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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

From the Ashes - 1. Chapter 1

Felix tapped his pen against his desk, listening to the presenter drone on about useless numbers and data. When he finally had enough, he pushed himself away from his desk, taking his tablet with him as the virtual presentation continued. After finally getting settled in LA, Felix was elated when he was offered to work remotely, which coupled with his spending more time than ever engaged in personal fitness, turned out to be an ideal combination.

Felix called Ben. “Shouldn't you be working?” Ben scolded. “Please tell me you are not on the treadmill, again?” Ben laughed.

“I needed some way to kill time. This meeting is absolutely dreadful, and there is never anything good to watch either,” Felix huffed as he turned up the intensity of his walk.

Ben continued, “There are a million different streaming services, and you still can never find anything to watch. Who is this person? What have you done with my friend? Anyway, I am glad that you called. There is an event tonight, and I need you to be my plus one.”

Felix rolled his eyes. Ben had been insistent on getting him out on the scene for months. Each time, he was able to fend him off, but this time seemed like he might not be able to slip away from this invite. “I do not think that I would make good company; besides, you know I do not really enjoy the scene,” Felix bemoaned.

“Oh hush, this isn’t some circuit party. We got an exclusive invite to a Galant party, and I, for one, am not showing up there alone, so I will pick you up at nine on Friday, hugs and kisses,” Ben added.

Felix sighed in resignation as the phone line went dead before he had a chance to respond. Hmm…Galant, Felix swore that he heard that name before but could not quite place it. He let the thought drop and focused on finishing his workout.

Felix was just about ready to jump into the shower for a quick rinse when his phone went off again. It had been months, and Terrance still called him at least three times a day. He had considered changing his number but just did not feel like going through the hassle. Tossing his phone aside, Felix stepped into the shower, letting the hot water cascade down his body. Felix had always maintained a nice body, but after things went south with Terrance, it became his new happy place releasing all his pent-up frustrations. He smiled to himself, the irony of coming to this place for his ex, only to get into the best shape of his life post-breakup. Of course, the gym was not the only way to release pent-up frustration; however, despite not partaking in the bar or club scene, it did not stop him from having a few gentlemen callers. He was careful to allow himself nothing more than a physical interaction.

“You clean up nice if I do say so myself.” Ben teased as Felix dropped himself into the passenger seat.

“Not like you gave me much of a choice; besides, I do not need you shuffling through my closet again until you put something together you deem acceptable.” Felix huffed as he smirked at his friend.

“Well, what do you know, you can teach an old dog new tricks...Ouch.” Ben heard Felix chuckle after having slugged him in the arm. “We really need to work on your aggression skills, damn that hurt way more than it used to, you’ve turned into one of these LA beach body men.” Ben gave his friend a once over admiring the gains Felix had achieved. “Not that I am complaining, it will be nice to have some arm candy for this posh event.” Ben laughed before Felix slugged him in the arm again. “Keep leaving bruises and someone is liable to finally save this damsel in distress.”

“When you find this damsel, be sure to point them out to me,” Felix snorted as Ben gave him a cross look causing Felix to laugh even harder.

Even though Felix had become somewhat of a recluse from social settings, he had to admit that he was having a good time. Of course, Ben being the social butterfly, always disappeared amongst the crowd, but Felix was very aware that Ben was more than likely soaking up any connection opportunities available to him.

“Mind if I join you?”

Felix looked up from his drink to see an absolutely stunning, yet vaguely familiar man standing before him. “No trouble at all, I was just sort of scanning the room for any sign of my friend.”

The handsome stranger let out a rich laugh. “I can surely relate to that as my husband tends to disappear in a sea of people when we host one of these events, but I do not mind it that much.”

Felix felt a tinge of disappointment and a bit envious. Of course, someone like him would not only be married but also involved in an event of this caliber. “I apologize, but I did not catch your name,” Felix posed to the stranger.

The man smiled before offering his hand. “You can call me Jasper, it has been a breath of fresh air to meet someone a little more down to earth than that of the usual attendees, and you are?”

“The pleasure was indeed mine, oh my word, I am Felix. I have not been out here very long, so I cannot say that I am up to date on the happenings of this city quite yet.”

“Ah, a fresh face in town. What brings you to this neck of the woods?” Jasper asked casually sipping his drink while his eyes also followed some unknown element over Felix’s shoulder.

“My boyfriend, or rather ex-boyfriend. I had finally accomplished what I set out to do to join him out here, but it was not meant to be. Not when there are available men at every corner, and your boyfriend is across the country.” Felix sighed, swirling his drink slowly in his glass. “You know the signs were all there, but I guess I was just so blind in love that I did not want to admit what was already there. Oh goodness, sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with my troubles.”

“Nonsense, it has been no bother at all, besides, I have a bit of a soft spot for a good love story.” Jasper smiled as his mind swirled lost in a memory.

“Unfortunately, there is no happy ending in this tale I am afraid. We did not part ways on the best of terms, and I truly have no desire to deal with him again anytime soon.”

“Be that as it may, this certainly does not have to be the end of your own love story. If you would excuse me, I need to save my husband from some rather annoying vultures. It has been a pleasure talking to you Felix. Here is my card, feel free to reach out sometime. I am sure my husband would love to get to know you as well, until the next time we meet.”

Felix watched as Jasper walked off into the crowds, as much as he tried, he could not catch a glimpse of the man fortunate enough to be Jasper’s husband.

“Who was that fine specimen of a man you were chatting it up with here?” Ben asked, startling Felix lost in thought.

“Uh, he said his name was Jasper. Oh, he gave me his card.” Felix held the card up as Ben’s eyes went wide in disbelief.

“Damn, some people just have all the luck.” Felix raised an eyebrow as Ben looked over the card. “You have no idea who that is, do you?” Felix shrugged his shoulders.” Well, hold on to this, and if you get invited to any dinner parties, you better make sure that I am your plus one.”

Felix took the card back, still a bit confused when the hair on the back of his neck bristled at the sound of a man behind him.

“So that is the kind of guy you are going for nowadays? Is he perhaps the reason you refuse to take any of my calls or answer any of my texts?”

Felix sighed as Ben appeared ready to throttle Terrance. Of course, he would attend an event like this, he should have known better. “Not that it is really any of your business, but that man was in fact married and was just having a normal conversation with me. Now, if you will excuse me.”

“Really Terrance! It has been over several months at this point. Why not just leave him alone and move on? I mean, it didn’t seem that hard when you nailed Austin to the wall.”

Terrance gave a quizzical look toward Ben.

“Oh, don't look so surprised. The circles are small here once you start looking and as much as Felix didn’t deserve it, Austin didn’t deserve to be tossed away like yesterday’s lunch just because you got caught up in your lies and schemes.

Terrance displayed a sour expression.

“Oh, don't make that face. You told my friend that Austin meant nothing to you but that was certainly not the word on the street and not something that would continue for six months. Now, if you will excuse me as well.”

Felix watched from afar as Terrance’s shoulders sank in defeat. Though he could not bring himself to love Terrance again, a part of him still did not like to see the man so defeated.

“Nope, you leave well enough alone.” Felix turned to find Jasper leaning against the same pillar just around the side. “I can probably guess that, would be your ex and your best friend. If you want a bit of advice from me, forgive but do not forget. The good times and thoughts will always be there but do not let it keep you from walking through the new door that is now open in front of you.”

“Hello dear, I am just about ready to sneak off before Charity finds out where we are. There is no way that I want to do another press conference or speech. Oh, I apologize, I didn't mean to interrupt.”

“You are never an interruption, my love. I was just giving my new friend here a little advice.”

The mysterious man raised his eyebrow at his husband before glancing at Felix. “A word of advice, he may be a little right, but I will not say that aloud. I need to keep the husband humble after all.”

“You know that I can hear you quite well,” Jasper teased.

“Oh, how careless of me.” The man smiled at Jasper. The couple’s love for each other radiated from them, and Felix got a little turned on by them as well. Jasper’s husband winked at him before allowing himself to be led away by his husband as the two disappeared into a sea of people.

“I’ll say it again, some people just have all the luck, I am your plus one for sure, though I wouldn’t turn down the chance to be a plus one between those two.” Ben practically drooled while his eyes frantically searched for another glimpse of Jasper and his husband.



Copyright © 2024 Xfighter1984; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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