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The Centurion - 25. Character Index
The Centurions, warriors who know no equal in all of Ares, live for the chance to fight in great battles and prove their worth through blood and slaughter. Cursed to live not one day past the age of forty, the cruelties of life have taught these perfect soldiers to live without regret or concern for tomorrow, and to live each moment with untamable passion. Of all the people in Ares, only one race has the power to leash the hearts of these pinnacle fighters and that is the gentle hand of men called Legatio who, cursed themselves, long ago turned their backs to the love offered them by their warrior cousins. All but one, that is...
Jason Argot, rightful ruler of the Kingdom of Qul Tos, was born outside the bounders of the Centurion's Empire, Domus. Kept prisoner by his mother, the Queen Regent, he has grown into manhood without knowledge or understanding of his fellow Legatio, lacking the hatred and prejudices his people have toward their Centurion protectors. In fact, Jason has no knowledge of any man, having lived in naïve innocence locked in a tower high in the mountains, the path protected by a deadly maze called the Labyrinth.
Jason does know one thing, however. Above everything he could ever wish for, he desires love. With legions of Centurions coming to rescue this one young man from the cruelties of his mother, neither Jason not his Centurion rescuers know that the path they will walk together is the one foretold in legends and prophecies... a time of great turmoil and love.
Agamemnon: Father of Jason, the most famous General in the Western Confederate Army
Aiden the III: King of Jadoor
Alex: Younger Brother of Philip, Centurion
Amplexor: The abbot of a strange monastery
Armageddon: The Field Marshal of Demons, formerly know as Alex
Ashella: Supreme Matriarch of Mathannon
Balus: Treasure of the Domus Senate
Bethany: A Matriarch of Mathannon
Brashear: An Earl from the Kingdom of Tal Sith
Calis: Grandson to Emperor Korish
Caleb/Calebos: The former crown prince of Qul Tos, captured early in the war
Cillas : Commander in the 7th Western Legion
Claudius: Defense Minister of the Domus Senate
Darren: Jadoorian General
Daslan : Deceased king of Qul Tos
Diana: Prime Minister of Jadoor
Dorian: Sea Captain in the Centurion navy
Dosa: Father of both Philip and Alex
Dovin: A commander in the Eastern Centurion Army
Eleanor: Mother of Jason and Queen Regent of Qul Tos
Erik: A Famulus major domo
Felix: Adopted son of Perils, Student at the Academy, Legatio
Galen: Archbishop of Koor
Gamesh: An old Lahorian translator
Ged: A private in the Western Centurion Army
Geoff: A Qul Tos assassin
Gerrick: A Famulus blacksmith
Gideon: Son of Perils, student at the Academy, missing one arm from a duel with Alex, Centurion
Gladius: First High Priest of Jadoor
Gorr: Field Marshal of the Eastern Centurion Army
Grecoron: Lord Commander of the Gate
Horace: The Famulus master of the baths in the Legatio quarter
Horn: A spear master in the Eastern Centurion army
Horst: A Legatio teacher of literature at the Academy
Issa: Commander in the 4th legion
Jamie: Admiral in the Jadoor navy
Jason: Son of Agamemon and Eleanor, Legatio
Joshua: A student at the Academy, Legatio
Koltus: A young Centurion with dreams of become the greatest warrior ever
Korish : Emperor to the Lahore Empire
Kristen: A Famulus body servant
Harper: Commander in the Jadoor navy
Lan: A princess from the southern kingdom of Fu Dor
Landon: A Qul Tos knight of whom Geoff was his squire
Lauren: A peasant and mistress to Count Sirrus
Logan: A blacksmith from Domus
Lorin: The double bladed sword master at the Academy
Lorish: Commander in the 7th western legion
Lucius: Speaker of the Domus Senate
Lukas: Field Marshal of the Western Confederate Army
Lutavis: A student at the Academy, Legatio
Marcus: A General in the Eastern Centurion Army
Melissa: Captain of Eleanor’s all female bodyguard
Melkior: An ancient Legatio, teaches diplomacy at the Academy
Natroil: A student at the Academy, Centurion
Niles: High Priest of Jadoor
Octavos: A student at the Academy, Centurion
Oktor: Commandant of the Academy
Perils: Leading politician in the Domus Senate
Philip: A commander in the Eastern Confederate Army
Quintus: A student at the Academy and leader of a decathlon team, Centurion
Raspen Vas: Uul noble
Richard: Jadoorian spy
Rondus: Lord of the Jasper Mountains, a hermit
Aegis: The younger brother of a Centurion general, 7th legion Commander
Sirrus Vor: A Count from the Kingdom of Huron
Sun Ro : Emperor of Wu Yan
Thomas: A Sindar spy
Urrack: Admiral of the Centurion war fleet
Varrus: Master of the staff at the Academy
Volt: A student at the Academy, Centurion
Warren: High Inquisitor of Jadoor
Xavier: Field Marshal of the Home Guard
Yadish: A healer at the Academy
Yates: General of the Tal Sith Army
Zophar: An officer in the Western Centurion Army
The Academy: Premier school in Domus for Centurions and only school for Legatio
Angel: A Legatio bonded to a Centurion Skin: white Eyes: black Wings: white
Aquanos: Chief port city of Domus
The Barrier: The wall separating the Old World from the New World
The Cube: The giant stone structure that serves as the main building at the Academy
Centurion: A race of warriors, strong, and fast healers but die at age 40 Color: white
Demon: A Centurion bonded to a Legatio Skin: black Eyes: white Wings: black
Demon Spawn: A Centurion or Famulus bonded to a Demon Skin red with black tattoos
Doll: A human brought back to life with only the memories given to it by the vampire that raise it from the dead Eyes: green
The Domus Empire: Center of Centurion and Legatio Culture. Rules by the three Field Marshals and the Legatio Senate
Dorrs: Wild men to the east of the Lahore Empire
Eb: A small island in the Great Ocean
Eastern Centurion Army: In change of supervising the Confederacy and the land to the east of Domus Colors: Red and Black
Eastern Confederacy: An alliance of nations to the east of Domus, not led by one single nation.
Freen: A small kingdom in the Western Confederacy, bordering Domus: Colors :Red and White
Fu Dor: a small island kingdom in the southern hemisphere Color: Blue
The Great Desert: A vast wasteland separating Lahore from the Eastern Confederacy.
The Great Ocean: The large body of water separating the Old World from the New World
Home Guard: In charge of protecting the Domus Empire Colors: White and Gold
Huron: A kingdom in the Eastern Confederacy, to the northeast of Qul Tos. :Color Green and Grey
Ingral: A fiefdom in Qul Tos famous for its silver mines
Inner Sea: The body of water separating the large northern continent from the smaller southern continents
Inquisitors: Make up the Mother Church’s judges Color: Black
Isil: Most eastern of Confederate kingdoms, bordering the Great Desert Colors: Yellow and Brown
Jadoor: Largest and strongest kingdom in the Western Federation Colors: White and Black
Jasper Mountains: A region bordering Qul Tos and Domus, know for its gem mines
Kaal :Sole god of Lahore
Koor: Second largest city in the Kingdom of Jadoor.
Labyrinth Keep: Built after the fall of the Labyrinth Tower
Labyrinth Tower: Ancient Citadel of the city of Qul Tos
Lahore Empire: Made up of several tribes in a quasi religious state Color: Gold
Legatio: A race of scholars, live for many centuries but can die from a simple cut. Color: red
Lake Hotha: Fed by the Qula River, largest lake in Qul Tos
Lake Mahka: The largest fresh water lake in the western world.
Masters: An Ancient people from across the great ocean to the west
Mathannon: A nation ruled by a council of Matriarchs, nearly always at war with neighboring Austrola
Meltor: Capital city of Jadoor
Mordel: The Valley of Death, birthplace of Legatio and Centurion
The Mother: Chief Goddess of the Kingdom of Jadoor
New World: The land left feral to be resettled by those in the Old World. Land of Domus, the Confederacy, and Federation
Null: The lowest mark one can earn at the Academy
Old World: The land ruled by the Masters, made into a wasteland after centuries of war.
Primo: The highest mark one can receive at the Academy
Purrsha : Capital of the Lahore Empire
Quadro: A near failing mark at the Academy
Qul Tos: Western most kingdom in the Eastern Confederacy Famous for it’s silver and gem mines. Colors: Blue and Silver
Qul Hoth: Second largest City in Qul Tos, on the banks of Lake Hotha
Qupo: A land and people who live on the southern continent, know for their elephants
Randor: Capital of Huron
Royal Army of Jadoor: Loyal only to the King of Jadoor Color : Green
Saint: A Centurion or Famulus bonded to an Angel: Skin: tanned , Eyes: white, Wings: black
Secundus: A above average mark at the Academy
Senate: The Legatio branch of Domus Government, headed by a Speaker, Treasurer, and Defense Minister. Beneath it lays the tombs of deceased Legatio
Sindar: One of the three people created by the Masters, have the ability to control minds
Sol: Capital of the Federation
The Sons: The two minor gods of the Kingdom of Jadoor, said to be reincarnated with the rise of a new King and High Priest
Sorrk: port city in the kingdom of Freen
Tal Sith: A kingdom in the Eastern Confederacy, to the east of Qul Tos, Only major kingdom in the Confederacy with accesses to the Inner Sea Colors:Yellow and Black
Temple of the Mother: Central Church in the Jadoor faith.
Templar Guards: Religious fanatics loyal to the High Priest. Color: Black
Triaril: A below average mark at the Academy
Tomb of the Warriors: Under the Grand Hall in Domus, place where the skulls of dead Centurions are entombed
Vampire: A person who received both the Anima from a Demon and an Angel. Needs blood to survive and has the ability to raise dead animals and humans back to life
Western Centurion Army: In charge of supervising the Federation and the land and islands to the West of Domus Colors: Blue and White
Western Federation: An alliance of nations to the south of Domus, led by the kingdom of Jadoor
Winged Guard: The person bodyguard of the Holy King of Qul Tos Color: White
Wu Yan: The strongest nation in the southern hemisphere Color: Purple
Yelding: A kingdom northwest of Freen Colors: Orange and Brown
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