Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Kombat Kids - 32. Japs Run
Once upon a time there was a Martian named.... Opppps, wrong story. Due to the distance Jap would have to travel to get to the Bateman house, James and Matt talked to Stephen Peterson and got permission to keep Jap until Thursday so that he could complete his Extra Military Instruction. Steve agreed that Jap needed to complete his punishment quickly so he had no problem with him staying over until he was finished. Jap while not looking forward to the EMI knew that it was something he had to do, something that he deserved and something that when it was over, would make him feel less of a heel than he did now.
The Marines were going to spend the night and the busses would leave at 09:00 Monday morning, this would give the Marines a chance to rest up and make sure all of their equipment and gear was accounted for and in proper order. Bill Tilden found Jap sitting at a table in the dinning facility eating his evening meal, walking over to the table Bill asked;"Mind if I sit here with you Jap?"
Jap looked up when Bill spoke to him, turned pink and nodded his head yes. Bill sat down across the table from him and started eating. Jap paid close attention to his tray and ate without looking at Tilden, not knowing what to say, really wishing that he was some place else. Bill noticed how uncomfortable Jap seemed to be and spoke quietly to him;"OK, that's it, you apologized, I accepted your apology, now let it go and drive on."
Jap looked at Bill and said;"I'm sorry Bill, I know what I did was a really dumb thing and I'm still ashamed of myself for doing it. You gotta understand that what I did to you was no different than someone messing with me because I'm gay, I know it was wrong and so does everyone else. So bare with me, even though you forgive me, I still need a little time to forgive myself."
Bill shook his head and chuckled before saying;"Are you sure you aren't a 35 year old midget? I've known plenty of adults who aren't as mature as you are, that is as long as you're kept away from the swimming pool."
Bill's last statement finally got a chuckle out of Jap.
Bill smiled and said;"That's better, I'd really hate to think we couldn't be friends because you done something stupid, hell I'm twice your age and I still do dumb ass things. If I worried about things like you do, I'd have an ulcer."
Jap held out his hand to Bill and they shook, the rest of the meal was eaten with a lot less tension and more conversation between the two.
At 05:30 Monday morning, Jap was standing by the entrance to the kitchen on the first floor waiting for James and Matt. Jap heard the stairway door open and saw Matt, then James coming towards him, both were in full uniforms and both had on backpacks. Matt was carrying Jap’s backpack.
Matt spoke before Jap could say anything;"James and I decided that we would share your EMI, just like with JJ, we feel that we didn't give you the necessary guidance. So suit up Squadie, we're burning daylight."
The two men and the boy headed out the front door and jogged to the start of the three-mile course. The three finished the first of nine punishment runs in 29 minutes and 58 seconds. The three shuffled into the kitchen and Matt handed James and Jap a one liter bottle of Gatorade and popped the top on his own, taking a huge swallow then letting out a sigh of relief.
Keener was in the process of making breakfast leaning on one crutch while he scrambled eggs;"You know if I didn't know better, I'd say you two are getting too old to be running around the boonies chasing this poor little boy."
Jap didn't say a word to Keener, just held out both his hands palm up and made squeezing motions with his fingers.
Keener crossed his legs and ordered;"You stay the fuck away from me you little dirtbag, or I'll have my boyfriend whip your ass."
Keener’s statement caused everyone to laugh and let Jap know that the guys weren't holding his monumental and sincere fuckup against him.
Matt finally asked the question everyone had on their minds;"Keener, why are you cooking breakfast, we got all that kitchen help down in the Cavern preparing breakfast for the Marines, what's going on in your pointy little head?"
Keener continued cooking while answering Matt;"Oh I thought they could use a break from us, especially after Connor whipped that Lance Corporal’s ass yesterday, I didn't think we wanted to rub it in any more than we already have. All our people will eat breakfast up here and then we can get the kids off to school; I just thought it would be best this way."
James shook his head;"Ya know Keener, you aren't half as dumb as you look."
Matt reached over and smacked his older brother up side the head: "Watch it Bro, you're talkin about the man I love."
Keener turned his head and looked at Matt for a second before going back to cooking breakfast; if his back wasn't towards everyone they would've seen a slight smile on his face, along with a few tears on his cheeks.
At 07:30, Mitch, Shane, Justin and Jap climbed into the Jimmy and Keener got behind the wheel of the big truck, this was the first time Keener had been out of the house since he was shot and he was looking forward to the short drive to the middle school and back. Keener stopped and picked up Tyler English on the way in and soon they were pulling up to the drop off point at the school. Keener told the boys that he would, depending on how he felt, pick them up this afternoon, if he couldn't make it someone would be there to get them. Jap saw Jacky waiting at the entrance to the school and ran over and greeted him like he hadn't seen him for a month. The boys all went to their individual classes and another week started.
During gym class, Matheson flipped Mitch off but didn't say anything to him; Mitch just shook his head and smiled. Mr. Costis had the class do laps on the track that circled the football field for the first fifteen minutes of class and then moved the class over to the baseball diamond. The gym teacher had told Mitch that it wasn't necessary for him to run the laps but Mitch had wanted too, and he also wanted to play ball, something he hadn't done since the automobile accident. Practicing karate and the gym class had given Mitch better balance and more flexibility. Mr. Costis, being an amputee also, worked with Mitch to improve his balance and coordination by providing him with specialized exercises that he was made to do by the Army Physical Therapists at Fort Hood, Texas during his recovery from the loss of his lower leg.
The week progressed well for all the boys; on Wednesday, Jap completed his three mile (4.8 km) runs, all nine of them, making him feel better about himself and making the Bateman Brothers glad, glad that the runs were over. Mitch continued to work with Mr. Costis on balance and coordination during his gym periods at school and nightly with James or Matt for his training in karate (James) or Matt (Bare Knuckle Brawling 101).
Friday and school was finally over for the week, Mitch prepared for the weekly meeting in good spirits. Justin and Ted arrived Friday night after the Gunny and Sergeant Babcock had picked them up while over on the coast to finalize the next exercise to be held in one week. The Saturday meeting was one that would change his life for the better, that's the day he'd meet David Allyn, Dave and his family had just moved to the state from Ottawa Canada, his father was one of the leading engineers in the autonomous robotics field and had just been hired by one of the major site contractors. David had already started school as a freshman (Grade 9) at CoHigh in Moreland, the only problem he was having so far was the differences between the Metric system (International System of Units or SI) used in Canada and the inch-pound system still in wide use throughout the United States. David, being a self-described 'UberGeek' and all around computer genius didn't really have any problem with the curriculum at CoHigh. The one course he did have a modicum of difficulty with was 'American History,' some of the material he was learning was at odds with what he had been taught back in Ontario;"Oh well" he thought, "When in Rome, Shoot Roman Candles."
David was a good size boy for a freshman, 5' 11" (182cm) tall and 145 pounds (66 kg) in weight, with dark brown hair, and brown eyes that turned green depending on the weather or how he was feeling at any given time, they shown with a mischievousness that boded ill for any new friends he would surely meet. The one thing David really enjoyed about moving to the U.S. was the availability of firearms, while not impossible; it was very difficult to acquire firearms of any sort in Canada without going through a lot of red tape. The first time David and his father entered Wheelers Gun's and Ammo in Moreland he was in hog heaven. Racks upon racks of long guns and several display cases containing handguns beckoned to him, their siren song mesmerizing him, oh shit, let's just say he popped a woody every time he entered the store. The last time he was at Wheeler’s, he found a flyer advertising a boys group that had only recently started, the flyer gave a web address; http:\\kombat-kids.com. The first thing he did when he got home was boot up his computer and go to the website, staring at him from his flatscreen monitor was a boy about his age with blond hair and blue eyes. The picture of Phil Martin excited David greatly, matter of fact he boned up immediately, oh did I forget to mention that David was gay? Anyway David, after visiting the bathroom for ten minutes or so, read everything that was available about the Unit, near the bottom of the page he came across a link for the local PFLAG Chapter and switched to it. The information he found at the PFLAG site was intriguing to say the least, clicking back to the Unit site he found that a meeting was scheduled for this Saturday. After thinking about it for awhile, David went to talk with his father;"Dad?"
"In here son." his father answered from the parlor.
David had come out to his parents almost a year ago, it had been very difficult for him, and if the truth be told even more so for his father. Over the last nine months David and his father had become closer, each learning more about the other during the frequent talks they had. His father still didn't understand the homosexual lifestyle, but he did know that David was his son and that he loved him.
"Dad, can you give be a ride to this place Saturday morning, it's where a new boys group has their headquarters and I'm thinking of joining it." David asked.
His father took a few minutes to look over the material that David had downloaded from the website before speaking;"Son, are you sure you want to get involved with these Yanks, we've only lived in this country for two months and you can't know how you'll be accepted?"
David thought for a few seconds before replying;"I tried the scouts back home and I didn't fit in, you know the problems I had. The website I got this information from has a link to the local PFLAG Chapter and they fully support this group, it may be the only chance I'll have to meet guys who aren't nerds and trouble makers, so yessir I want to at least see what's going on."
David's father thought back to when his son came out to him, he remembered the pain he felt that his son was gay, he remembered the guilt he felt, not knowing what he had done wrong, blaming himself for the fact that his only son was gay. He looked his son in the eyes and saw the determination and the longing. David and he had discussed David's feelings on several occasions over the last nine months and he knew that David yearned for the chance to be with others who understood his feelings and his needs. It had taken over two months to come to terms with his feelings and to see what his attitude had done to his son. When he finally determined that he had done nothing to cause his son to be gay, and that David didn't have a choice in his sexual preference, he started to talk with David and tried to understand what was driving him. Over the intervening months the two had become closer than ever before, he would probably never completely understand David's feelings, but he was going to try his darnedest to be there for his son and help him cope with any problems he might encounter.
Thomas Allyn looked at his son and nodded;"All right son, we'll both go, maybe it's time I get involved in something here in our new homeland also.
Saturday morning arrived, the twins, Mitch and Shane Babcock along with Justin Tannonligua and his lover Tyler English had spent the night in the berthing area were up and having breakfast when the doorbell rang. James had gotten into the habit of opening the front gate at 06:30 on the mornings of Unit weekends so the gate alarm hadn't sounded when the new arrivals had driven up to the house. Mitch got up and answered the door to find a boy a couple years older then him and a man the boy closely resembled standing there.
"Good morning, how may I help you?" asked Mitch.
The adult spoke first;"Good morning young man, I'm Thomas Allyn and this is my son David, according to the internet there's supposed to be a meeting of the group known as Unit One held here today. I'm sorry we're early but we just moved here recently and weren't sure we would be able to find this location as easily as we did."
Mitch smiled;"No problem sir, won't you come in, James and Matt should be up shortly, you can wait for them with us in the kitchen. Can I offer you a cup of coffee while we wait?"
Entering the house, the two Allyn's followed Phil down the hall to the kitchen, Mitch gestured to two chairs at the table and proceeded to pour Mr. Allyn a cup of coffee. Turning to David he asked; “How about you David, would you like a cup of coffee or maybe a glass of juice?"
David smiled at Mitch and shook his head no; he then turned back to the other boys sitting at the table eating their breakfast. All of them were dressed in camouflage clothing and all of then seemed to be checking him out as well.
Tyler broke the silence first;"So, where did you live before you moved here?"
David answered;"We just moved down from Ottawa, Ontario Canada, my dad took a job with Symonds Electronics, one of the contractors out at the Medford Works."
"Neat, I'm sure you're going to like it here, if you like skiing or snow boarding, we're really close to Blue Wood and Mission Ridge, and Snoqualmie has some really good runs too. During the summer, the Columbia River is great for water skiing and there's a waterpark over in Kenasco."
Before the conversation could continue, James, Matt, the three Marines along with Thompson Gettrick entered the kitchen. After the introductions were taken care of James turned to Mitch and suggested; “Mitch, why don't you and the guys give David a tour of the Unit, after you show him the house take a HUMVEE and show him the outside facilities."
David was highly impressed with the game room but really got spun up when Mitch showed him the computer room with the Cray 4000; he'd heard about them but never thought he'd get this close to one. His fingers started itching to get his hands on the keyboard; he wanted to take it out for a test spin. Oh well he thought, maybe later if he was able to join the Unit. When they reached the third deck, and Phil opened the Arms Locker, it was instant wood time for David, there were firearms of every description and caliber stored in the weapons racks along the walls, now he was sure he wanted to be apart of the Unit. When they arrived in the Cavern there were already several members of the Unit present, setting up the room for the morning briefing, Mitch led him down one of the corridors off of the Cavern and took him into the pool cavern, David thought that with each new surprise he was given, nothing else would surprise him. WRONG!!
In a daze he followed Mitch onto the elevator and they rode up to the garage. Mitch got a key and started one of the HUMVEE's and then hit the remote door opener and the garage doors started to slide open while a loud warning bell rang. Driving out of the garage, Mitch showed David all of the outside facilities.
While Mitch was showing David the facilities, James was talking to David's father;"How did you hear of the Unit Doctor Allyn?"
Thomas Allyn related how his son had come to him and they had discussed the Unit and David's interest in it. He also pointed out that they both read the recommendation from the PFLAG link pertaining to the Unit.
James looked Doctor Allyn in the eyes and said;"In case you have any doubts, I need to tell you that 80% of the boys in the Unit are gay, my brother and I are gay also. I'm telling you this so you won't be operating under any misconceptions about us or the Unit's membership."
James went on to tell Doctor Allyn how and why the Unit was started and their association with the Marine Corps. When he finished, he asked if the Doctor had any questions.
Doctor Allyn smiled;"First off, please call me Thomas, and no I don't have any questions for you, you've given me all the information I need. Last June David came out to me, at first I couldn't believe my son was gay, then I blamed myself for him being gay, finally, I did a very intensive research on homosexuality, I don't claim to understand everything I learned, but I do know that I love my son and I want what's best for him. After talking with you, I think the Unit will really be good for my son and if you'll let him, I'd be proud to have him join your organization."
Right about then a steady stream of boys, all dressed in MarCams were making their way past the kitchen to the stairwell leading to the Cavern. A constant barrage of Morning, Hi and even a few of the ubiquitous wassup's could be heard as the boys passed by.
James looked at his watch and said;"Sorry to cut this short, but the meetings due to start in ten minutes and we have to get ready for it, I hope you'll stay and observe it."
Thomas nodded his head and followed the men to the stairwell and down to the Cavern level where he found his son talking to Mitch. Mitch told him to find a seat and he would talk to him after the morning briefings.
The Colors were posted, the morning briefing was completed and the Squaddies were sent to their training classes or evolutions. James and Matt went over to where David and his father were talking quietly, when Thomas saw them approaching he and David stood. David looked happy, worried and nervous, all at the same time, he asked;"Sir, can I join the Unit, I'd like to be a part of it if I could."
Matt smiled and said;"You do understand the make up of the membership don't you, I mean you won't be uncomfortable being around so many boys that are gay will you?"
David looked at his father and then looked back to Matt;"No sir, I don't know whether my father told you or not, but I'm gay and I think I'd fit in well."
Matt nodded and turned his head looking around for a few seconds before yelling out;"Hey Phil, come on over here.”
Phil came running up to them and halted at attention before saying;"You rang oh great leader of many boys?"
Matt shook his head and moaned;"Why me Lord, I don't get no respect. Listen wise guy, has that new guy Bobby Bauer brought in showed up yet?"
Phil nodded and pointed at the two over against the wall;"Yessir, Bobby's been talking with him and I think he's just about ready to commit."
Once again Matt yelled;"Hey Bauer over here and bring your friend."
The two boys trotted over to where Matt and the others waited, Bobby said good morning and then introduced his friend;"Matt, James, I'd like you to meet Justyn Christopher Tyme, he's my friend, actually he's my second cousin."
Justyn stuck out his hand and shook with all the boys and men present. He looked at Matt and said;"I've heard a lot about the Unit from Bobby, and now that I'm here and have seen how things are run, I'd like to join if I can."
Matt smiled and asked the same question he just asked David. Justyn blushed a little before saying;"Yessir, Bobby filled me in on what's going on and I have no problem with it, I mean why should I, I've liked boys for the last four years or so, so it don't bother me none."
Turning to Phil, Matt said;"OK Phil, get the paperwork done and suit em up. When you’re done get them set up with a room and a locker and explain the rules.” Turning to the new kids he smiles;"David, Justyn, welcome to Unit One."
Phil turned to the boys and told them;"Come on guys lets go get the paperwork taken care of and then we'll get your gear and clothing issued to you."
The paperwork took about twenty minute to complete; after Phil sent David to get his father to sign the parental consent forms, he told Justyn that he could get his signed and brought back at the next meeting. When David came back Phil led the two to the supply room where they found another squaddie waiting, Phil introduced them;"Guys, this is my boyfriend Davey White, Davey this is David Allyn and Justyn Tyme." After a round of 'nice to meetchas', Phil looked at the two boys standing side by side, one with dark brown hair the other with blonde, both approximately the same size except Justyn was slightly heavier. "What size shoes you guys wear?"
Both Justyn and David wore size 12's; David needed a double E width though. Before breaking out the shoes, Phil measured their heads for their STB Hats. Phil then said his favorite words;"Ok guys, take your clothes off."
Being the UberGeek and the computer genius David was the first to reply;"Huh?"
Phil knowing this was what everyone said to him when he told them to strip just repeated the order. Justyn, being a blonde turned a brighter shade of red than David, but David wasn't far behind. Soon both boys were down to there boxers and Phil told them;"Boxers too." Glowing a brighter red if it was possible both boys complied, taking the chance to check each other out, actually while they were checking each other out, Davey and Phil were checking the both of them out and liking what they saw. Both David and Justyn had nice cocks, David’s being uncut, and both were about four inches long soft, both boys had a nice set of nuts with Justyn's being slightly larger.
Phil broke the spell by handing each boy a set of olive drab skivey shorts, which both boys hurriedly pulled on. After they received their clothing and gear issue, Davey and Phil led the two new boys to the locker room and assigned them a locker, and then they were assigned to the same room in the berthing compartment. Davey took the boys to the rifle range where Gunny Mcnaughten had them sit through a ten-minute movie and quizzed them on what they had gotten out of the video. The Gunny called a young redheaded boy and a much taller boy with light brown hair over and introduced them; Justyn, David, meet Jap, and Jacky Hoffman, Jap is our Alpha Team Sniper and Jacky is the Bravo Team Sniper, they’re going to check you out on the AR10's and the M60."
David gaped at the Gunny;"Did you say M60, I mean you really got an M60 we can shoot?"
The Gunny laughed;"Yes we do, while you'll get a chance to shoot them today, though you won't be allowed to carry or crew any of the firearms until you've completed the Hunter Safety Course we'll hold at the end of the month. Now listen up guys, I have zero tolerance for anyone who fucks around with firearms, You will listen to what Jap and Jacky tell you, you will do exactly what these two tell you, if you give them any shit, you'll answer to me, understand?"
Both David and Justyn responded with;"Yes Gunnery Sergeant."
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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