the thirst, even most animals do. They are more like smelling one of our kind, sweet and good with a slight animal edge, but not food. I don't think I have ever even smelled any thing like it before. The one has an almost animal smell too but nothing I have ever smelled either but part of it reminds me of something, something from my past that is just beyond my reach. The otyher one smells like well a cat.” Edward explained.
Bella frowned at that. She did not know why but she felt like she was going to lose Edward soon.
“Bloody Hell Hermione, why did I let you talk me into this!” Harry complained to Hermione as they walked into the main office to get their schedule. They where both vary much aware of the reaction the rest of the school was having to them. Harry was not happy with the attention, he came here to get away from the attention. “Why do they keep staring at me?”
“Harry, you really need to look in the mirror some time. You are the hottest guy I have seen here. They probably think you are a walking god. Never mind they all know we're English and rich and that you are a noble. You should have left the title off your transcripts.” Hermione said sighing.
Harry waited at the counter in front of him as a women walked over to where they were standing. “Can I help you?” She asked, he watched as her gaze seemed to rake over his body and he could hear he vary loud thoughts. Ever since he was forced to learn Legilimency and Olcimency he was not able to block out every ones thoughts that did not shield them. If they were thinking to loudly like the women in front of him, it came in loud and clear. So as he heard the woman think about how she wished she was younger so she could do unspeakable things to him he tried hard to hide his disgust.
“Yes my sister and I are just starting, we were told to come to the main office to receive our Schedules. I am Harry Potter and this is my Sister Hermione.” Harry explained motioning to Hermione as he explained. He watched as recognition came to the woman's eyes.
“Yes I have them here for you.” She said as she dug through the pile on the desk behind the counter. She passed over a set of papers to Harry explaining about the map and asking them to get the sheet signed by each teacher.
Harry and Hermione left the office and started their day. They only had two classes together not including lunch. Harry spent most of the day getting hit on by girls and even a few guys. He was growing more and more frustrated as the day went by. He was glad when it was lunch time. He walked into the cafeteria and found Hermione sitting with a group of students.
He went over and joined her. “Hermione, I see you made friends already. Does any one mind If I join you?” Harry asked the group. All the girls seemed to just turn to mush and stair at him. The guys seemed in different and a few glared at him. But they moved over and gave him a spot next to his 'sister'.
“ 'ello Harry, they invited me to join them and I thought it rude to refuse. This is Jessica, Mike, Eric, Loren, Tyler, Ben, and Angela.” Hermione introduced every one in the immediate area.
“Is it true your a English Lord?” Jessica blurted out, unable to contain her self.
Harry frowned. “Not that it matters, but yes I am a British Lord, a Marquess actually.” Harry did not like that people seemed to be so hung up on him. He just wanted to live in peace.
“Do you want to go see a movie with me this week end?” Jessica asked not noticing the smirk that Hermione had.
Harry frowned again. “While I am sure you are a lovely girl Jessica, I am afraid I have to decline your offer. Your just not my type.” Harry said hoping he would not earn him self a enemy. He knew that the muggle world was sexually repressed and did not like gay men.
“And what does that mean?” Jessica asked clearly offended.
“Well, for starters your a girl. That is the deal beaker really. I hope that wont be problem you know with me being gay and all. Besides that I don't really date much.” Harry said bracing him self for the hate that was sure to follow. No one said any thing, but Harry noticed Jessica looked confused like she was not sure what he was talking about. He noticed that the three guys at the table did not move away from him. He sighed in relief. Then he heard Hermione's gasp and looked up and followed her eyes. His heart clenched and he lost all blood in his face he felt like his world had fallen away and some one had decided to drop kick him as he fell. Standing in front of him was Cedric. He barely managed to whisper his name before every thing went black.
He woke up to hear muffled voices. “I'm sure my brother will be just fine. Thank you for helping him to the clinic.”
“Why did he he black out like that?” a voice asked he knew that voice, it sounded different but he knew it. It made his heart hurt.
“You look a lot like some one we used to know. Harry was close to him, and he vanished one day and we could never find him. I think seeing you was to much of a shock for him. You really do look a lot like him. Well except the whole vampire thing.” Hermione explained not really paying any attention to the vampire in front of her as Harry was starting to come back around more.
“I'm not sure what you mean?” The voice that belonged to the not Cedric said.
“I know a vampire when I see one, even if you have gold eyes instead of red because you feed off animals. My brother and my self know all about vampires, but don't worry we wont say any thing.” Hermione said as she looked back at Harry. “I think he is waking up.” She moved over to sit next to Harry.
“Cedric? Hermione I saw Cedric, I think I have finally lost it.” Hermione looked unconformable, but her eyes pointed to the teen standing next to her.
“Hi, I'm Edward. Your sister explained that I remind you of some one.” Edward for his part was feeling strange. The name sounded familiar, like he should know it. It tugged at memories that would not show them selves. He saw a strange flash of him self in a castle walking next to the guy in front of him. Then nothing, the memory was gone as fast as it came. It confused him.
Harry was on the verge of tears again. The universe was cruel and it seemed to hate Harry. “I think I want to go home Hermione. Think you can get me excused for the day?” Harry asked, he could feel his chest constricting. He had to get out of there.
“They wanted to take you to the hospital, I had to confund them to get them to leave you be. It would not have been a good thing if you ended up in hospital. I think they will let you go home. But you should call Sirius or Remus and have them come get you, your in no state to drive and you would probably splich your self if you tried to apparate now.” Hermione said, she was not worried about Edward standing their. He was a vampire and such was not bound by the secrecy. He was part of the secret so she had no need to hide it from him. Besides from the looks she was getting he had no clue what she was talking about any way.
Harry nodded and got up. America was a wonderful place, the wizards there were not stuck in the dark ages and welcomed every thing modern. They had figured out how to make magic and muggle tech work together. Harry loved it, and found he was good at technomancy too. He pulled out his cell phone and called home. After a fast explanation Sirius told him he would be there in 10 minutes. Hermione would drive the car home after school.
Harry met Sirius out side the office and climbed in the car.
“What happened Harry?” Sirius asked, worried for his pup.
“I saw Cedric.” Harry said barely over a whisper. Sirius heard it though and almost ran off the road in shock. “He's a vampire now, and he does not remember any thing about who he is. He goes by Edward now. I don't know if I can take this Sirius, this might be the death of me. Having him this close and yet not being able to hold him and touch him. He has a mate now too, I think my heart stopped when I saw her kiss him.”
Sirius gave him a sad look, he understood what it was like to be separated from a mate. 12 years in prison, away from Remus was worse then the Dementors.
Later that night the Cullen family met to talk about the new family that moved in.
“They know what we are.” Edward said. Every eye snapped to him.
“Then we kill them, one human that knows is to much. We can't have a whole family knowing.” Rosalie said, as she glared at Bella. “How did they even find out!”
“I'm not sure they're human. They don't smell like food. One of them said they knew all about vampires. They also talked about some strange things.” Edward said. He was confused again. It was like memories were screaming at him trying to get to the fore front of his mind.
“Great, more wolves!” Rosalie said. Every one else was quite and thinking.
“I think Edward is right. I came across the older two in the store. They both had a different smell. Both had a wet dog smell, not like the wolves but different. Neither smelled like food. I left after that.” Esme said.
“I have difficulty seeing the future around them too. It comes in flashes, the only thing I can tell is that they will be important to all of us, they will all be family. I just can't see how or why.” Alice explained, scrunching up her face in confusion.
“I can't hear their thoughts either. Well at least not the younger ones. I have not met the older ones yet. It's not like Bella either, with her it's like a hole where she should be. With them it's like a wall I can sense them and see their mind but I can't get through. I think they can actively block me.” Edward said again.
“I think we need to meet them, all of them. Edward you have had the most contact so far, can you invite them over?” Carlisle asked.
“If he is in school tomorrow I can ask him. His sister seems to want to keep me way from him. So he would be the one to ask.” Edward explained.
Bella had been siting there quite thinking to her self. She did not like the way Edward seemed drawn to the guy. Edward was hers, she was not going to loss him to some guy.
The meeting broke up and Edward followed Carlisle up to his office asking Bella to stay behind so he could talk to him a lone. Bella frowned but told him ok.
“Is there something wrong?” Carlisle asked.
“I don't know. I feel drawn to Harry, that's his name. His blood calls to my own but not in a food way. I also have this uncontrollable urge to protect him. He called me Cedric and I felt like I knew that name. Like it should mean something to me. I keep getting flashes of my family too. And it feels like memories are trying to come back. The strangest part is Harry is in some of the memories. Just short flashes.” Edwards looked confused. Something that was becoming more common since the new family moved in.
“Edward, are you sure Bella is your mate? Because from what you are describing it sounds like this Harry might be. We always knew that you did not have all your memories. This young man could be triggering them to return.”
“No Bella is my mate. I love her...” Edward said but he was not so sure him self any more.
“Ok then you need to talk to this Harry and find out what is going on.” Carlisle was sure that Bella was not Edwards true mate. A true mate was almost never a blood singer. Then there was the fact that all of the new family was going to joining them some how.
They walked back down to the main room and Edward took Bella home.
“I don't like it, Edward is in the middle of an emotional cyclone. What ever is going on is confusing him emotionally.” Jasper said once he was sure Edward was far enough away.
“The future I saw with Bella is gone. What ever is going to happen Bella is not going to become one of us any more. I didn't want to say any thing in front of Edward.” Alice said.
The next day Harry went to school dreading seeing Edward again. It was far to painful for him to see Cedric or Edward as he was going by now. They pulled up to the school and were shocked to see Edward and Alice waiting for them.
“Hello, I wanted to introduce my self, since you met my brother yesterday. I am Alice.” She said putting her hand out. Hermione was the first to shake her hand then Harry followed.
“I'm Hermione, this is my brother Harry. It is nice to meet you Alice.” Hermione said, noticing that Harry could not stop staring at Edward.
“My father wants to know if you and your family would like to come over. It seems we have much to talk about. We normally do not eat, but we would like have you over for dinner. That is if you don't mind us not eating while you do.” Edward said, trying to avoid Harry's eyes.
“You could drink while we eat. It is not the first time we have had dinner with some one like you. I remember one of your kind coming to a party we had at school. He explained that normally the blood frenzy would be to much but since none of us smell like food we are safe to be around a feeding vampire.” Harry said.
Edward and Alice seemed shocked by that. And quickly looked around to make sure no one heard them. “They can't hear any thing we are saying right now. So you don't need to worry.” Hermione said.
“Well then I will let my father and mother know. I will provide you will directions to our house.” Edward said. He had to fight the urge to take Harry into his arms and hold him. He had no idea what was going on. Just then Bella came up and joined them. She pulled Edward into a kiss and threw Harry a look that said, 'he's mine hand off'.
Alice and Hermione noticed Harry's jaw clench and the look Bella threw his way. Hermione was sure this was going to end badly and Alice had a moment of insight. “Come on you two we need to get to class. We will see you both tonight for our meeting.” She then pulled Edward away from Bella and watched as Harry relaxed more. “I need to talk to you Edward. I will have him right back Bella, just meet us in class.” She then dragged Edward away.
“Edward, you need to keep the displays of affection away from Harry. I don't know what it is but I could feel the anger coming off of him when Bella kissed you. We don't know how dangerous they are yet. For some reason Harry reacts badly to Bella touching you.”
“I know I could feel it, and something else too. Something from my past that I can't place yet. I think they are immortal like us though. I have flashes of memories and Harry is in them. I think we knew each other at one time. But he calls me Cedric, I don't know who Cedric is but I feel like I should. He has not aged at all since the memory. Something strange is going on, but your right things will go badly if Bella keeps flaunting it in his face.”
They walked off and rejoined Bella for classes. The day went by smooth until lunch they all sat at the same table, some how they had managed to make the same friends, except Harry really did not like Jessica. Half way through lunch he got up and left the lunch room. Edward frowned and then got up to follow him. Bella looked livid at that.
Edward reached up and touched Harry's arm and there was an electrical shock between them. He had another flash. He pushed it aside and tried to see the present. “What's wrong? You looked upset?”
“It's Jessica, I hate the way her mind works. All she cares about is how she can get into my bed so she can somehow gain my title. I'm sure you've seen the way her mind works too.” Harry said sighing. He remembered how good Cedric was at Legilimency, he was not going to say that though.
“You can hear thoughts too?” Edward was shocked. Harry just nodded this was painful to him.
“Yes, so can Hermione. It's called Legilimency. They way I block you is Olcomency. I can let you in but you wont like what I have to show you. It might be better if you never know the past, it would just be harder on the both of us.” Harry said, as he walked away turning his back on Edward.
Edward went back to lunch and sat back down next to Bella and Alice. “What was wrong?” Alice asked.
“He can hear thoughts. He does not like the way Jessica thinks about him.” He said low enough that no one else could hear him.
At the end of the day they all met by Harry's car. “Bella can not be there tonight. If she is we will not be able to talk about what you want to know. We have laws about it, if she finds out we will have to erase her memory.” Hermione told them ignoring the glares from Bella.
“You can't tell me where I can and can't go. Edward is my boyfriend, and I am part of their family.” Bella growled out.
Edward sighed, “Bella if they have laws about it then you can not come. You knowing about us is bad enough. If they don't want to share what they are with you, then you need to respect that. They already know about us and are clearly not human, so we are not effected by their law.” Bella was about to throw a fit about it, until she remembered being in public so she just turned and stormed away.
“That could have gone better.” Alice said. No one noticed that small smirk that threatened to creep on to Harry's face.
“Bella needs to learn that she can not know about every thing just because she knows about us. Some things she is not allowed to know about.” Edward said, as he walked over to his car.
“Will you have any problems finding the place?” Alice asked before she left.
“No I can find your home with out any issues.” Harry said. The truth was he plucked the directions right out of their minds. They all broke up after that and Harry and Hermione left for home.
“I don't like it Harry. If you keep going down this path, you are not going to be able to control your self. We don't even know if it is him.” Hermione just did not understand why Harry was so obsessed with Edward. Even if he was Cedric, it was clear he had moved on. He was a vampire now. Harry was just going to get hurt in her mind.
“It's him Hermione. I know it I can feel it. More importantly is what we are going to do about Alex. The moment they see him they are going to know something is up. He looks like the perfect blend of Cedric and me.”
“Well there is nothing we can do about it now. We can deal with any problems that come up if they come up.” Hermione responded not feeling nearly as self assured as she was trying to sound.
“Sirius, Remus!” Harry yelled once they arrived home.
“What is it Harry?” Remus asked as they walked in, Alex in Sirius's arms. Sirius set him down as he started wiggling trying to get to Harry.
“Daddy!” Alex yelled out as he ran over to Harry who scooped him up and held him tight.
“We have a dinner invite to the Cullen's, they are worried how we knew they are vampires. We need to be there by 6 o'clock. Dress nice and normal.” Harry said aiming the last comment at Remus, who did not have the best clothing sense around. He then took Alex into his room and spent some time with him. He missed his son a lot during the day.
Hermione went and finished her homework knowing that Harry was not doing his. She also knew not to say any thing about it at that time. She knew he needed to spend time with his son.
At 5:30 they loaded up into a Porsche suv and drove over to the Cullen's home. Esme greeted them as they rang the door bell. Every one was standing there waiting to greet the new comers. All the vampires looked at them curiously. They could all tell what Edward, Alice, and Esme meant when they said they did not smell like food.
Jasper was taking in their emotions. He could tell the people that just walked in were nervous but not about them. He could also tell that Harry's emotions were all over the place. He could also tell they held no fear of them at all, it intrigued him.
Carlisle stepped forward and started introductions. “I am Carlisle, this is my wife Esme, and these are our children, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. You already know Alice, and Edward.” He said pointing out each person as he named them.
Harry took a step forward. “I am Harry, this is my sister Hermione, these are my Godparents Sirius and Remus Black. And this little guy in my arms is Alexander, my son.” Harry pointed each out and then turned Alex around so every one could see him, making sure to drop his hood. There was a collective gasp as every one looked at him.
“Edward, he..” Esme started
“I know Esme.” Edward interrupted her, staring at Alexander. “How?” He asked not taking his eyes off of Alex.
“That is a long story, one that should wait for another day. I will say that my kind both genders are able to carry children. When it comes to men we still need the c-section though.” Harry said, not ready to explain why Alex looked so much like Edward.
Every one heard Carlisle say 'fascinating' even if he thought no one heard him.
They were given a tour of the house and then they sat down to dinner. The wizards noticed that the vampires had glasses of blood instead of food. That made them feel better. “You know you can drink liquids with out it causing problems.” Remus said, shocking the vampires. “I know you can not eat solid food but liquids would still be adsorbed into you body just like blood.”
Every one was sitting down by that time. “What do you mean? And how do you know that?” Carlisle asked, interested in the how and why. His inner scientist was coming out.
“I have made it my life's work to study Magical Beings. I might even know more about your kind then you do. With so many of your ancients gone, most of the vampires left have lost their history to time. My people have saved records that go back thousands of years. Harry's family library has some even older.” Remus explained.
Esme was bringing out the food and decided to test the idea. Food disgusted them but drinks never did. So she garbed her self a glass of wine as well.
“I would be most interested in reading some of these books. If it is alright to borrow them.” Carlisle said, a hopeful tone is his voice.
“I will get you copies.” Harry explained as he cut up Alex's food for him.
“Carlisle he is right. I can drink this wine with out any issues. I can feel my body absorbing it just like it does blood.” Esme said shocked that they never thought to try it.
Carlisle looked fascinated again. “I think it is time to tell us little bit more about your selves. Edward said that Bella was not allowed to hear any of this. Maybe we can start with that.”
The four wizards looked at each other. Remus decided to be the teacher once again. “Our people have a law called the international statute of secrecy. What that means is that any one that is not part of the magical world can not know that the magical is real. There are to many times in history when the muggles, umm that is what we call normal humans, have found out about the magic world around them. Whether it be vampires, or other beings. It always ends the same. They hunt us, so a law was passed, your ancients were part of that as well. As far as we know there are only 7 ancients left in the world. As for what we are we, are called Wizards. I my self am also a werewolf, because I started off as a wizards the curse of the werewolf is changed in me. Also we can use a potion to control it.”
The seven vampire just stared at the four of them not blinking or saying any thing. “What would happen if a human were to find out?” Edward asked wondering if Bella was going to get in even more trouble.
“We have to either erase their memories or if it is a big enough breach the muggle is taken to a place that they can never reveal what they know, and the being responsible for the breach is put in a prison that is worse then hell it self. Any thing under 5 years of knowledge can be erased any thing over that would also require the muggle to be taken into custody.” Remus knew all about the muggle that was involved with the vampires, so he knew why it was asked. He thought he would drive the point home. “In Bella's case she would be turned over to the Volturi. As they currently lead your world and your exposure is much longer then ours. And your laws are more strict then ours.”
Edward felt a growl form on his chest before it escaped he choked it off. “It is a good thing she is not hear then. What prof can you offer us that what you say is real.” Edward said.
Harry just looked at him and rolled his eyes. He then waved his hand at the chair Alex was in and watched as it transformed into a high chair. “I will turn it back before I leave.” Harry said seeing the looked Esme got. “Is that enough prof?” his walls slipped a little and Edward hear his thoughts. 'He has not changed that much after all still does not trust any one. He should have been a Slytherin not a Hufflepuff.'
“What did you mean by that?” Edward asked.
Harry looked up and glared at him. “Stay out of my mind unless you really want to know things that would just cause us all more pain. I have spent 3 years getting over what happened.” Harry said trying not to be angry.
“Harry did your shields slip?” Sirius asked.
“Just for a moment, it wont happen again.” Harry responded not taking his eyes off of Edwards.
“Ok this is to much. What is going on between you too. I can feel the tension.” Jasper said. He tried to keep quite but could not as he felt the most resent round of emotions flood the place.
“I can't answer that. It seems Edward does not remember his past, it is not my place to remind him of it. He has a new life, I will learn to deal with it or we can just move again.” Harry said trying to put all his attention on Alex.
“So you knew Edward before he was a vampire? How is that possible you look like your 16 or 17?” Emmett asked.
“I am 17. It is complicated and involves magic.” Harry snapped. Hermione placed a comforting hand on his arm.
“I want to know what you know of me!” Edward yelled, dinner was quickly getting out of hand.
Harry jumped to his feet. “You want to know so bad then fine take a good look Cedric see the pain you caused.” With that he dropped all his shields and started to go over every memory he had of Cedric including the ones after he vanished and the birth of their son. “I spent 2 years looking for you and you don't even remember me. Then I find you only to see you with Bella. Are you happy now that you know. Does it make it better knowing that you have a whole other life you can't remember? Is it easier knowing you have a son that you never knew about and will grow up with out his other father. Is it better knowing that I killed wormtail for what he did to you. Is it better knowing what I became after you vanished.”
Edward was frozen in place as the memories hit him. When it finished he wanted to cry. “You were right to keep it from me. All it does is cause more pain.” Edward got up and left.
“Some one want to explain what is going on?” Alice said, frantic at the way Edward reacted.
“Three years ago a guy we knew named Cedric was attacked and vanished. Cedric and Harry were boyfriends maybe more. We never found Cedric, but we did find out that Harry was pregnant two months after that. Harry thinks Edward is Cedric, they look identical in every way even with the vampire changes. Harry's and Cedric's magic cores bonded the night Alex was conceived. Since Harry can feel the bond when he touches Edward it does tend to push the idea that Edward is Cedric.” Hermione said. She was still not convinced that Edward was Cedric.
“Is their any way to be sure?” Carlisle asked.
“There is a identity spell. It will show us what his birth name was. We use it in legal cases to make sure the person is who they claim to be or are said to be.” Sirius said. “But, it might be for the best if we just move. If he can't remember his other life then we should not complicate things. He already has a new mate and a new life. It would not be fair to him to make him chose between a past he can't remember and life he has lived for how ever long he has been a vampire. Also it would be wrong to come between him and Bella.” Sirius said.
Harry was already packing Alex up and getting ready to leave. “We will be gone by the end of the week. I am sorry to have caused this problem. I never wanted him to find out, after I found out he did not remember me. All it does is cause us both more pain. Me because I now have lost him twice, him because he now knows he had another life he knows nothing about.”
Harry then walked toward the door and walked out of the house carrying Alex with him. He decided to wait in the car. Once he had Alex strapped in he started to cry. It hurt so much he felt like he was going to die.
In side Edward came back into the room. “I want to know for sure. I think it is my right.”
Sirius nodded and took his wand out. He cast the charm and above Edward's head was the name glowing in bright purple, 'Cedric Diggory'. “Now we know for sure, I am sorry for the problems this will cause.” Sirius said as he to got up he could hear Harry's soft crying, every one except Hermione could hear it. She was so shocked that she was wrong and every one else was right.
“How is that possible, Edward was born in the early 19 hundreds.” Rosalie said.
“What ever happened that night must have transported him back in time. Other then that I do not know what happened. But he must have merged with some one that was already alive then and taken his place. Then after that he was turned into a vampire.” Remus said. He was fighting the urge to go comfort Harry.
“I have a son.” Edward whispered. He looked up at Carlisle, “What do I do? I always thought Bella was my mate. But I can't deny the pull I feel toward Harry either.”
“That is up to you son. Remember what we talked about yesterday. What ever you do it is up to you.” Carlisle said as he walked out of the room. He knew that this was not going to end well for some one.
Hermione got up to leave as well. “Thank you for dinner, I am sorry that it ended like this.” She turned to leave just as Remus stopped her.
“Tell them to go, I will just apparate home later. I'm going to stay to answer any questions they might have.” Remus said. Hermione nodded her head and left.
All of the vampires were still in shock some what. No one knew what to do. Remus cleared his throat. “Any questions for me?” He spent the rest of the night answering any questions he could. It was 3 in the morning before he left, and there were still more questions. He really hoped that things would work out well. He even considered killing Bella. She seemed to be the thorn in the side. If it were not for her then things would have worked out better. But he also knew that he could not kill her if he wanted Edward to come around and accept Harry.
After Remus left the Cullens had another meeting. “So what should we do?” Carlisle asked.
“What do you mean.” Alice responded. “By the way do you want to be called Edward or Cedric now?” She was not sure what to call him.
“I'm not sure. I have been called Edward for almost one hundred years. It is who I am, but I am also Cedric. I think I will use both, depending on what is happening. I might switch on and off with the two over the years. Give my self better cover.” Edward said.
“We have time to work out the naming thing. We need to decide what to do with the other issues. We could leave, Edward has almost no memory of this other life. We could pack every thing up and pretend none of this ever happened.” Carlisle said. He did not want to leave, in fact he thought they should all stay. He also thought Edward should pick Harry. He liked Bella, but he did not think that she was Edwards mate.
“No, I will not leave unless it is what he wants. Just because I can not remember it all does not mean I do not have to live with it all. I have a son and I should be part of his life, If Harry will let me. I also have to figure out what I can tell Bella. The fact that I do have a son complicates things, she will not understand. Especially since we can not tell her unless she becomes one of us. What do you see Alice?”
“I see many futures right now. I do not see a good one any longer when it comes to Bella. The only good outcomes I see involve Harry and his family. The future I saw where she is turned and joins us is gone. If she joins us now it will make her feel like she is a second choice. It will lead to bitterness and then betrayal. I did not want to say any thing before encase it came back. But the problem I was having reading the future with them is going away. The longer they are around the clearer it all becomes. See what I see Edward, see what the future could hold.” She closed her eyes and channeled the futures she saw. Edward watched them all, and it only served to confuse him more.
“None of the futures that I would think of as good involve Bella any more. But if I go back to Harry we will both be happy and we will have more children too. He will join us so will his godfathers. But I still love Bella, I know I do. I don't know what to do.”
The next few weeks were ruff on every one. Bella was becoming more and more angry. “What is going on. I want to know, no more secrets. I want to know what is happening!” Bella yelled out as she drove home with Edward and Alice.
“Bella I can not tell you. It is not our secret to share. They have laws just like the vampires do. Outsiders can not know. They consider vampires to be insiders because our ancients were once part of their world. We lost part of our histories when most of the old ones died.” Edward said. He was getting tired of the conversation. They seemed to argue about it all the time now. Bella just could not handle not knowing about something, and she took it personally that she could not know.
“Then turn me. You know I want you to any way, I am getting older by the day. Next week is my 18th birthday. I don't want to be older then you!” Bella said. That also was becoming a regular argument. “Why do you spend so much time with them any way. I just don't understand. You used to spend all your time with me, then they moved in and now you spend so much time with them that I hardly ever see you any more.”
“Bella he spends 16 hours a day with you. Besides the Potters and Blacks know all about us, and we are learning more about our selves as well. They are helping us control our thirst more also. You need to not be so jealous, it really does not suite you at all.” Alice said. She was careful not to mention any thing that would lead to them being wizards.
“What are they that they know more about vampires then the vampires do! This is so not fair, your my boyfriend. Your not supposed to be keeping things from me like this. Is it because your both rich? Is that why you like spending so much time with them? Or is it because they are not human either?”
“Bella just drop it, if you find out about them they will erase your memory or you will be put in a prison. They even said that the Volturi could be informed. If they find out that we told a human then your life is for fit as is all of ours. So please stop asking about them. Now this weekend I am going to be busy so I wont be around.”
Bella was fuming, she hated secrets. She also hated that she thought she was losing Edward. No one talked the rest of the way home. Edward dropped Bella off at home then took Alice over to Harry's. Alice and Hermione were becoming good friends as well and Edward wanted to see Alex again.
Harry had not been home long when Edward arrived. He was still not sure about allowing him to spend time with Alex. It was making it harder on him to get over Cedric. But at the same time he could not deny him the chance to know his son. He was also not so sure about Edward going to go see a mind healer either. He did not know if it would work and if it did he did not know what changes it would mean.
“Daddy! Papa is here!” Alex yelled out. It made every one freeze in place. It was the first time Alex had called Edward Papa, and no one knew where he got it from or how he knew.
“Alex, how did you know he was your other daddy?” Harry asked heart pounding.
“I saw it in picture bowl.” Alex said not understanding what was wrong. He knew he had two dads and he was just glad to get to have the other one back.
“I must have left my pensive out. I am sorry Edward.” Harry said apologizing to him for making things just that much harder.
“It is fine. He should know any way. It just means I can be more physical with him now. With out him wondering why. But what is a pensive, it sounds familiar.” The more time he spent with Harry the more seemed to be dislodged and the more he could remember. Nothing was clear it was more like a feeling that he knew what was being said and knew that there was a memory there somewhere.
“It is a bowl that stores memories so you or some one else can see them latter. I must have left mine out and he got into it and saw some of my memories. I have something for you as well. I was saving it for him when he got older, to see if it was compatible with him or not. But since your alive still you should have it back.” Harry left Alex with Edward and went into his room and got a long slim box. He came back out and handed it to Edward. “When you vanished that night it was left behind. I took it with me encase we ever found you, then after Alex was born I saved it for him.”
Edward opened the box and his mouth dropped open. He picked out the wand and held it in his hand. He felt a rush of warmth and red sparks shot out the end. “It's my wand, I can't remember it but somehow I know it is mine. It feels like it is part of me. Thank you Harry. Maybe if I don't get my memories back you could teach me how to use magic again?” He asked looking at the wand in his hand.
“I could show you the basics, but I'm not that good of a teacher out side combat magic. I can do every thing just fine it's just hard to teach it. Speaking of learning magic again. You should look into re establishing your self in the wizarding world. It could make your lives a lot easier. You would not have to fake your id's any more or use a bunch of fake names on bank accounts. Gringotts could take care of all of that for you. We can do that after your appointment with the mind healers if you want. You should bring Carlisle too, he could ask the goblins questions and see if he wants to have them take care of the identity thing from now on.” Harry said and Edward nodded his head. It made sense on some level. He was not sure what a goblin or Gringotts was but it made sense some how.
They spent the rest of the night talking and playing with Alex. When Edward left he went to Bella's, she was still mad at him and did not want him to spend the night. Edward was oddly ok with that. He said good by to her and went hunting. With the blood potion they were all taking now they no longer had a thirst but they still needed to feed once a month to stay alive. That was something that all the Cullens were grateful for, especially Jasper. So Edward went home and asked if any one else wanted to hunt. Every one thought it seemed like a good idea so they went hunting.
Jasper ran up along side Edward as they were running farther into the mountains to hunt. “I really need to thank Harry and them for the potions they gave us. I feel like I owe them though. It changed my life and made this all so much easier on me. I don't have to struggle with being around humans any more. I'm glad you two decided to work things out some way.”
“So am I Jas. Alex called me papa to day. Harry left some kind of memory collector out by mistake and he got into it and saw that I'm his father. If I was still human, or what ever I was, I think it would have broke my heart. I can't see my life with out them any more. I just don't know what to do. What if this mind healer works and I remember every thing. What do I do then. Will I still be able to keep my self away from Harry, what do I do about Bella. I still love her, but I think I love Harry more and he has my son too.” Edward said enjoying the run and talking. Jasper never talked much but when they did talk he never judged and always listened more then he talked. The fact that he made it a point to say how much better his life was with the potion and how much he liked Harry made a big difference to Edward.
“It is a hard choice to make, but I think if you follow your heart you will find that it wont lead you wrong. I followed mine and it lead me to Alice and all of you. You just need to stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your heart instead. Either way we will all stand by you.” Jasper then dropped back to Alice and took her hand they branched of from the group and went on there own.
They were high in the mountains hunting when Rosalie came up to him after he had finished off with a cougar. “If it makes a difference I like Harry more. He fits in better with us, and we don't need to be as careful around him and his family as we do Bella. I know it is your choice but I think you already know what you should do. If you were dead set on Bella you would not be trying to get your memories back of Harry.”
“You never liked Bella from the beginning. Why do you like Harry so much more? Is it because he is a guy so it leaves your vanity intact? Or is it because he has a kid and so would not be giving up what you want so bad. I know you see Bella as a threat to our family and Harry not a threat because they are just as closely bound by the secret as we are. I want to know your reasoning.”
“It's all of that and more Edward. She is afraid of us when ever she is close. She may act other wise but you can still smell the fear. Yes it is not as much as should be there. But with Harry there is no fear at all. It's like he thinks we should be afraid of him instead, the confidence that we could never hurt him even if we wanted to. It is attractive not in a sexual way but it makes me want to get to know him. Find out why he is so calm around us and why he does not seem to fear us at all. I can feel the power coming off of him too and that is intoxicating.”
“He's the most powerful wizard alive. He has no reason to fear us. He could turn us into nothing more then a black smudge on the ground with out so much as a thought.” Edward said then frowned he had no idea why he said that. “I'm not sure where that came from. But for some reason I know it's true.”
“You might be remembering things from your past. But if he is as powerful as you seem to remember then it would explain why he has no fear.” Rosalie said as she moved off to find another meal.
Edward went and found Carlisle to deliver the message. “Carlisle, Harry wanted to know if you want to come with us this week end. He said that some place called Gringotts would be better suited to help us with our banking and identities. I'm probably going to have them do mine since I used to be a wizard any way. If they could help us keep it all simpler then I think it would be worth taking a look at it.”
“I think it would be good to look into, even if it is just to see what the magical world is like. Are you sure you want to go though with the mind healing. If it works it could change every thing Edward. You will remember every thing about who you were, and every thing you had with Harry. You wont be able to ignore the past any more. Will you be able to deal with seeing an old lover every day. Knowing the only reason your not with him is because you were attacked and sent back into the past. How will you explain this all to Bella. She is not going to understand any personality shift that comes with the memories either.”
Edward was getting the impression that his family wanted him to pick Harry and forget about Bella. “I will deal with it if it become a problem. If for some reason this makes me pick Harry again. Then we can have Bella's memories modified to forget about us being vampires. She will just think it was a relationship that went wrong. But I still love her.”
“But you might love Harry more, even with out the memories I have seen the way you are around him. I think you are lieing to your self Cedric.” Carlisle said using his real name to drive the point home. “You need to decide soon which one you want as your mate. If you pick Bella, she will need to be turned. So it needs to be soon.”
“Wont I have to turn Harry too, and then possibly my own son later? I don't see that as being any different.” Edward said with a little heat in his voice.
“No, there is a difference. Bella knowing about us and being in our world is dangerous for her. Being turned would keep her safe if you chose her. Also she ages like a human and so if you want to keep her you need to turn her as well. Harry is part of our world and so he is in no danger from the Volturi, and he can protect him self better then we can. He ages much slower then a human does. It could be years before he would even need to think about being turned just to look the same age. When he is 40 he will barely look over 20. he will probably want to be turned though so he can be immortal like you, but he does not need to be like Bella does. His godparents are all ready talking about it. We did some tests and we think Remus becoming a vampire would cure his werewolf issue.”
Edward was shocked Carlisle was basically telling him he was better off with Harry. He did not know what to say to that. So he said nothing.
Edward avoided Harry and Hermione all of the next day. He also avoided Bella, he was trying to think and make up his mind. The fact that he had to think about it at all was something that worried him. A vampire is not supposed to be able to change after they fall in love. But he was, and it scared him. But then there was the fact that he was not changing either but rather feeling something old that once was. He really did not know what to do.
The week end came and Edward was no closer to figuring out his own mind. He went with Harry to the hospital in Britain. Mostly because they wanted to stop by Gringotts and Ollivander's after as well. There was a branch of Gringotts out side San Francisco but Harry thought the main branch would be better. Carlisle had to have his eyes spelled since he was not a wizard before he turned. Edward how ever did not need it, which showed that his core was very much intact.
“Hello we have an appointment with healer Ida Trughorn.” Harry said as he approached the receptionist. He made sure his scar was covered he did not like being in the public eye again. And if it weren't for Cedric he never would have stepped foot in Britain until every last person that knew his face had died of old age. Which for a wizard could be 200 or more years.
“Have seat over there honey and she will be right with you.” The receptionist said.
A few moments latter a short rather large women came out. She reminded Harry a lot of Molly Weasley. He had to shake his head to clear out the memories.
“Which one of you is my patient?” She asked. Edward raised his had and looked at her.
“I am but I want my friend and father to come in with me. If that is ok.”
“Not a problem sweety. Come along you three.” She turned and walked back through her door. Harry, Edward, and Carlisle all got up and followed.
Once they were in the office and seated the woman began. “I never though I would live to see the day when the great Harry Potter willingly came to a mind Healer. I'm temped to treat you too while I got you hear. We all know how much you had to deal with in the war. No one comes out of that in one peace. But to day I am told we are treating this young mans memory issues. I see he is a vampire so why don't you tell me the story and I will think on what can be done.”
“Well I seem to have a whole other life I can't remember. I used to be Cedric Diggory, then from what I am told I was hit with a strange spell the same time as the killing curse and I was transported back to 1918. I seem to remember growing up in the 1900's but I also remember parts of growing up in the wizarding world 80 years later.” Edward explained.
“We did an identity test and it showed his as Cedric Diggory, not Edward Mason. But the records shows that there was an Edward Mason, and Carlisle here talked to his mother and she though he was her son as well.” Harry said.
“Well that is strange. But as long as he remembers something from his real life. I should be able to pull the memories out for him. Him being a vampire complicates things though. We may not get all of them back and it wont ever be perfect memory. Human memories fade with time in vampires. Him being a wizard before should help with it a little. I want you to relax and let me in your mind, don't fight me. Your mind is different from a wizarding mind enough that if you fight you could hurt me.”
She waited for him to relax then she went into his mind with a modified form of Legilimency. One used by healers to try and recover memories. She was at it for over an hour before she pulled out and started panting.
“They are all there. It looks like what ever caused the Edward Mason memories to become part of you is also binding your real memories. I can do one of a few things. The first choice is to do nothing and leave well enough alone. The second choice is to erase the Cedric memories and let you become fully Edward, at least mentally. Genetically and magically you will always be Cedric. The next option is to erase the Edward memories. This will only effect the time before the merge not after it. The last option is to fully merge both sets of memories. This may seem like the best option but it really is not. It would give you two child hoods. Two sets of memories. In effect it will be like you have a split personality. Either way it will take another hour for me to do any of them other then leaving every thing alone.” She explained.
Edward was unsure of what to do. The easiest one would be to just get rid of the Cedric memories. He had less of them and it would let him get back to his life. He was sure they could come up with something to explain it away to Alex. Harry would have to move, there was not question about that. And he could never see him or Alex again. He would have to become truly Edward Mason. Did he really want that though. He was not sure, he looked over and saw Harry siting there and he saw that Harry was worried. It broke his heart to seem him like that.
He also knew that if he let the Cedric memories take over that he was going to have to end things with Bella. He would not be able to live with the memories of him being with Harry and still be with Bella. Then there was the other possibility he could learn that he was a horrible person and just used some one three years young then him to get off. He doubted that though.
He looked over and saw Carlisle watching him he could hear his thoughts. He was hoping that he picked to keep the Cedric memories. He was also trying hard not to think about it, that meant he did not want to influence the out come. “Will any knowledge from the Edward memories be lost too? Or just the events them selves. So like I learned how to shot a gun as Edward as a kid. Would that be gone would I not know how to shot a gun any more, or history and information I learned, what about that.”
“General memories will not be taken. Knowledge wont be taken. Just memories, any thing you learned of or how to do from this other set of memories will be retained you just wont remember how you learned it just that you did.” The healer explained.
“I want to get rid of the Edward memories then. They aren't real any way.” He saw both Harry and Carlisle sigh in relief and knew he made the right choice. The Healer nodded and began the work. Edward relaxed and let it happen.
It took longer then the Healer thought it would but after two hours she was done. “I need a break now. It is finished, it took a lot more then I though it would to do that. But it should all be done. Can you remember your life as Cedric now?”
“Yes, it is still muddy like any human memory would be but I can remember growing up and going to Hogwarts and... other things.” He said glancing sideways and smirking at Harry making him blush.
“What of Edward can you remember any thing of him?”
“I can remember it but is more like I watched a movie then lived it. I think that is for the best.”
“Well then I think it is time for you to go then. I will send my bill to Gringotts to be paid, it will be 6 thousand galleons for the treatment. Good day gentlemen.” She then got up and left her own office mumbling about a nap.
Harry was unsure of how to act now. “Do we call you Cedric or Edward. You may have all your memories back, but you spent the last 80 odd years being called Edward.” Harry asked, he thought it was a good place to start.
“I think that I am going to go back to Cedric. I will keep using Edward in public until we need to move again though just to keep up with the image. I am going to keep the Cullen name though. I am a vampire now and I will use my vampire name. I need to ask, are my parents still alive?” This was one thing he was worried about.
Harry looked down and it was all he needed to say. Cedric knew at that point that his parents were both dead. “How?”
“Your father never got over your well death so to speak. He threw him self into the war and then gave up he died in his sleep after falling into a depression. Your mother was killed in raid by death eaters. I was there for both. They pined me to a wall and made me watch as they killed her. I tracked down and killed them all personally. They wanted to send me to prison for it too. It was Malfoy that did it. I sealed their house and cast the demonic fire spell on it. I became a monster in that war, I think I lost my soul too along with my mind.” Next thing Harry knew he was being held by Cedric. It surprised both of them, but Harry could not find the will to pull away. It had been so long since Cedric held him. He could not help but push closer and burrow in more.
“Shh it's ok. You did what you had to do. You saved every one, you are not a monster. Voldemort was a monster. The adults that expected you to fight for them, because they were to cowardly to do it them selves where monsters. You were and always will be a saving angel. Even the angels have to fight once in while.” Cedric whispered into his ear. The whole seen was not lost on Carlisle. It seemed that with the memories came the instinct to comfort Harry. He had a good idea of how it was going to go now.
Harry pulled away a little. “You used to call me that. I was your little avenging angel. I had the heart of an angel and the stupidity of a Gryffindor.” Harry laughed at the memory. “I don't know where to go from here. You have your memories back, but it does not really change any thing. You are still mated to Bella, you still have a new life, one with out me in it.”
Harry took a step back. “We need to go to the bank and Ollivander's before they close.” harry said as he turned to leave.
Cedric and Carlisle followed him out and then to the bank. Cedric cleared up his accounts and asked the Goblins if they could take care of the identity things for him. He gave them a list of muggle accounts as well and had them take over control of them as well. All the liquid account he had were converted into galleons and added to his vault. The investments had the names changed. They gave him his new ID and new Credit and debit cards. All of them would change to what ever name he was using at the time and the pictures would change to reflect how ever he decided to look. With the ability to use glamor the images could change with the glamor. The credit cards could be used any where as could the debit card. It would deduct it from the Gringotts account automatically. The credit card would be paid from his vault every month as well. They also gave him a new vault pouch for when he was in the wizarding world. Even though the American ones used a modified credit card reader now. The European ones refused to update them selves.
While Cedric was changing every thing around Carlisle was asking questions about how he and the rest of his family could use the goblins service. He was blown away by every thing he was seeing.
“Mr Cullen. We would be happy to help you. There are some services that you would not be able to use. Any thing involving magic for example. You just do not have the magic core to power those services. But our normal services would not be an issue. Finances would be much more simplistic with our bank then the muggle ones. You could keep all your investments but the liquid assets would be transferred to Gringotts. This would eliminate the need to have over 200 accounts under different names. All property and investments in the non-magical world would be placed under a trust name this way it will not raise questions as to why your name is on the ownership for so long. As for identity. Because you are not a wizard you would not be able to use our auto updating id's and cards. If you changed names you would need to up date the card. You would also need to update the Id and any cards with your Picture on it any time you changed your looks. The Id would need to be updated ever so often to have the birth date changed. The benefit to how we do it and how you have been doing it is that our id's would be real and not forgeries. The ministry of magic would enter the information in the muggle government's systems and change it as needed.” The old looking Goblin explained after listening to what Carlisle had to say.
“Can I open it at any branch? I live in America right now and I will need to talk this over with the rest of my family. But I do think we will be making the change to Gringotts, it would simplify our live considerably.”
“Every lobby in every branch connects to this office and the vaults below it. Only the tellers and minor offices are in each branch. So you can reach me though your local branch. We have a small one in Seattle, and a large one in San Francisco.” The elderly goblin said.
Carlisle thanked him for his time and went to find Harry and Cedric. He though it was going to take some time to get used to the change in names. He found them sitting talking to an middle aged goblin. “Are you guys almost done? Harry should get some food, it is past lunch time.”
“I was just finishing up with my accounts. Cedric is done with his as well. I should be done in a moment.” Harry said. He was just updating his accounts to include his new home. He also wanted the self updating Id's and Cards that Cedric got. They were much better then the old ones he had.
When Harry signed the last peace of paper he got up and they left. “Just one last stop then we can get some food for me. The goblins gave me some pastries so I'm not all that hungry.”
They made their way to Ollivander's and walked in at first the older man was confused then it was like a light went on. “Mr. Diggory, I thought I would never see you again. Elm, 12 1/4", single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn. But I do dare say it no longer suits you. You are a vampire now your wand will need some of your venom in it to be a true fit now. It is a good thing that you already own a wand. The new laws says I can't sell a wand to a vampire, it says nothing about adjusting one that a vampire already owns.” He then turned to Harry, “Lord Potter, how nice to see you again. Holly, 11", supple, single phoenix tail feather. I do say yours no longer fits you either. Not because you are not you any more but because your alignment has changed.” He then looked to Carlisle. “I remember every wand I ever sold, and I have never sold you a wand. In fact I do not believe you have a magic core to use one.”
“No I was not a wizard before I was turned. My name is Carlisle, I am Cedric's Sire.”
“Well then I can use some of your venom as well. It will make the wand even more of a fit. Come along my bench is in back. It wont take long to fix the wand. Come along.” He then walked off around the corner.
The other three followed him and saw a rather large work shop. “You first Mr. Diggory.”
“It is Cullen now. My last name is Cullen.” Cedric explained to the slightly crazy old man.
“I see well then Mr. Cullen lets see your wand please. While I am looking at it I want you two to fill these cups with venom please.” Cedric handed him the wand and watched as he started to look it. Carlisle and Cedric did as asked and filled the small thimble sized cup with venom then handed them back to Ollivander.
They watched as he put the tip of the wand in the venom and watched as the was absorbed into the wand. He repeated the step with the other small thimble sized cup. There was not much left in either one when he was done. But he banished the small cups along with the extra venom any way. “There you go, give it a wave.” Cedric did as he was asked and tested the wand. He found it work perfectly for him and felt better for him too then it did since Harry gave it back to him.
“Now your turn Lord Potter.” He held out his hand for the wand.
“I think you will find that the changes to my wand make it fit me quite well.” Harry handed over his wand. It was no where close to the one he got at 11 years old. It was amazing looking the Elder wand was entwined with the other wand. Harry's original wand was no longer the dark auburn of the Holly wand. But rather it had a green wood, red wood, and gold wood in it as well. At the end fused into the wand were a ruby and emerald. Running the length of the wood where gold and silver inlays. The wand was covered in runes as well.
“My word, Lord Potter, this most certainly is not the wand I gave you. This one is much different. I can see the original wand in there. But this is odd. It looks like two wands have wrapped around each other. I see 6 types of wood, 13 cores, two focus gems, and two metal inlays. I dare say you did not have this done in any public shop. Such wands are illegal to make and sell.”
Harry laughed. “Yes they are illegal. But when your hunting a Dark Lord you need all the help you can get. Albus helped me make this wand. I am not fully sure on why all of it was used but he seemed sure of the need. The second wand was his, when I placed them together they wrapped around each other and fused like that. The wood on his is elder, the core is secrete that I can not share. On my wand there is the original holly, and added to it are Fairy oak, Dragon wood, and Sea Elm. The cores are Phoenix tail feather; ground basilisk fang and venom; griffon feather and hair; dragon heart string, blood, and scale; and last is unicorn hair, horn, and blood. If I become a vampire I will add my venom and my sires to it as well. The Gems are ruby and emerald. The metal is gold and silver.”
“Well done, Lord Potter. I do say it fits you perfectly. I can see why Albus had you add these items. But you left out your own blood in the list. That is important in the way this type of wand works. This is not normal wand. This is a battle wand. Only battle wands have focus gems and channel inlays. The Dragon wood is excellent for battle magic. The Sea elm is good for defensive magic. The Holly wards away evil, the Fairy oak can channel massive amounts of raw power. As for the cores, the Phoenix is the the brother wand to the one you killed. As such you were destined to have it. It also matches your alignment well, and is good for light spells. The Basilisk fang and venom, would have allow you to tap into your more dark nature as well as use your parselmouth gifts along with casting in that tong. The Griffon feather and hair is for elemental casting, something that your core allows. It is a rare gift, I also see that it is your animagus, also rare, but then you are a rare wizard. Dragon heart string, blood, and scale is good for Battle magic much like the dragon wood. The Unicorn hair, horn, and blood is good for healing. I also see now that you left out phoenix tears as well, the tear is from the same one that gave the tail feather. This is also for healing but at the same time balances the wand back out to gray since you have two cores from the basilisk. The gems allow for greater control of the magic and energy used. They can act like a buffer to allow more powerful spells. The ruby is for your birth stone as well as your Gryffindor nature, the Emerald is for your Slytherin nature. You are the heir to both of course. The gold and silver help channel the magic down the wand, and is used for runic spells. The gold is for Gryffindor, the silver for Slytherin. Over all this is a vary powerful wand.”
Harry did not know what to say. He knew some of that but not all of it. “Thank you I learned some things to day. Do you know why I have more then one part from each animal.”
“Well yes, each part holds a different aspect of the animal and imparts a different personality and affinity to the wand. By using each peace that can be used in a core you are imparting all the aspects. It is not a common practice with any thing other then a battle wand. By using the full animal so to speak you gain full control over that aspect of magic that the core is aligned to. There are three of the unicorn and three of the dragon because they balance out neither become dominant over the other. You have war and healing. Basilisk and Phoenix are emotional alinements. Light and Dark, there are two and they balance each other out. The Griffon is the Guardian of elemental magic and the guardian of treasures and secrets. There are two as it is a creature of duality. I am actually surprised you do not have an archer eagle feather and blood in here to balance the Griffon. It would suit you well. The archer eagle is a guardian of magic and is also an elemental alignment.” Ollivander said handing the wand back to Harry.
“Would it be much trouble to add it to the wand?” Harry asked. Cedric motioned to ask if he could see the wand. Harry handed it to him with out so much as a thought.
“No it would not be an issue. The Elder wand with the unknown core will not absorb the parts. One moment I will get what I need.” He went over to his shelf and took down two jars. He filled a small thimble sized cup with the blood and took out a feather. “May I see the wand again?” Cedric handed it back to him and watched as the two new cores where added. When it was done he handed it back to Harry and asked him to test it. It did not touch his skin for long before Harry was surrounded by a golden and then a blue glow. “Well I would say it is a perfect fit then. How does it feel?”
Harry thought about it, it did feel different, more balanced more complete. “It feels better, like it is whole and happy now, more balanced. I can feel the difference. Thank you. How much do I owe you for mine and Cedric's wands. I would also like a battle holster like mine for him as well. Dragon hide please. I think that Swedish Short-Snout would work nice.” Harry was thinking back to the dragon that Cedric had to face. It was that night that they had their first kiss. He hoped that Cedric got the reference as well. His was made of Hungarian Horn Tail for the same reason. In fact it was made out of the dragon he killed by mistake that year. They had skinned it and gave him the hide among other things. It was its parts that were in his wand as well.
Cedric did get the reference and smiled. “I think that would work well. To bad mine wont be made out one I killed. I heard the dragon keepers were not happy about that either. None of the dragons were supposed to die. Only we were.”
“Yea, Charlie did not speak to me for months after that.” Harry responded.
Carlisle was having a hard time comprehending what they were talking about. But he saw that they were sharing a memory and decided to stay out of it.
“I think that night may have been all worth it though.” Harry said remembering going back to the tents and Cedric kissing him. Before any one else ran in. that was the start of there relation ship. Cedric was so happy that Harry was alive that he could not stop him self. He never dreamed that Harry would so quickly give in and enjoy it. Of course he did not know of Harry's crush either. Well not until then.
“Yea it was.” Cedric said smiling at Harry. He reached down and held his had and they stood up. Harry blushed and his mind started running. He did not know what to make of it.
Ollivander went and got the wrist mounted battle holster made of Swedish Short-Snout and gave the total. “That is 40 galleons for the holster, and 15 for the changes. Do you need and cleaner and polish? If so that will be an extra galleon for two of each.” Harry nodded his head and then paid the man.
As they were walking out Cedric took Harry's hand again. “I could have paid for my things my self. I have collected a lot of money in the last 86 years. I may even have as much as the legendary Potter family.”
“Maybe but I also inherited several other families as well. I really do have far to much money. 56 galleons is not even going to be noticed. We can compare over sized and bloated accounts latter. Right now I am hungry. We can get you two a blood pop while I eat.”
“A blood pop?” Carlisle asked noticing that neither had let go of the others hand.
“Its a blood drink, kind of like a slushy though. Its got a few potions in it to that are good for you. Only vampires can drink them though, the blood would make any thing else sick.” Cedric answered. Then stopped to marvel at the fact he had his memories back. “I know how to make them too. It is really strange having my memories back. Now I know what a muggle born must feel like. Well sorta, in a weird I went back in time 86 years and lived as muggle kinda way.”
“Sounds good, I have to say, it is nice being out in public and not having to hide what I am. The fact that I can sit down and drink a glass of blood and not have to worry about killing every one around me is good to.” Carlisle commented. He was growing to like the wizarding world.
“England is still very bigoted when it come to magical beings and creatures though. Vampires here don't have many rights any more. Most that are part of the wizarding world have moved to other nations. Mostly America and Australia, as they have the most open and equal policies. The war did not change any thing, in fact it made it worse. It is almost like Voldemort won. It is why we left England, it was like a slap in the face every where we looked. Every one died for nothing. All the hate is still there and worse then before.” Harry said, explaining it for Cedric as much as Carlisle.
They went to madam Anna's for lunch she was more then happy to provide the Blood pops for the two vampires. Harry ordered the roast duck and the beef stew. Once they were done eating they went home. Harry dropped them off and then went to his house. Cedric and Carlisle were going to tell every one what happened and figure out what they wanted to do about Gringotts.
Every one took the news well, and no one had any issues calling him Cedric instead of Edward, they all understood why. After telling them all about Gringotts and the benefits of it it was decided that they would all start doing business with them. The fact that they would not have forged documents any more was a big deal. And none of them liked having to read through 200 plus statements every month either. They would all go to the local branch the next day and make the changes.
Once they were done talking Cedric went to Harry's place. He was congratulated on getting his memories back by Hermione, Sirius, and Remus. He spent the rest of the night with Alex and Harry. He felt at home with them, and he knew by the end of the night that he had to end it with Bella. He did not want to take her memories though unless he had to. He knew he could do the spell with out an issue now. He was always good with the mind magics and mind spells. He just hoped that she would take it well and that they could stay friends.
The next day Cedric stopped by Harry's to help feed Alex and then was going to go over to Bella's to break it off with her. Hermione asked if he knew any thing about the Reservation down the road. “Umm, well we're, meaning the Cullens, are not allowed on there. We have a treaty with them. They have a genetic shape shifting ability. They can turn into wolves at will, I'm not sure if there are any left or not though. Just be careful of them. I don't know how they will react to a witch. You don't smell human, and they will be able to tell that.” She nodded and left to go explore the village town on the reservation. Cedric left to go have his talk with Bella.
He arrived at the door and knocked it was not long before Bella answered the door. She seemed like she was still mad at him. He sighed and went in.
“Did you enjoy your day with Harry?” Bella asked in a sarcastic tone.
“He took me a mind healer that works with vampires. She was able to get all missing memories back.” He said. Not liking the way she was talking.
“Good, so what memories did you lose? Or is that all secret too.”
“I regained my memories of my child hood. I can remember every thing now, not just peaces. It is one of the reasons I came to talk to you. I know why I seemed to remember Harry now, I have known him most of my human life, I could could not remember him completely. I was missing 17 years of my life. Now that I have the memories back it changes things. I can't date you any more Bella. Harry is family, we have a son together. He is not human either, that is why he does not look as old as he is. His kind age differently. I have obligations to my son and my husband. I am sorry Bella, I know I am hurting you, but I can't turn my back on them. They thought I was dead until they saw me here.”
“So your dumping me for a guy?” Bella screamed. Cedric was glad that Charlie was not home.
“I'm not dumping you for him. I am mated to him, I'm just going back to him.” He tried to explain hoping it would make a difference.
“Your not even gay! How can you be mated to a man.” Bella was in the middle of a fit.
“I am bi most of our kind is. Well what I was before I was turned.”
“So what am I supposed to do. I was planing on living for ever next to you. I was getting ready to be turned. Now I know all about what is really out there. What is to stop me from telling every one the truth. I'm sure my father would love to know what is really out there. No I think you need to stay with me. You need to turn me, you are mine Edward Cullen, not some gay guys that just rolled into town.” She was yelling so much she did not even notice the wand come out and the red beam of light that hit her and Cedric stunned her.
He took his time and modified all of her memories. He then planted the memory that they broke up and she went to take a nap. He placed her in her bed and left. She would not remember any thing about the supernatural or magical worlds. Just that she dated Edward and it did not work out. He even planted the idea that she wanted to break up any way. That way she would be calmer.
Mean while down on the reservation Hermione was looking around and talking to the small store owner about local history.
“I just moved into the area and wanted to learn more about the history of the place.” She explained as she looked over the few books and pamphlets on the tribe. And younger man walked in and frozze. He looked to be about 24.
“Hello, my name is Sam. Can I talk to you for a moment?” He smelled her as soon as he walked in. she was not human, but she was not vampire either. He could smell that she had been around a vampire though.
“Sure, why not.” She walked out side with him and down a the road a bit. Hey stopped under a large cedar tree.
“What are you. We protect this land from any thing that will harm the people.” Sam said all niceness gone.
“Well, I am not threat to the people. As for what I am, well that is kinda complicated. I do know what you are though. I would love to talk to you about what you can do and learn all about it. It is a rare gift you have. We can talk about what I am too.” Hermione said. She was hoping to learn all about the shifters from the reservation. It sounded almost like an animagus form but she could tell that Sam was not a wizard. “We share one ability, but I think it is different is some ways too. Is there a place we can talk, with out being over heard. Normal people are not supposed to know about our world and that people like use are real.”
Sam nodded his head. “We can talk in my home. I will summon the rest of the pack.” Sam walked her to his home and asked her to sit at the table while he got his pack together.
She sat down and waited, she heard a load wolf howl and jumped a little. The women behind her laughed. “I am Emily, I am engaged to Sam.”
“Hello, I'm Hermione, I was not expecting his call to be so loud. He could have just used a bloody phone.”
“Most of the pack is on patrol right now. How do you know about what they are?”
“We share ability sorta. I was hoping to learn more about their type of shifting. Where I am from they call it animagus transformation. But I can tell Sam is not like me, he is different. So I was curious.” Hermione explained as Sam came back in.
“What form do you take?” He asked.
“A white tiger.” She said.
“I think I would like to see that!” Emily said, catching Sam's eyes.
“Sure, not a problem.” Hermione said standing up and shifting forms on the spot. She walked around and then rubbed up against Emily's legs. Making her laugh. She then walked away and transformed back. “Sorry about that, some times the cat's need to rub on people and things is to strong to resist. At least I'm not a dog like my godfather. I swear we got to get him nudered. If he spends to much time in dog form he starts to hump things.” She said rolling her eyes. The next thing they heard was Emily laughing out loud.
“I don't have that problem with my wolves. They don't hump any thing, well at least not where I can see them.” She said still laughing.
It was that that the rest of the pack walked in on. “who's the chick?” Jared asked.
“I am Hermione, and who's the dick?” She said dead pan.
That caused every one to laugh again. “The guy that needs to learn some manors is Jared. The one next to him his Paul. The other is Embry. He just came into his wolf last week.” Sam explained.
“Wow why does she get to know?” Paul shouted out.
“Because she can transform too, just not into a wolf. She is a tiger. We are going to exchange information about each other.” Sam said.
They all came in and took their seats. “Well I can do a lot more than just transform. I do hope that this all is kept secret right?”
“Yes, we will keep it like our own.” Sam said leveling each member of his pack with a glare until they each nodded.
“Well what I can do is called animagus transformation, it is an ability I learned from my godfather. The form we take represents our personalities. This part is going to seem strange to you so rather then just tell you I'm going to show you.” She then transfigured the last chair in a arm chair then back again. “I can do other things too. I belong to a race of people that call them selves Wizards. We are born with the ability to effect and reshape the world and energies around us to as we see fit. Most people call it magic.” She stopped when she saw every one with their mouths hanging open.
“Dude that is so cool!” Embry was the first to break out of the daze they were all in. “All we can do is change into wolves.”
“We also have accelerated healing, share a pack mind when in wolf form. And as long as we continue to shift, we will not age. There are a few stranger things as well.” Sam added.
They spent the next few hours talking about tribe legends and magic history. Around lunch time Hermione thanked them and asked if she could come back and visit. All the tribe stories were interesting to her. Not just the wolf ones either, she found all of them interesting. She also wondered if they had a different type of magic. She knew that the American natives used to have shamans. She was going to do some research and find out.
Cedric walked up to Harry's door and walked in. He knew he probably should have knocked but he did not care. Harry was in the family room watching tv. Something that he was growing found of. Alex was laying in his lap sleeping. Cedric walked up behind them and watched. This was his family and it felt right. He went up behind Harry and kissed the top of his head. Harry looked up with a questioning look only to get kissed on the lips.
“Not that I did not like that. But what about Bella?” Harry asked.
“I broke it off with her. I could not stay with her remembering every thing we had. In the end I had to modify her memories. If you will have me then I would like to be yours. I once promised you that I would be with you for ever. I intend on keeping that promise.” Cedric said hoping that Harry would take him back.
“You never lost me Cedric. There is no need to ask me that. I have always been yours.” He looked down at Alex then closed his eyes. The sofa transfigured into a bed. “Care to join your family?” Harry asked with a smirk.
Cedric's face lit up as he sped around the bed and joined Harry on the other side of their son. “I would love to.” He whispered, He watched as Harry slowly drifted off to sleep along with Alex. And he wished he could join them to be able to hold his family while they slept. But he would take what he could get.
They only slept for about an hour before Alex woke up. “Daddy! Wake up Papa is with us.” Alex's excited cries brought Harry back awake. It also brought Remus and Sirius out of the library. They looked happy to see Cedric laying down with Harry and Alex.
“Morning Harry.” Cedric said with a smirk. “Morning to you too short stuff.” He said pulling Alex on top of him and hugging him. Causing Alex to giggle.
“Do you three want lunch?” Sirius asked making them selves known.
Harry looked up and over at them and smiled. “Yea, have Dobby and Winky make it. No offense to you two. But neither of you can cook.” Harry said getting out of the bed and returning it to a sofa. Which caused Alex to giggle more.
Cedric got up still holding Alex and walked with Harry to the dinning room. “Think we can go flying latter. I have not been on a broom in 86 years.” His eyes were lighting up with excitement.
“I don't know do you think you remember how to fly? I don't want you falling off in your old age.” Harry dodged as Cedric too a swipe at him.
“Cheeky bastard. I'll show you how to fly. As I remember I beet you not the other way around. I think that makes me the better seeker and flyer.”
“In your dreams vampire boy. I was only 13 back then. I have been getting better.”
“I think that this calls for a challenge. What do you think Remus?”
“I think your right Sirius. I think they have challenged each other to a flying dule. To bad Cedric does not have a broom. Looks like my cub wins by default to bad really.” Remus said as he went back to eating.
Cedric was shocked and dumbfounded. “Now wait just one moment. No one said we had to have the race now. I have time to get a better broom then what ever you were going to let me use.”
“So you don't want to use a the new firebolt excel 3000? I should take it back to the store then. To bad really.” Sirius said. They had been waiting for the perfect moment to give Cedric and Harry the new brooms. This was just to good of a chance to pass up.
Harry's eyes lit up. “You got the new firebolt! Please tell me you got me one too?” Harry used his secret weapon the puppy eyes.
“Not the eyes. Please not the eyes , any thing but the eyes. Yes we got you both a new fire bolt. You can race after lunch.” Remus said. He could not last against the puppy eyed look Harry had mastered. He was 17 years old and still had them both wrapped around their fingers.
Harry and Cedric grinned at each other. “You know the others are going to be so jealous of me now that I can use a broom again. We are all kinda speed freaks. It's why we love our fast cars. Do you think you have to have a core to fly?” Cedric asked.
“It's the magic that keeps us safe while flying. But in a vampires case they have hard skin to do that. It would be worth a try.” Remus said. Always the scholar.
They finished lunch and headed for the Cullen house. From there they were going to go to the clearing that they liken to play baseball in. “Any one home?” Cedric called out knowing that they would all hear him. With in seconds they were all standing in front of Cedric.
“What is wrong?” Esme asked.
“Nothing is wrong I wanted to know if any of wanted to watch me and Harry have a flying race.” He asked working hard to keep the smirk off his face.
“It's not every day you get to see two people race at 300 miles an hour on two broom sticks.” Harry added in. He grinned as his saw the smiles come to the Cullen family's faces.
“Dude, that is going to be sick.” Emmett said. Out of all the vampires there he was the only one to embrace modern teen language.
They all gathered up and went to the clearing. Harry and Cedric got changed into raceing gear and mounted their brooms. Once they were in the air they waited for the starting shot. Once they heard it they took off. Even the Vampires were shocked to see how fast they were going.
“We so need to learn how to use one of those.” Alice said eyes sparkling with envy.
Remus over heard her. “We think you might be able to use them. We brought a lower model with us to have you test. We can try after the race.”
The two wizards had to take out omnioculars. In order to watch the race since they were going far to fast to see with just their eyes. It was a close call they were both well matched and were neck and neck. But in the end Harry pulled ahead just a little and won. The two of them took their time coming back to the group. So while they waited Remus had the others try and fly a broom. Alice had no issue with it at all, and it made Remus wonder if she was a witch before being turned. The other were able to but it would take some work. Alice was laughing like a little girl and she flew around. Esme decided she did not like it and chose not to fly. Carlisle thought it was interesting but preferred to stay on the ground as well. Jasper got a kick out of it and wanted one of his own. Emmett loved it but kept falling off. Rosalie said she preferred her cars.
Once Cedric and Harry were back Remus asked Harry to take Alice to be tested for a magic Core.
“Harry, I think Alice might have been a witch before she was turned. I think you need to take her to be tested.”
“The easiest thing to do would be to take them to a magic area and see if they can see through the wards. Any of them that can can be taken to get wands. We can't get them in Britain any more. The ministry band selling of wands to Vampires and any one with Vampire blood.”
While Harry and Remus were talking Cedric was telling the others about Bella. They all agreed to act normal around her. Alice still wanted to be friends with her though. At least until they had to move on.
Hermione called in while they were out and asked where they all were, so Harry apparateed back home and picked her up. She saw Cedric standing there and went over to talk to him.
“The wolves are not as bad as you made them out to be. They are really quite friendly. They invited me over again. We talked about the differences between our shape shifting.”
“You made friends with the wolves?” Carlisle asked. “They are dangerous. Werewolves in general are volatile beings. Remus is able to control him self with a potion. But these wolves have no potion and do not need to moon to transform. If they get angry they can shift.”
“They are not werewolves. They are shape shifters. For some reason they are locked into only one form though. They should be able to take any animal form they wish. Besides if they do start to shift I can throw up a shield to protect my self. I think they may all be shaman.” Hermione said.
“They don't like our kind much either. So be careful if they find out you hang out with vampires. We have a treaty with them but even on the best of days we don't seem to get along.” Cedric said, before tackling Harry lightly to the ground. “I want to see your animagus.” He whispered into Harry's ear.
Harry looked up at him gave him a peck on the lips then began to change. Cedric jumped back and watched as a Griffon took his place. He had the head of a bald eagle and the body of a lion. But the lion was black in color with crimson highlights. Every one was amazed at the sight of the majestic beast.
Cedric saw the glint in Harry's eyes and smirked. Next thing he knew he was wrestling with a Griffon. That made every mouth drop open on the vampire side. After a few minutes Harry changed back and repaired Cedric's cloths with a wave of his hand. “How do you do that.” Cedric asked.
“Do what?” Harry was wondering what thing he was asking about.
“Do wandless and nonverbal spells like that. You make it seem so easy.”
“I'm the heir of Gryffindor, it is something I inherited from him. When I turned 17 I came into my inheritance. I can do most common spells with out a wand and non-verbal as well. I still need my wand for any major magic as well to get the full power behind the spell. I inherited a lot of things from my ancestors as far as magic goes. The Potter line is full of some of the most powerful Witches and Wizards in history. A lot has changed since we were at school, I have been trained by the best of our time, and busted my arse training and studying. I hold 6 masters and am classed as a high battle mage.” Harry said getting up off the ground. And walking over to Cedric.
Cedric looked up at him and smirked, he pulled Harry back down into his lap and held him. “What 6 are you a master of. And who in their right mind would give you a masters.” He said laughing.
“Charms, Transfiguration, Olcemency, Legilimency, Runic, and Spell weaver. If people knew I could cast elemental I would be a elemental master of all 5 elements as well.” Harry said as he looked at the shocked face that Cedric had. “If your shocked by that wait till I tell you who all I'm the heir of.” Harry said getting up again and laughing as he gave Cedric a kiss. “If it makes you feel better I still suck at potions. You and Hermione are loads better then me. And your probably better at mind magic still. I may be a master but I'm not all that good I lack the subtlety. I'm better at mind breaking then any of the other skills.”
“Some one want to explain what all that means?” Emmett asked, scratching his head.
“They are types of magic. I hold the rank of master, the wizarding world is kinda stuck in the past when in comes to culture. America is the first to really break free of that. They still use the apprentice and master system for almost all of the jobs. And the spell classes use the same thing.” Harry explained.
“That's the same system we used when I was child. In reality it produced better trained people then what we use now. And you knew how good some one was by the guild rating they had, or skill level they claimed. Masters were always the best.” Carlisle said remembering his child hood.
“Would any of you like to take a trip to Black mountain ally? It is the local wizarding shopping area in Seattle. We could take care of the banking things and get Alice, Jasper, and Emmett a broom. If any of you end up being able to see the area with out the charm we can get you a wand too and show you how to use magic. It is the easiest way to check for a magic core.” Cedric said. He had heard Remus talking to Harry before and thought it was a good idea.
“How will the people react to a large group of vampires walking through town?” Jasper asked.
“We will be fine, in fact we will make some new friends.” Alice said her eye glazing over slightly.
“What else do you see?” Carlisle asked.
“I see the trip going well. I get a wand so does Jasper. Mine is Elm and something called a Thestral hair. His is Mulberry and Hippogriff feather. I also see Cedric buying me a large amount of books on being a seer and Jasper on being empathic. The rest of us don't have magic.” She finished off and her eyes refocused.
Harry watched with interest then shook his head and moved off to pick up the brooms. He never had much use for seers, but that was mostly because of the prophecy and the fake seer that made his life so hard. Once he had every thing he apparateed back to the house and dropped every thing off and grabbed the bag for Alex then apparateed back.
“We should probably drive since there are so many of us, and it's not really good to apparate with children under 6.” Harry said once he was back. Cedric nodded and they all headed back to the car.
It did not take long before they where pulling into the parking garage in Seattle. From there they waked to a little bar the was the entrance to Black Mountain ally. The bar was called the broken broom, Harry was wondering if all the entranced to wizard shopping alleys were in bars. Carlisle, Emse, Emmett, and Rosalie were unable to make out the bar well. They could see it which was a step above muggles but they said that their eyes kept slipping past it when they tried to look at it. A muggle would have just seen an abandoned building and felt the urge to walk away. Harry cast the seeing Charm on them and their eye focused then they went in. Harry asked where the entrance to Black Mountain ally was and the guy behind the bar pointed to the back wall. Harry tapped the bricks in the same order as he would at the leaky cauldron but nothing happened.
Hermione sighed. “Really Harry, I would have thought you would have read the guide for new wizards just moving in the the area. The pattern is not the same as it is for Diagon Alley, it is like this.” She showed them all the pattern and the wall started to melt away.
Harry just rolled his eyes and they walked in. The Vampires were shocked to see everything, but so were the wizards. It was nothing like Diagon Alley, it was so much more modern. Few people were wearing robs, and most looked like any muggle off the street. The strangest part was the teen wizards and witches walking around talking on cell phones. All the normal shoppes where there but so were ones that they thought of as muggle shops. Like an electronics store that sold computers and entertainment systems. There was an appliance store too, it all blew Harry a way.
He knew America was different but he never thought it was this different. “Why can't Britain be like this. When I first found out about being a wizard this is how I thought it was. Normal with magic added. This is great!” Harry said looking around as they walked.
They decided to go to Gringotts first and take care of all that. It took them a few hours before every thing was done. The goblins were bending over backwards to get the accounts. The Cullens were very rich. As a whole they matched the Black and Potter families for wealth so the goblins were giddy with excitement at gaining them as clients.
Once that was done they went over to the wand shop. It was one that Ollivander recommended. Harry had sent him a letter asking about a wand shop while the Cullens were talking to the Goblins. True to Alice's vision she got an Elm and Thestral hair wand and Jasper got a Mulberry and Hippogriff feather wand. Both were 11 inches, Harry made sure they got wrist holsters as well. The next stop was the broom shop, they got Emmett, Jasper, and Alice all Firebolt Excel 3000's, something that made the three of them smirk. The others all got clean sweeps just encase they wanted to trying some more.
The last stop they made was the book store. The new witch and wizard bought every book used for the full 7 years of magic schooling. They also bought several books on seers, empaths, and healing. Harry looked around and bought any new book on spells that he did not already have. He wanted to make sure his libraries were up to date. When they were done Harry had a House elf of his take it all back to his house. They would dived it all up latter after they got home. It was decided to stop and get some food before leaving, it was getting late and they had missed dinner by an hour. They also had school in the morning so Harry and Hermione could not stay up late.
Once they were back home Harry took his things out of the bags and gave the rest to Alice and Jasper. The two of them would read the books and Cedric would help them if they needed it. They could at least learn the basics that way. And it gave them something to do while the rest of the world slept. Cedric decided to reread all the books as well since it had been 80 years since he read them, and as a vampire he would remember more now then he did before.
Cedric was spending more and more time at Harry's not that any of them minded. Hermione was spending every free moment down at the reservation with the wolves. She was determined to figure them out. A few weeks had pasted since her first visit and she was starting to think that she was right. All the wolves were shamans, it was the only thing that made sense. There was only one Shaman magic supplier left in the America. She decided to take a trip and talk to him. She wanted to take one of the wolves with her to see what would happen.
In the end Sam offered to go with her, he was just a curious about it as she was. If it turned out they were Shaman it would help the tribe out a lot. So on Saturday in November they made the trip to a reservation in Arizona. It was a small community it had a magic sector just like wizarding communities did. When Sam walked up to the elder Shaman the man started to sputter.
“It has been many generations since a Quileute Shaman has come to our lands. Come let us talk.” The man then vanished in side a large building made of hide.
“How did you know he was a Shaman, I suspected it but I was not sure.” Hermione said, eagerly seeking knew information.
“I know just as I know you are not, you are a wizard. Our kind are cousins, we share power but not our ways. We work with nature and honor it. You force it to do your biding and change what is to what will be. A Shaman does not do this. We work with nature and mold it for betterment of the Tribe and peoples around us. We are few, to see a new shaman come into power is a wonderful thing.”
“Can I learn the how to use my power, it would help the tribe. We use the shifting ability now but that is all. We never knew we were shaman, the last shaman my tribe had died many generations ago.”
“Yes, I can teach you. You will never be the same as the wizard, but you will be shaman. We heal, and work with the weather. Make crops grow better, and the animals more productive. Some things we share, like wards and shields. I will teach you how to take the other forms, not just that of a wolf, but the raven and the eagle and the bear as well. We do not use wands but rather staffs, this too I will show you. You will stay here and train, bring your pack so that they too can learn the old ways. The wizards will protect your lands while you train.”
Hermione was shocked at that. But she knew they would do what ever they could. “How long will the pack be gone?”
“Until they know what they need to know. We do not have spell as such to teach. It should not take as long as a wizard. Once they learn how to use their power they can learn the rest on their own through scrolls and books.”
“I will return with the rest of my pack then. Thank you for your help elder.” Sam said before he got up and left the building. Hermione looked around once again and then left as well.
“I would invite you all over to have dinner with us, but the Cullens are coming tonight. I know you don't get along well with them.”
“They are blood suckers. It is our job to kill their kind. Only because they feed on animals instead of humans allows them to live. You should not be so friendly with them.” Sam said.
“They are nice people. Besides my brother is mated to one of them, they have a son together.” she explained that mad Sam stop dead in his tracks.
“The blood suckers are family to you then?”
“Well Cedric is, you probably know him as Edward. The others are his family so I guess that makes them the in-laws. So yes they are family, why?”
“This changes things. I had wished to ease you into this, but that might not be an option any longer. As you know Jacob has joined us. He should have taken over as Alpha but he does not wish to. One of the things we have not told you yet is about imprinting. It does not happen often only 1 out of 5 imprint. Imprinting is complicated, it is like the world starts revolving around that person, they become the most important thing there is.” Sam explained.
“Sounds like a Veela bonding. They have a one true mate, and if they find them they bond and it is all consuming. If they are rejected they die.” Hermione said dropping into her researcher mode.
“We do not die, or not that we know of. The problem comes in that it is our most sacred law that one wolf does nothing to harm the object of the others imprint. That includes harming their families. Jacob has imprinted on you, and in doing so has forced the tribe into a relationship with the vampires through you.”
“He what! He's 2 years younger then me. I don't even know him that well, bloody hell. I guess we need to have a family meeting then. I need to tell my family about it. You need to meet with Carlisle as well. You can use our home as neutral ground.” She walked off muttering about how Harry was going to have a field day with this.
“Can you apparate us back?” Sam asked, they had taken a plane out as Hermione was unable to make a port key because she did not know the location and it was to far for her to apparate.
“No it is to far for me to apparate, Harry could. But he's basically a walking demigod. I can make a port key though to take us back and one for all of you to get back here as well.”
She took out a coin and cast the portus spell on it it glowed blue letting them know it was ready.
“What did you mean he is a demigod?” Sam asked as he moved over to take a hold of the port key. Hermione had explained all about them during their talks.
“He is the most powerful wizard to ever walk the face of the Earth. We're not even sure of what all he can do. His power is limited by what he knows he can do, but we think he is capable of a lot more. He has no interest in experimenting though. He's happy with they way things are. Any way grab on.” Hermione said as she activated the port key. In a flash they were gone.
Back at forks Harry was having a conversation with Cedric well more of an argument.
“Cedric it has been three years since we had sex, the last time was the day before you vanished. Why are you refusing to sleep with me?” Harry yelled. He was sick of being pushed away every time he tried to kick the up the heat.
“What if I hurt you, or bite you by mistake. I don't know if I can control my self when I am having sex. If I thrust to hard you could die! Not to mention if I bite you, you will turn.” Cedric said.
“First, a few burses wont last long. I am a wizard and a powerful wizard at that I heal fast. As for the bite, I'm not even sure I can become vampire, if my blood line don't stop it then the damn stone might. Besides I'm already immortal thanks to what happened my first year.”
That stopped Cedric from pacing. “What are you talking about?”
“My first year I saved the philosophers stone from Voldemort. While I was holding it in my fist I cut my self on it. Part of it became lodged in my skin. Over the years it has eroded and became part of my blood and every cell in my body. When Dumbledore died he left me his wand and a ring that was taken from Voldemort. All three used to belong to the Peverell brothers. They are the Deathly Hollows. The magic of the Hollows combined with the magic of the philosophers stone and altered it some how. Then on my 17 birthday when I came into by inheritance things went wrong. The three changed me, I have not aged at all since my birthday, and I can't die it seems. Besides that I found out that I have elf blood in me, that makes me resistant to poisons. The two together I think would stop the change. I can't be sure though. One thing I do know is I will never look any older then I do right now. And short of me being chopped up and the peaces scattered I don't think I can die.”
Cedric was shocked by the information, he would never have to turn Harry. He was still unwilling to sleep with him though. He did not want to hurt him even if he would just heal. It gave him a lot to think about. Alice had said he would become a vampire though, and that they would have more kids. That is hard to do if they never had sex again.
“Alice said you would become a vampire some day. So I think the venom would still work on you. She also said we would have more kids.”
“See, Alice thinks I will be fine, so you are out of excuses. I am horny and have not had sex in 3 years. Now get in the bed before I stun you and have my way with you any way.” Harry said, with a slight smirk.
Cedric just shook his head, but he did get in the bed. “We can try, but if I start to hurt you we stop. Immortal or not, super healing or not. I will not hurt you.” After that things heated up and went very well. If was a few hours latter that they were laying side my side Harry panting. What few bruises he had were already healing, and nothing was broken but the head board.
“Think you got me pregnant again?” Harry asked with a grin on his face.
“I better not have! It would be hard to explain a pregnant man at school. You should have taken a potion this time.” Cedric said leaning up on one elbow.
“If I do get pregnant then I can cast a glamor. No one would know out side our families.” Harry then rolled over and pushed Cedric back down on his back and straddled him. “Ready for round two?” Harry said smirking at Cedric as he leaned down to kiss him.
“Round two? Don't you mean round six.” After that talking became hard. It was well past dinner time when the two came out of the room Harry was in a very good mode. They went into the kitchen and Sirius just shook his head.
“Next time put silencing charms up. I think the neighbors heard you, and it was hard to explain to Alex that his dads were fine and not being hurt. I think that was the most awkward conversation I have ever had. Now if you two sex addicts can control your selves I have some news. While you were other wise occupied Hermione and Sam were in Arizona learning about Shaman. It turns our she was right. The whole pack and their parents are going to go for training. They want us to watch over the land for any vampires that do not follow the Cullen's modified diet.”
“That wont be problem.” Harry said siting down and pulling Cedric with him and making him sit in a seat next to him.
“We can't go on their land but we can protect forks any way. If any vampire tries to hunt near here we will stop them.” Cedric said, taking Harry's hand in his own and holding it.
“There is more. It seems that Sam wants to have a talk with Carlisle and your self. He said the terms of the treaty are no longer valid and need to be talked about. He said it was nothing to worry about just that things needed to be talked about. I said we can have a large dinner here tomorrow. I would like your family to come. All the wolves will be hear as well. It will serve multiple purposes. We can talk about protecting the area and you can have your talk as well. There are 10 of them now so we will have a large gathering. I will tell you the same thing I told them. If any one tries to attack the other I will stun you all.”
Cedric looked troubled about it for a moment. “I will let my family know. I must admit I am worried about the outcome of this.”
“I'm sure it's fine. You worry to much. Besides if they attack you they will have me to deal with.” Harry said leaning over and grabbing a kiss. “Now I am hungry. Did Dobby make any thing for me?” As soon as he said his name the little elf popped in.
“Dobby, is making Harry Potter what ever he is wanting.” Dobby said as his head bounced a little.
“How about a roasted chicken, and potatoes, with a chicken curie. For drink a nice glass of wine.”
Dobby popped out and went to work on the food. Cedric excused him self and went to talk to his family about the meeting and dinner. Every one was a little nervous about it but said they would be there. Alice said the she could not see the dinner, she found out she could not see the wolves at all. That did not help to calm every one down.
As Cedric was leaving Alice came up to him. “Your future is becoming clearer. When are you going to ask him to marry you. I see a few possibility. Oh by the way he' s pregnant again.”
Cedric had his mouth open in shock. He watched the vision and saw Harry having twins, a boy and girl. They were half vampire children. That alone shocked him, he did not know such a thing was possible. But he figured he should have known. But he was hoping they would be full wizard.
“You and Harry are giving birth to a new race. Or rather bringing back one. From what I understand half breeds used to be common in the wizarding world. Families that followed the dark path tried to get vampire blood in their lines. Many were successful, their decedents are still around the blood has weekend over time and there is not much vampire left in them. But yours and Harry's children will not lose the blood as they pass it on. They will also inherit immortality like us. The others did not.” Alice continued.
“The Potter blood line is charmed to never thin. Any thing they add stays in full force absorbing new gifts and blood lines as the generations pass. It's one of the reasons he is so strong.” Cedric explained, then realized what that meant. He was going to be the father of a subrace of wizarding vampires. He wondered if his children would be hunted by both of their kinds. “That's it he is taking that damn potion next time. I can't have him getting pregnant every time we have sex.”
“Cedric, it will all be fine. Now I think we have a wedding to plan. Nice way of asking to by the way. Very romantic.” Alice said as she walked off. Leaving Cedric wondering how he was going to ask.
“If I did not love her so much I swear I would kill her.” Cedric mumbled under his breath as he left to return to Harry to give him the news.
Cedric pulled Harry off to the side to talk to him. “I had a talk with Alice. She said your pregnant with twins. They will be half vampire half wizard children. A boy and girl.”
Harry just starred at him then shrugged. “I always wanted a big family. You have names picked out yet? I came up with the last one.” Then he walked off to finish eating. Leaving Cedric looking at him like he had two heads. He had know idea how he could take it so well.
He heard him in the dinning room telling the others. Then he heard Hermione's scream of excitement. And Remus and Sirius laughing. Cedric just shook his head and walked into the room siting down next to Harry.
The next night saw every one on edge. The tribe at one end of the table and the vampires at the other with the wizards in the middle.
“We were informed that you wished to speak to us about the treaty.” Carlisle said.
Sam looked up and looked like he was thinking things threw. “Yes the old treaty is no longer valid. Something has happened that nullifies it.” Sam said slowly.
The vampires looked worried. “Does that mean we are all in danger then?” Carlisle asked. He was taking point on this conversation as the head of the coven.
“No, the opposite actually. One of the things that we do not tell outsiders is about our imprinting. It is a bond between two people that can never be undone. Also it is involuntary. Jacob Black joined our pack last week. He imprinted on Hermione a few days later. Because of this bond we can not hurt her or any of her family. Because her brother is mated to one of you that places you all as her family. Because of that the treaty is void. The most important reason being that we can no longer harm you. Call it a permanent peace treaty. It a unexpected chain of events. One that not all of my pack is pleased with. But one that they will all respect and abide by. As long as you are linked to Hermione you will be safe from us and with us.” Sam said. Some of the pack was scowling at the idea but said nothing. Jacob was just staring at Hermione like she was the only thing in the world. That also made a few people unconformable.
Sam looked over at the vampires and saw shocked faces. He did not think that a cold one could show shock like that. It gave him a little bit of satisfaction to know he could do that to them.
“I have to be honest I am not sure what this means for my family.” Carlisle said after a few moments. He tone was curious and careful.
“It means that you will be treated like an ally, you are welcome on our lands as long as you harm no one. We already know the plans to turn Remus and Sirius. We know the reasons why. We will not stand in the way. To suffer like Remus has is unfair as is baring his chance to be free from it, even if it means becoming a vampire. It is also unfair to make him live for ever with out his mate. So we have no problem with it.”
“Thank you Sam. I think you will find that we can help each other a lot. I also understand that you and the pack will be leaving soon to be trained as Shaman. Now that we have no boundaries we would like to help guard your lands as well as the town. While we do not force our way of life on others we also do not like them hunting in the area. We will do our part to keep the humans safe.”
“Well now that is settled. I have some news for every one. It seems I got my mate pregnant again. Alice told me about it yesterday. They will be half vampire. Other then that we only know about what they will be like from old records. Alice said they are twins though a boy and a girl.” Cedric told every one. The wizards already knew so did not react Alice also already knew but the others did not. Multiple emotions seemed to flicker across the packs faces and the vampires were shocked for the second time that day.
“Oh Cedric that is wonderful!” Esme said as she moved to hug the two soon to be parents.
“I'm getting a brother and sister?” Alex asked. He was far to intelligent for his age.
“Yes, Alex. You are getting a brother and sister. Is that ok?” Harry asked. Obviously it did not matter if it was or not. They were still going to be born.
“Yup!” Alex said happily before going back to eating his food. Harry just shook his head in amusement then started eating again.
They all talked for a little bit and by the end of the night every one was sure that given time they would all make a great family.
© 1997-2022 J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press; All Rights Reserved;
© 2005-2020 Stephenie Meyer; All Rights Reserved; COPYRIGHT © 2009-2010 BY ThomasNealy. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. DISTRIBUTION FOR OR WITH OUT COMMERCIAL GAIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, POSTING ON SITES OR NEWSGROUPS, DISTRIBUTION AS PARTS OR IN BOOK FORM (EITHER AS A WHOLE OR PART OF A COMPILATION) WITH OR WITHOUT A FEE, OR DISTRIBUTION ON CD, DVD, OR ANY OTHER ELECTRONIC MEDIA WITH OR WITHOUT A FEE, IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE AUTHOR'S WRITTEN CONSENT. YOU MAY DOWNLOAD ONE (1) COPY OF THIS STORY FOR PERSONAL USE; ANY AND ALL COMMERCIAL USE AND ANY OTHER USE EXCEPTING EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS REQUIRES THE AUTHORS WRITTEN CONSENT. THE AUTHOR MAY BE CONTACTED AT: ThomasNealy@Gmail.com<br /><br />Notice: Posting on any site or newsgroup without the authors express written permission is prohibited. TO REPORT VIOLATIONS OF THESE TERMS CONTACT ThomasNealy@Gmail.com The stories posted herein are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Some of the people named are real persons and celebrities in their own right, but their mention or involvement in the plot is strictly fictional and purely for the purposes of the story and in no way implies any personal or sexual preferences, ideas or beliefs, on the part of the real person of that name. No inferences are implied or intended whatsoever, to the persons mentioned, as a result of this work. The stories herein may contain scenes of a graphical nature which may not be legal in your area. If material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now.
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Chapter Comments

I have to say that I loved this. I have read all the twilight books and seen some of the Harry Potter movies. I never liked Bella so this was perfect lol. Plus, when I saw Robert Pattison and Daniel Radcliff in that Harry Potter movie I was like OMG! Chick boner! However, you do have a ton of typos and grammitical errors that really distract from the storry (now I know how people who read my un-edited work feelblink.gif ). Nevertheless, I liked your work. I would suggest reading back and correcting a few things or ask someone to edit it though.




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I really, really enjoyed this story..It's a bit too short and I believe you could with a SEQUEL to this story..


I DO RESENT that you off-ed Luna but kept that knowitallwh*reb8tchherioneon thou! URGH, Hate the b*tch!


The story is good but there could've been a lot more character inaction and more baby Alex..

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I loved this story and at the end was like nooooooooooooooooo!!! I really think there should be more to this story and maybe break it up into a few chapters. I agree with the grammar and typos needing to be fixed but other than that it was amazing and you are very talented. I think the end would be a very good end to a chapter and I really hope you expand the story.

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It's finished? NOOOOOO, I want more. Pretty please, can u give us readers a few more chapters after that, please. :P

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I really like this there is not enough of these kinds of stories. I always thought Edward and Harry Made a cute couple.

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