Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Centurion - 27. Chapter 27
Chapter Thirteen:
The Legatio and the Famulus
Tired from exercise and the baths, Jason quickly fell onto his
bed when he entered his room. Kristen followed after him, carrying a cot. After placing what would be his bed at the foot of Jason’s, Kristen began to undress his tired master. He first took off his sandals and placed them under the bed. Then he lifted Jason as if he were a rag doll and lifted his white shirt off before helping Jason get under the sheets.
“Were you always a Famulus?” Jason asked in a sleepy tone. “Yes.” Kristen smiled. He joined Jason on the bed, resting on top of the sheets. “I’m sorry,” Jason turned his face to look at Kristen. “
Why...?” Kristen asked as he played with Jason’s short hair. “
You have always been a slave. You’ve never known freedom?”
“No.... From what I understand you’ve had less freedom than I or any other Famulus.” “The Labyrinth Tower? From what I was told it was a pretty dreadful place for you.” “Was it really that bad? The starvation, the beatings, your mother putting you in a dress?” Kristen asked with raised eyebrows.
“There was a library, and Melissa was good to me,” Jason said.
“Yes, but you were trapped in that tower for most of your life... a prisoner.”
“I suppose,” Jason replied.
“We Famulus might be regarded as slaves but we can choose what kind of life we want to live, unlike you Legatio and Centurions,” Kristen explained further.
“What do you mean?”
“I can be a farmer, a healer, a cook, and blacksmith, whatever I want, as long as it is not a warrior or a senator. You Legatio on the other hand have to be in politics, while your Centurion cousins all have to be warriors.”
“We don’t have to be,” Jason said... a little unsure if he was right.
“Yes you do... the law is very clear. All Centurions must serve in the army while almost every Legatio must one day join the Senate.”
“But it gives us all the power.”
“It also makes you responsible. If Domus falls it will not be the Famulus who are blamed but you, the Legatio, and the Centurions.”
“They massacred your people though... Philip had to kill all of his Famulus servants,” Jason said, starting to become upset.
“That is because a few of us killed a Field Marshal,” Kristen said as if that explained it all.
“But not all of you!” Jason cried against Kristen’s chest.
“They broke their oath to never do harm. As a result my people share part of the guilt and responsibility,” Kristen said calmly
“No you don’t,” Jason cried. “Innocent people died.”
“No one is innocent, Jason.”
“They did not deserve to die though.” Jason insisted tears streaming down his face.
“Shhhhhh... I know, Jason. Now you better stop crying or you are going to get me in trouble,” Kristen said as he tried to calm Jason
“I’m sorry,” Jason apologized as he wiped his face.
“No need to. You get some rest. Jonathan will bring up lunch and a bowl of water to wash your face.” Kristen smiled as he pulled off his black robe to show himself naked but for a narrow piece of cloth in front of his groin. After folding the robe, Kristen joined Jason on the bed.
“Alright...” Jason agreed, curling up into a ball against Kristen and fell asleep.
An hour latter Jonathan came with a bowl of water, half a roasted chicken, a loaf of bread, and a sliced orange. To wash it all down was a mug of cold milk. The smell of the food coming from downstairs woke Jason up a few moments before Jonathan came in with the tray.
“Did you rest well?” Kristen asked in a soft voice.
“Yes, thank you.” Jason nodded.
“Would you like to eat in bed or at the table?” Jonathan offered.
“Eating in bed would make a mess.” Jason laughed, getting out of the bed, not even bothering with the fact that he was almost naked.
“Let me get you your robe then,” Jonathan rushed as he put the tray down on the table and went to the dresser, pulling out a white robe. He brought it to Jason and helped him slip it on.
“I can dress myself.” Jason blushed.
“I know you can but it is my job to dress you... you would not want me to be out of a job... would you?” Jonathan teased.
“No... I just feel embarrassed.”
“That’s because you were not raised as a Legatio. I know some Legatio older than you who still can’t dress themselves.”
“That’s silly.” Jason laughed.
“Yes...it is part of a joke amongst us Famulus that the whole Senate would die of a cold if we Famulus weren’t there to light their fires,” Kristen joined in.
“Hahahahahaha... but can I dress myself?” Jason asked, not wanting such jokes be made about him.
“Yes you can, except when you have to dress for formal occasions. Then you have to let me do it. I do have a reputation to maintain and if you left the house improperly clothed I would never live down the shame,” Jonathan said in a bemoaning voice.
“You’re funny.” Jason laughed.
“And you are about to have a cold lunch if you don’t get moving.” Jonathan grinned as he pointed to the empty chair at the table, where he was soon joined by Kristen.
Midway through lunch Philip came by, causing Kristen to stand up. “Are you ready to show my men how good you have become with the quarterstaff?” He grinned.
“I think I will just embarrass myself.” Jason blushed.
“No... there is no way you will be embarrassed.”
“Why do you say that?” Jason asked.
Philip went over to Jason and tussled his hair. “Cause I’ve seen you and you are good, especially for starting so late in life.”
“I’m no match against you or Alex,” Jason pointed out.
“The men are not looking for you to beat us. They are already impressed that you want to learn about our culture. Even the new Field Marshal will be there.”
“New Field Marshal... who?”
“General Darius... for once Xavier and Lukas were in agreement.”
“Good... I like him.”
“And he likes you. That is why he is coming here – to see how much you have improved.” Philip grinned.
“Now I am nervous,” Jason said, worryingly.
“You don’t have to duel if you feel you’re not ready” Philip said.
“But you think I’m ready?” Jason pointed out.
Walking over to Jason, Philip pulled him into a bear hug. “That I do.”
“I’ll duel then,” Jason nodded as Philip patted his back.
“Yes sir.” Kristen bowed just as there was a ringing at the gate. “Ahhhh... they’re here. Have him ready in ten minutes.” Philip
grinned, looking at the water clock as he left to greet his guests.
Knowing it would take some time to get Jason into the leather armor, Kristen and Jonathan began to hurry the young Legatio to finish his meal. “We better get going. Eat quickly and drink your milk.” Jonathan grinned as he lifted the cup to Jason’s mouth. “I put a little extra something in it for you.”
“What?” Jason asked as he put down the now empty cup.
“Two spoons full of Centurion bones, just in case you get hurt.”
“Where do they get the bones?” Jason asked as Kristen pulled his chair back so he could stand up.
“The bones come from the Centurion dead. When a Centurion dies, the only part of him preserved is his skull, on which all the markings the Centurion has on his shoulders are etched, the rest are sold to the Legatio merchants, Senator Perils family being one of the major buyers. The skull is then placed under the Grand Hall where all the dead of the Centurions are buried.”
“How many are buried there?” Jason asked as he was helped out of his robes.
“My guess is hundreds of thousands, maybe millions. A human skull does not take up much space.”
“Have you ever seen them?”
“No... only the Legatio poets and historians are allowed down there. History, songs and stories fascinate the Centurions. Supposedly the Legatio use the skulls to write them.”
“I see. Do the Legatio keep their skulls?”
“They keep their whole bodies, mummified, in tombs under the Senate building.”
“So who writes their stories?”
“There is no need, since so few Legatio have died. And those who have are still remembered by their friends. A Centurion, on the other hand, can be forgotten in a few decades without the songs and poems since they die so young,” Kristen explained.
“It is the only way they can remember their history,” Jason realized as he put on the red shirt Jonathan handed him.
“Yes. That is the purpose the Legatio serve, other than being senators. They are the living histories of the empire.”
After Jason was dressed in Legatio red he let Kristen put the hard black leather armor breastplate on him as well as matching pairs of arm and leg guards. Jason was sure he looked like one of the animals he had seen in a book... a turtle, if he remembered the name right. As a result, it was a little harder to climb up the ladder to the roof where everyone was waiting. Still, at least his arms were free.
When he reached the top, Jason saw at least three dozen men dressed in full Centurion uniform, wearing their red and black masks. Except for the chirping of birds and noise from the street below, the place was completely silent. Seeing that Jason did not know what to do, Jonathan took Jason’s hand and led him to the practice platform before leaving his side.
From somewhere in the crowd a drum began to beat. One of the armored masked men joined Jason on the platform carrying two staves with him. He handed one to Jason and then marched to one of the sparring corners. Jason, seeing that the duel was to start at once, went to his corner and waited.
When the drum beating came to an end, Jason’s opponent walked out of his corner. Jason, remembering that he did not want to get trapped moved quickly to the middle of the platform. There the two of them circled each other.
Jason did not know the custom that a boy going through his first duel had to make the first blow. It took his opponent to stop moving and letting down his guard before Jason got the hint. Jason made a swipe at the left calf but was blocked easily by his opponent. Then the much taller man made to hit Jason on the side of his ribs, but the blow was half thrown, as if not meant to cause pain. Jason, though, remembering Alex’s lessons, blocked his opponent’s staff hard the next time, allowing him to quickly counterattack right at his opponent’s head.
His attacker stepped back, shaking his head, drops of blood falling onto the white bleached wood of the practice floor. The onlookers seeing the blood, broke their silence and made a loud cheer before rushing the practice floor, lifting Jason up into their arms.
Jason turned his head and saw his opponent remove his mask, revealing the face of Philip, his lip cut from the mask hitting his face due to Jason’s blow. Before Jason knew what was happening, his armo and red shirt were taken off. He was laid down on his stomach on a wood bench, a man at each of his limbs, holding him down.
“Wait!” Darius’ voice shouted, bringing the men to silence. “Jason is a Legatio, not some Centurion youth... he should have a choice before we mark him.”
“Alex, Philip!” Jason called out, nervous on hearing the word mark.
“Yes,” both asked as he came to Jason’s side.
“What are they going to do to me?” Jason asked worried.
“They are going to put your first duel and first blood mark on your shoulder.” Alex said, his face beaming with pride.
“I didn’t know Legatio received such marks.”
“They don’t but Legatio also don’t play with weapons and duel with Centurions,” Philip reminded Jason, laughing.
“Will it hurt?” Jason asked worried.
“A little...” Philip agreed. “You don’t have to go through with it if you don’t want to.”
“But it will make me more like you Centurions.”
Philip moved in closer so he could whisper into Jason’s ear. “You are a Legatio. They will not be pleased to see you marked. You should make your own choice however.”
“No... I might be Legatio, but the Centurions are my family. I want the mark,” Jason decided after thinking about it.
“Good...” Philip grinned broadly. “Wine skin!” “Wine skin!” several of the men near Philip cheered.
“So he is going to do it!” Darius laughed as he patted Philip on the back.
“He called us his family.” Philip grinned, trying to hold back his tears.
“He did?!” Darius said in disbelief. “Then we’d better make sure that our ‘son’ is well taken care of. I will talk to the Academy Commandant so that in addition to his Legatio lessons he is still able to practice weaponry. The Legatio teachers will be sure to give him a hard time, but Commandant Oktor knows how to keep them in line. It was a wise decision to make him Commandant when he was only 25, the Legatio teachers had been used to the Commandant dying three years into office... too much corruption.”
“Yes... thank you again for allowing me to transfer to be a teacher there.” Philip smiled with a bow.
“No... it is something I need to see changed at the school. For too long we Centurions have allowed our weak and lame to teach the students. None of the Legatio respect them. I’m sending you and five other of my commanders to impress on those spoiled brats that a Centurion is to be respected. I want a new fitness program and I am thinking that all Legatio should do the same. It has done a great deal of good for Jason. He is actually loveable,” Darius said as he wrapped his thick arm around Philip’s armored waist. He grinned as he looked at Jason with affection.
“Yes general... I mean Field Marshal... but Jason wanted to learn. I don’t think the other Legatio will be as eager,” Philip warned.
“They are not going to be given a choice. I know Field Marshal Xavier will oppose me, but Lukas is on such a weak footing he might want to even arm the Famulus in spite of the fact that they attacked him.”
“Field Marshal Lukas worries me. I hear he is thinking of invading Jadoor.” Philip sighed.
“Yes... he has already summoned the fleet to Aquanos,” Darius added.
“The Western Federation will not stand aside if their strongest member is attacked. Together their fleet outnumbers us two to one.”
“You are including their larger merchant ships.” Darius grinned.
“So I am, but those ships don’t need much modification to be turned into war galleys,” Philip explained.
“I am starting to think that I assigned you to the wrong post. I do need an observer to keep an eye on Lukas.”
“No thank you, sir... the last thing I want is to be saddled with a mad man who has reasons not to be fond of me.”
“Calling a Field Marshal mad can be viewed as treason.” Darius chuckled.
“Only if I was under his command, sir. You are my Field Marshal,” Philip said with a wink.
“Then take your Field Marshal’s advice... keep your comments on the sanity of my fellow Marshal to yourself until Lukas is well gone on his crusade.”
“Yes sir.” Philip smiled before returning his attention on Jason. “How are you doing... have they gotten you drunk yet.”
Jason pushed away the dripping wine skin so he could speak, but all he could make was a slurred yes.
“He’s ready.” Philip laughed.
All the men made way for the tattoo artist, who went to work on Jason’s back. When done, he had drawn a small tear-shaped drop of blood and a pair of small crossed swords. To finish it off he covered the marks with a fine layer of powered Centurion bone. The men then cheered. Jason was lifted back up onto his feet, supported by Philip and Darius. One by one the others came and examined the tattoos closely before kissing each one. Each time their lips touched Jason’s back he cringed with pain but as Philip explained to him it was all part of the ceremony.
After all the men had examined the marks to their satisfaction, Philip handed Jason over to Kristen to take him back down the ladder. Already the men were starting to undress to prepare for the orgy... Darius making sure to take Philip for himself.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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