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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

From the Ashes - 2. Chapter 2

“I think we should talk,” Felix felt like the world was moving in slow motion as he watched Austin take a seat across from him. “I’m sure you have no sympathy for my situation, but if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t know anything more than you were an ex left behind in the move,” Felix remained quiet and still as Austin moved about in his chair while fidgeting with silverware. “We met at a work conference, his company was pitching a big merger,” Austin paused, caught up in the emotion of the memory. “It wasn’t some fly by night romance or one night stand. Initially, I couldn’t stand him, but he proved to be quite persistent, so much so that I agreed to a date. As you may have heard, it went on for a few months until that fateful day.” Austin looked over at Felix for the first time since sitting down.

Felix was unsure what to make of the situation; it seemed as though he was not the only one who got caught up in Terrance’s deception, and at the end of it all, Austin seemed like a genuine guy.

“I am honestly not sure what I expected to get out of this, but I just felt that I needed to at least express my point of view in this mess, for what it’s worth, I would have never gone forward with Terrance had I known.” Felix stayed silent as he watched Austin collect himself and walk away.


“You know, I am pretty inclined to believe him,” Felix looked over at Ben who was fiddling with his phone in the passenger seat. Not knowing what to make of his run in with Austin, he pondered his thoughts until it was time to meet up with Ben. “I can’t say that I know Austin on a deep level, but from what I can gather myself and from what I have heard, he is a sweetheart and one of those old school romantics. I have no doubt that he is probably heartbroken and taking this just as badly as you did; try not to think too badly of him especially since he does run in similar circles.”

Felix sighed as he parked the car, not really wanting to attend another boring event, but he felt a little excitement at the prospect of running into Jasper again. “You do remember that he is married,” Felix jumped having been lost in thought as the bouncer checked their IDs and ushered them into the club. “Before you get all defensive, I agree that he is to die for, but you’ve been toying with that card for weeks.” Ben smirked.

“It is not like that I can assure you; it was just nice having a worldly outside perspective; besides, it was more than clear that Jasper only has eyes for his husband, and I cannot say that I do not long for the day that someone looks at me that way,” Felix flipped off a smirking Ben and made his way to the bar to get some drinks. He was surprised when the bartender turned his card away and pointed down the bar at Austin, letting him know that his drinks were covered.

“You know you do not have to try and buy me off in hopes that I will be nice to you or anything,” Felix tapped his glass against Austin’s as Ben watched them curiously from afar.

“That was not my intention, I felt bad for more or less ambushing you during your meal and figured that I would make it up to you.” Felix chuckled as he caught himself thinking that Austin was easy on the eyes. Felix shook his head before downing his drink letting the passing thoughts move on. “Allow me to take care of the next round as well,” Felix noticed there was a slight edge to his voice as Austin seemed to be peering over his shoulder. Before he had the chance to turn and see what had caught his attention, he felt the familiar unwanted presence of their mutual ex.

“You two would make a terrible pair, take my word, it wouldn't go very far,” Terrance smirked as Austin looked away staring into his empty glass. Seeing Austin’s reaction caused Felix’s blood to boil as Terrance went from a giant to arrogant son-of-a-bitch.

“I said it before, and I will say it again. Who I decide has the pleasure of visiting my bed or me in their bed is no longer any of your concern; in fact, as far as I can tell, it is no longer any of your concern as to who Austin may or may not be sleeping with either,” Felix grabbed Austin and pulled him over to where Ben was waiting before Terrance could utter another word. “I really hate that man. I cannot believe that I ever saw myself married to him.”

Austin looked at Felix, his face went white at his words. “Married?! How awful can I be. I was with a married man and didn’t even realize it?”

“Calm yourself tiger, the two of them were never married,” Felix nodded for Ben to continue. “The whole reason Felix even came out here was so that they could finally get married, he planned to propose once his promotion went through, so don’t fret.”

“Everyone at this table is far too pretty to be fretting over anything let alone a man who does not know what he had, twice.” Ben nearly spit out his drink as the handsome stranger approached the table. “Pardon my intrusion, I was informed you are delightful company,” the stranger nodded his head over in the direction of the VIP section where Jasper raised his glass in acknowledgement as he pulled his husband close.

“Some people just have all the luck,” Ben grumbled as he shot daggers in Felix’s direction. Felix in turn rolled his eyes at his friend.

“Would it trouble you at all if I invited you gentlemen over to the VIP section with my friends and associates?”

“Not at all, lead the way,” Ben responded as Austin tried to hide his laughter while Felix again just rolled his eyes.

“What impolite Polly here means is, we would love to accept your invitation, thank you.”

“Impolite my ass, do you have any idea who these people are?” Ben whispered.

“Of course, I do, that face would be impossible not to recognize.”

Taking a seat amongst the guests, Felix could see Ben practically drooling before he quietly excused himself to go socialize and network as he called it. “He is just looking for ass,” Felix whispered to Austin who in turn blushed as he watched Ben shamelessly flirt.

“Felix, its lovely to see you again, though, I must apologize as this time my husband is the one taking care of me,” Jasper chuckled as he placed his face in the crook of his husband’s neck.

“Forgive him and myself, please just call me Xavier. I am not big on formalities amongst friends.”

“The Xavier, excuse me sir, but you are nothing short of a legend amongst my colleagues, the overnight sensation that sent Gallant to the front page of every major magazine with a drop-dead signature reveal,” Austin hurriedly quieted himself in embarrassment as Xavier laughed aloud and a clearly inebriated Jasper continued to get a little handsy with his husband.

“You calm down mister, or I will have you strung up in the guest room if you do not behave,” Xavier scolded Jasper with a smirk on his face.

Jasper pulled his husband in for a delicious kiss, “Do not threaten me with a good time, sir.”

The three laughed as Xavier hushed his husband and shooed him out of the booth as he took them to get some water.

Felix tried as discreetly as possible to rearrange himself having gotten a bit hot and bothered by the display. Looking around, he noticed Austin and the handsome man staring directly at him with fire in their eyes; a lump formed in his throat as his discretion was for naught as his slacks became increasingly tighter and uncomfortable.

Xavier turned back to his guests and laughed to himself, “Looks like we will not be crashing at Kyle’s tonight, I think he will have more than enough entertainment for the evening and maybe something more.”


Terrance seethed as he watched both Austin and Felix being led out of the club by a strikingly handsome man. It was bad enough that his exes seemed to be getting along, but now this man had come onto the scene. Terrance could only think how much harder it was becoming to re-establish those boys back where they belonged, with him fulfilling only his needs and desires.

Ben came up for air and smiled as he watched the three leaving, only to end up rolling his eyes in annoyance having caught sight of Terrance. This was going to get ugly before it got any better, and at the end of it all, there was going to be collateral damage somewhere. He just hoped Felix was prepared for battle.

Copyright © 2024 Xfighter1984; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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