Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Unspoken Words - 3. Chapter 3: Chatting
~*~Side B~*~
My first day at school was really great. I wasn’t really expecting to make friends or even get welcomed this nicely and everyone’s cool. There are some stupid guys here and there who tried to tease me, but as soon as Ray steps in, the jerks stop bothering me, and it all ends up as playful teasing. Chris and his friends are really amazing. They’re all in the basketball club and, I think, even being one of the popular kids, they’re really kind to everyone, humble (excluding Ray) and they’re well-liked. Nick is probably the most level-headed high school guy I’ve ever met. He talks like an adult and the teachers love talking to him. He’s currently the student president too while Ray is his vice president. Ray always insists that he would have been the president if he didn’t have too much work to do with being the basketball club captain, and that usually warrants some ear-pulling from Nick. With such great friends, Chris’ would have probably been the more ‘normal’ one of the three, but he’s exceptional in his own way. He stands his ground well and people respect him and like him as he is. He’s really nice though he usually prefers to keep himself to some corner. It feels like he’s trying not to have anyone notice him. It was fun hanging out with the three of them, but there are times when I just couldn’t keep my eyes off Chris. After all, he’s the one that made me feel so comfortable about everything here. Although I still don’t know him for that long, I want to get to know him more.
As soon as our last class ended, I was exhausted but I felt good about it. I never remembered school being this fun and laid-back. I was expecting hell considering how busy we’re supposed to be as seniors, but the teachers insist that it’s our last year of high school and we should make something out of it than just a stepping stone into college. This is a really great school, I must say. Nothing much happened that day except being the new guy; I made some more friends during 4th period art class too. A couple of girls named Jess and April are twins and they really like the same music as I do. They even invited me if I would like to try out for the glee club with them but I thought that it would be too much for me right now so I’ll just check it out sometime soon. I was considering going to the Campus Pride to register but that felt like it would be stupid coz I’ll definitely be giving bullies actual reasons to make my life hell so I held it off. After all the classes for the day ended, I just bid my goodbyes to Chris, Ray and Nick as I pass by them from my locker then head home.
When I got home, I found my mom watching TV on the couch while reading a book. I don’t know how she’s doing both of those at the same time, but it’s always nice to see her relaxing.
“Hi mom, I’m home.” I said as I make my way to her side to kiss her cheek.
“Angelo! It’s good that you’re home! How was your day? Is my baby alright?” She jumped up from her seat and fuss around to make sure I was still in one piece.
“Yes mom. Geez. I’m not a baby. I’m ok. The whole school was great.” I responded as I rub my right hand up and down my left arm and kick off imaginary dirt on the floor.
“You are forever my baby, alright? Your sister will be back soon. We ordered your favorite food so we could celebrate your first day back to school! Your dad should be finishing up work by now so he’ll be here by dinner too.”
“Sure mom. I’ll help you prepare the table then.”
“No, it’s alright dear. Just change out of your clothes and do some homework until dinner ok?”
“Oh. Ok. Thanks mom.” I didn’t really have homework or anything to do but I know my mom’s just trying to spoil me again so I let her do what she wants since I wouldn’t want her to fuss even more. And so, I went to my room and threw my bag on the bed. I was changing out of my clothes when I heard something crumple in my jacket so I took it out and found the note that Chris gave me. He seemed really friendly like a big teddy bear that I couldn’t even help but laugh when I remembered him. I stick the note on the wall over my desk and went to boot up my computer.
Oh geez. I forgot to ask if any of them have Facebook. I really want to add them. I thought as I opened my account then realize that I suddenly have 4 friend requests and 1 friend recommendation.
“Woah. How did they find my account so fast? They didn’t even need to ask!” I thought out loud as I accepted my friend requests from Ray McKen, Nick Richards, Jess and April Jackson. Then when I got to the friend recommendation by Ray, I saw that it was someone named Christian Edward Matthews. I decided to check his profile and browsed through his pictures.
“Oh. So it was Chris after all!” I snickered when I saw that he really used his full name on his Facebook, he seemed to fill in everything seriously too and his statuses are like news updates.
I finished checking his account and added him, while saving some of the pictures that I thought were cute. I returned to my feed before leaving my account online and starting up an online game. I’ve been gaming for around 45 minutes when I heard the notification ping from facebook.
Christian Edward Matthews has added you as a friend. Post a message to his wall?
I clicked the notification then posted thanks on his wall then I opened the chat box to read his message.
Chris: Hey.
Hmm. I was thinking how I should reply but then again, I’m thinking too much. So I just quit it then replied.
Me: Hey yourself.
Chris: Ok? Hey me?
Me: LOL! I meant it as a ‘hey’ back!
Chris: Oh! Sorry. What u doin ryt now?
Me: Nothing really. Just playing a game.
Chris: Online?
Me: Yep. Do u play some?
Chris: Nah. Not good w/ it. I cud try tho. What game is it?
Me: Brb. I’ll link it to u.
I typed it in the browser to search for the download link of the game then copy-pasted it to our chat box.
Me: Here it is: www.talesfromthesevenworlds.com/download
Chris: Looks cool. I’ll download it in a min. then u can help me with the basics of the game, ‘k?
Me: Sure, I’ll make a new account so we can start out together!
Chris: Cool. Seems like a pretty big game. Think it will be done by late tonight. Eaten dinner yet?
Me: Will be in a bit. U?
Chris: Done. What r u having?
Me: I think it’s going to be lasagna or ice cream/brownies. My mom said they ordered my faves.
Chris: What else do u like? Do u like movies?
Me: mostly like comedy ones. Fine with any kind of movie tho. I don’t have any other hobby except singing.
Chris: U sing? Really? U’ve got to let me hear u sumtimes!
Me: >////> no that wud be embarrassing. not used to letting people hear me sing, k.
Chris: Pls?
Then an attached photo of a labrador pup making puppy dog eyes was sent right after.
Chris: Pretty please?
Then another photo of a dachshund with cuter puppy dog eyes.
Me: Ughhhh ok ok next time!
Chris: How ‘bout tmr?
Me: So soon!??
Chris: Tomorrow morning then. : ) C u @ the rose garden @ 8:30am.
Me: R u always like this?
Chris: Like what?
Me: Forcibly making people do stuff?
Chris: That’s Ray. Not me. I asked beforehand after all. ; )
Chris: u answered & u looked excited enough. ; )
Me: Ughh I didn’ttttt *sigh* ok u win
Chris: Woohoo! So what’s my prize?
Chris: How about u go with me 2 lunch tomorrow? Just us?
Me: Don’t push your luck buddy.
Chris: My treat.
Me: Hmm. Free food. Ok. Where?
Chris: Do you like surprises?
Me: Not rlly. Where?
Chris: Geez. Ok I still don’t have any idea where. Haven’t thought about it yet.
Me: LOL just text me ok?
Chris: Sure. Can I hav ur number?
Me: it’s +16xxxxxxxxxx
Chris: I rang your phone. That’s my number.
Me: Got it. I gtg for dinner now. Heard my sis’ car outside. Bye. C u tmr.
Chris: K. C u.
Then before I logged out, Chris seemed to be typing something so I waited for a minute to see if he forgot to say something. Then he suddenly stopped.
Me: ?
Chris: Why r u still here
Me: thought you were gonna say something else?
Chris: it’s nothing. Go get dinner!
Me: K
I shrugged then logged out before going downstairs for dinner.
“Hey sis. How was work?” I greeted my older sister as I walk down the stairs.
“Tiring, but good. How about you? How was school?”
“Same. I made some friends.” I smiled as she pulled me in for a hug.
“That’s really nice. Bring them home sometimes so we can meet them ok?”
“I’ll ask them. I’m sure you’ll all like them.”
~*~Side A~*~
Morning arrived and I feel really excited and nervous about today. Last night, I ask Angelo to sing for me and go out with me to lunch. I almost even told him something I’m sure I’m not prepared to admit. Anyway, I really need to get advice on where I could take Angelo for our lunch date. Wait. Is it a date? Well, it seems like it, right? Maybe. Can two guys going out to eat be considered a date? Damn. This is racking my brains. I’ll need to ask Ray and Nick because I don’t have a single idea about restaurants or diners around the area. The only places I eat are home, the school cafeteria, and the stalls at the mall. And all of those times, it was my friends who brought me there. I can already feel them bombarding me with questions about me and Angelo. I’m not even sure yet what this is. The more I think about it, the more it gets me confused. Maybe I can talk about it with Ray and Nick, but I’m still not sure about it. In the end, I thought I’ll ask them about eating places first just before going to school.
Switching my phone on, I just noticed that I got a message about 5am today. That was really early. Who would even be texting at that time?? I was out jogging that early to get rid of extra energy from my excitement. Explains why I didn’t see it.
From: Nick
Received: 05:17 AM
Subject: [no subject]
Hey man. U coming l8ter to play @ d court? Bill is bringing some guys to play w/ us.
Hmm. I think I can join if it’s after school. Don’t really have any plans anyway.
To: Nick
Sent: 07:42 AM
Subject: re:[no subject]
If it’s after skul then yea sure. Btw, know any gud resto or diner that has good lasagna around?
I was already all dressed up for school so I slung my bag over my shoulders as I go to the kitchen to get some orange juice. I quickly got a reply from Nick. He’s really fast at replying on texts, which Ray should really learn from him. That guy always forgets to check his phone.
From: Nick
Received: 07:48 AM
Subject: re:[no subject]
Tilly’s is pretty gud. The fish and chips r nice too. There’s also an Italian resto just down d block from d mall if u want sumthing posh. ; )
Oh no. Should have known. Nick’s really perceptive and fast. Shit. I hope he doesn’t tell Ray whatever this is yet. Heck, I don’t even know what this is yet. All that I know is that I want to know more about Angelo. Hence, spending time with him today! Thinking about that made my excitement and happiness well up in me again. I was grinning as I tapped a thank you-reply to Nick and down the rest of my juice. Just as I leave my glass on the sink, my younger brother enters the kitchen looking messy from bed. I pass by him and ruffle his hair to mess it up more, grinning as I give my mom a kiss on my way out.
“He’s in such a good mood. Wonder what’s with him today?” Mrs. Matthews said as she hands over a plate of food to her younger son.
“Maybe he got laid.” Jeff, Chris’ ever cheeky younger brother, replied as he tried to smirk with a mouth full of food.
Mrs. Matthews slaps Jeff’s shoulder. “Don’t speak when your mouth’s full.”
As I park my truck on the school’s parking lot, I was getting nervous as hell and my palms just wouldn’t stop sweating. I mean, last night was just an innocent conversation right. Nothing to be nervous about. We’re just going to spend some time on the garden and Angelo would sing for me. Oh wow... Angelo’s going to sing… FOR ME!! His talking voice already sounds so angelic; I can’t wait to hear how he would sound like singing! I excitedly ran to my locker, finding Angelo looking every bit of a shy nervous angel he is.
I took out my phone then typed to him one-handed as I put my books in my locker.
[Morning! Let’s go?] I smiled as I held up my phone to him.
He gave me an equally bright smile as we walk towards the garden. I would occasionally steal glances, but we mostly walk in comfortable silence until we reach the gate. He then broke the silence by asking, “Would it be alright if I try to get the key this time?” He looked like an eager little kid who’s about to solve some amazing adventure puzzle. It’s adorable.
I nodded and he moved the stool by the window, but it was too high above that he still can’t reach inside, so I grabbed his hips all of a sudden and raised him higher, he flinched a bit, which ended to us losing our footing and he fell in my arms.
I was about to raise his head to see if he was ok, but he looked up with a grin and jingled the keys to my face. I smirked as I shook my head at him then straighten him up by the gate. He really is too adorable.
When we got in, we walked around the rose bushes; Angelo telling me a story about how he and his sister got picked up when out shopping together, he was mistaken as a girl while the guy mainly flirted with him and ignored his sister, she laughed hysterically about it until she ‘accidentally’ threw her avocado shake at the guy and dragged Angelo away. I’m sort of laughing to him – soundless laughing – but I guess he understood that at least I got the story when he saw me awkwardly smiling open mouthed, which made him laugh at the look of my face. He told me some more things like what to expect on the game he was talking about, how to get started with it and some rants about several bad games he played a long time ago. He’s pretty talkative and seems to like telling stories, and I definitely enjoy listening to him, letting him know by brushing the back of his hand with mine and nodding a smile in response.
When we got to the middle of the rose garden, we sat by the little fountain in it. We stayed there for a while in silence, appreciating the early morning peace. After several minutes, I noticed Angelo glancing at me nervously, seemingly not knowing what to do next. I took my phone and start typing away on it.
[Are you ok?]
“Um… Yeah, I am. It’s just that, about last night… Do I really have to sing? It’s not that I don’t want to sing for you or anything. I’m just embarrassed. I’ve never sang in front of anyone before. My family would hear me sometimes when they pass by my room and I was really embarrassed getting caught doing that the first time around. I still don’t sing much when there are people in the house until now. I was thinking of trying out at the glee club but I don’t think I’m good enough. I usually sing varying genres of songs too depending on my mood but I think my favorites are ballads. Do you like ballads? What kind of songs do you like? Oh. Wait, am I talking too much?” he starts babbling animatedly with his hands, with his eyes darting around the room, trying to avoid my eyes in nervous energy.
I snickered as I showed him the phone screen and held his hand tightly.
[Please let me hear you sing? I know you’d sound amazing.]
He visibly relaxed and gave a bashful smile. He then slightly cleared his throat then swallowed a few times. I continued holding his hand, interlocking my fingers around his. I knew I would really like his voice, but I wasn’t prepared about how much, and as soon as he started singing, a soft slow melody of a ballad; I knew I have never heard such a beautiful sound my whole life and I would just love to hear that forever. We were alone; all of the other sounds from the wind or chirping birds all disappeared. Angelo’s voice filled my ears, my mind, my heart, my body and the air around me. He sang to me the whole time until we were interrupted of the school bell ringing, transporting us back from our own private world. I slowly withdrew my hand away and we walked back side by side to the school building after locking the garden’s gate. We were both relaxed and happy when we got to class and we slightly ‘talked’ through text whenever the teacher wasn’t looking. Just before the class ended, I took out my note pad and wrote a quick note to him.
[Your voice was beautiful. Thank you for letting me hear it. I wish you’d let me listen again next time.]
As soon as he got the note, he looked down to hide his face and I saw his blush through his reddening ears; making me blush slightly as well.
ps. that game link is not real AHAHAHA
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