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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The World of the Legend of the Red Star - 1. Key People and Glossary (The Shadowy Path)

Here is a short list of characters and a glossary to help the readers. There are no spoilers, but it's worth reading the first part of the series, 'The Shadowy Path', a little further before familiarizing yourself with the glossary.
The glossary and the character list are based on Part 1 of the series only. It does not include characters or concepts that appear later in the story.
Later changes are possible.

Key People

Andiol Empire

In the town of Paidos:

Josel Sandkan ("Goldy", "Josi"): 16-year-old boy from Paidos
Andreuz Sandkan: Josel's father, author
Curtus Jerovann: old man, Josel's father's assistant

Franz Landez: Josel's friend, 17 years old, son of a grocer
Bartos Rigailon ("Bars"): Josel's friend, 16 years, son of a senior official
Darren Temjanion: Josel's friend, 16 years

Jolanda: a young woman in Paidos

Dareis Monteilon: the imperial governor of Paidos
Zdain Monteilon ("Din"): the governor's 16-year-old son

Isendar Vargan: the regional director of the Shadow Cross

Kal'ditha: a stranger

Elsewhere in Andiol:

Zal, Melgyera ("Melgy"), Ragart ("Fox") and Marl: travellers

Marta Donthav: widow of a merchant
Toma: Marta's servant

Grand Duchy of Malkania

In the town of Naldau:

Anibella Dannkas: duchess
Danae Dannkas: 15-year-old niece of Duchess Dannkas

In the past

Members of the Brotherhood

Laftakom Greyhand, Eistaf Negos, Mocvann Gravenhild ("Vanna"), Taihan Xo'jox, Randalos Vevozor, Jestok the Yellow Coat, Maendrym Cors, Chab, Anden Telon, Zaltarim Fizol, Bendac, Obeiron Kuubos ("Ob"), Izaskar Ksellendor and Lufudon Narthoy

* * *


Afamat: a small semi-independent state south-east of Andiol
Andiol: an empire, neighbouring Malkania in the west and Land of the Ksingis in the east. The flag of Andiol is a yellow sun pattern stylized on a red background.
Astray Mountains: the mountains between human-inhabited Darkuria and the Bewitched Land.

Bewitched Land: 'Ar'dagh-mor'. The realm of the dreaders on the continent of Darkuria. See: Cmorh-Biyr.
Black Flame, the: a network of the fallen through which they share information with each other and group together to serve the goals of the Darkness. The Black Flame is run by mysterious 'superiors '. See: fallen.
Blue Moon, the: an organisation that has been active since the Age of Oblivion and whose mission is to fight against the Darkness. Headquartered in Hidden Castle. More recently, it has turned its attention to the Shadow Cross in particular.

Central Trade Route, the: an important east-west road via Five Hills to Dimalos.
Chimeijan: see: fiend wings
Cmorh-Biyr: the human given name (in Darkurian language) for the centre of the Bewitched Land. The name means the darkest darkness and describes well the place where no sunbeam can penetrate through a curtain of black clouds.
Confidants: a term used by the Blue Moon members to refer to each other.
Control discipline; control: ways to control and command another person by the Might.
Chronicles: narratives containing old traditional information collected more than a thousand years ago. The best-known chroniclers are Nidiel the Bearcatcher and Cedne Usvamieli.

Darkness, the: A unholy force or entity from which the fallen believe they derive their power and in whose name they act. See: fallen
Darkuria: 'Biyranthoj'. A naturally barren continent, cooled by cold ocean currents and almost always covered by clouds, in the southern hemisphere. Only the east and north coasts of the continent are inhabited. Low standard of living, high poverty, some mining.
Dimalos: the capital of Andiol, located in the western part of the empire.
Dimalis: the largest population group in Andiol, comprising the majority of the country's citizens. The Dimalis are somewhat mixed with the Malkanians in Western Andiol.
Dreaders: in the old language 'vra-dagraaj'. The dreaders are the most powerful of the followers of the Darkness. They have strange abilities and can move from place to place with dark magic. Creatures mentioned in ancient chronicles and legends, but which very few now believe to exist.
Duke, Duchess: the second highest noble title in Malkania, inherited by the eldest child of a duke, regardless of sex.

Eastkeep: the largest town in the Eastern Andiol and the most important centre in the region.
Eternal sleep: A place or space where the Dimalis believe people go when they die. After being afflicted with eternal sleep, people sleep peacefully, free of memories and worries.

Fallen, the: people who have sworn an oath to the Darkness and sold their souls for one reason or another. A fallen who has sworn an oath is bound to serve the Darkness and is punished by death for breaking it. The gruesome rituals of worship to the overlords of the Darkness are an integral part of fallen's lives. See: Black Flame, Overlords of the Darkness, followers.
Fiend wings: 'chimeijan'. Large flying mammalians, which in the old chronicles are called 'the steeds of the dreaders'.
Five Hills: a town in central Andiol
Followers, the: 'duranej', a name used by the fallen for themselves.
Frosty Moors: a treeless wilderness area in north-eastern Malkania.
Frothy: a large river flowing from the central Andiol to Ipalos. It empties into the Great Ocean south of Ipalos.
Fury hounds: dog-like beasts the size of a small horse. They live mainly in eastern Andiol and Land of the Ksingis in large herds. In Andiol, horror stories are told of how they kill for pleasure and enjoy slowly mauling their victims to death.

Governor, Imperial Governor: a high official appointed by the emperor of Andiol. He governs his province from the largest town or city in the region.
Grand Duke, Grand Duchess: the highest noble title in Malkania, inherited by the eldest child of the Grand Duke, regardless of sex. The Grand Dukes form a council from among themselves to govern the country.
Great Ocean: the ocean south of the Andiol and Malkania, extending to the northern coast of Southlands. The Great Ocean is usually referred to simply as 'the Sea', as it is the only sea known to most people in Andiol and Malkania.
Grozavok Rift: a long and remarkably deep gorge in the Bewitched Land. Its depths are said to be home to some of the most terrifying beasts.

Haven: the headquarters of the Brotherhood led by Laftakom Greyhand at Frosty Moors, now abandoned

Inhabited World, the: the area of the world comprising the inhabited parts of Andiol, Afamat, Malkania, Land of the Ksingis, and the Southlands and Darkuria. Sometimes the term is used to refer to Andiol, Afamat and Malkania alone. The term 'Inhabited World' is also used to distinguish the distant continent known as the Uninhabited Lands.
Ipalos: a city in southern Andiol along the river Frothy.

Ksingis: the inhabitants of the Land of the Ksingis.

Laftakom Greyhand's Brotherhood, the: a now defunct community of scholars with a variety of disciplines, whose headquarters, called Haven, was located in Frosty Moors in Malkania. Its members also used the Might in their research and were able to extend their lifespans. In addition to its leader, Laftakom Greyhand, the Brotherhood included Eistaf Negos, Mocvann Gravenhild, Taihan Xo'jox, Randalos Vevozor, Jestok the Yellow Coat, Maendrym Cors, Chab, Anden Telon, Zaltarim Fizol, Bendac, Obeiron Kuubos, Izaskar Ksellendor and Lufudon Narthoy.
Lake Towns: in Andiol, along the Central Trade Route, there are four nearby towns and lakes connected by the river Frothy. The most important of the lake towns is Deepwater, on the shores of the Great Lake.
Land of the Ksingis: 'Ksing-Goidao'. A large state east of Andiol and Afamat.

Main Hall: the room in each major administrative building of the Shadow Cross where the leaders of the organisation meet to take official decisions.
Malkania: grand duchy, state west of Andiol. The flag of Malkania has a bright red vertical line on a white background and two adjoining triangles of the same colour.
Masked Thief: a character in Andreuz Sandkan's adventure novels. The main antagonist of Troubadour Kharl.
Might, the: a special ability to influence matter and living beings without physical contact. Only few people have the Might, and even fewer understand the existence of the power itself. Unfortunately, some people also want to use it for evil purposes. People who possess the Might are therefore sought after as servants of the Darkness and are tempted by the Black Flame to fall by any means necessary.

Naldau: a town in eastern Malkania
Nalvajda: see: Overlords of the Darkness.
Nao-Kartheon: a large city in western Andiol. Famous for its many parks and its great bridge. The meaning of the old-language name is "New Kartheon".
Never-Ending War, the: a war waged by Andiol against Land of the Ksingis. It had lasted several decades in the border region between the two countries.
Nissos: town in southern Andiol by the sea.
Nobility of Malkania: in order from the most important: grand duke, duke and count. In addition, the younger sons and daughters of the family who do not inherit the nobility of the head of the family are called barons and baronesses.

Oblivion, the: an indefinite period of time before the beginning of a new era. The wars and upheavals of the oblivion period destroyed much knowledge and caused a major setback in technological development.
Overlords of the Darkness, the: deities worshipped by the fallen, from whom they believe they receive their powers. The worship rituals are accompanied by horrific rites, which vary for each overlord. In general, the fallen choose one deity, whom they mostly worship. The high priests of the dreaders also serve a particular overlord. The most famous of the overlords are Grozavok (Prince of Eternal War), Nalvajda (Mistress of Lies), Blahaazsa (Lord of Lust), Chatramar (Poisoner), Nemxerdor (Painmaker), Halbadah (Lord of Delusions).

Paidos: a town in southern Andiol
Priestesses/priests of all gods: members of the clergy of the public temples of Malkania dedicated to all gods.

Seeker: a person with a special ability to recognise the use of the Might around them. Some seekers also have the ability to identify other things.
Senate, Imperial Senate, the: the highest administrative body of Andiol Empire, enacting and enforcing laws. Subordinate to the Emperor.
Seven Companions, the: an expedition to the Bewitched Land of the dreaders in 1563. Members: Anden Telon, Curtus Jerovann, Ikarr Knobnose, Trebomir Galna, Natalya Afins, Gothey Soldqek and Marl Gaidok
Shade commandos: people with special training. They are trained to, among other things, shadow a target, disguise themselves to blend in, pick locks and survive fights. A shade commando can be a master swordsman, a burglar and an assassin at the same time. A number of organisations and even countries employ shade commandos.
Shadaar: an ancient state which was located in the present Andiol area. Destroyed during the Oblivion.
Shadow Cross, the: a powerful and popular organisation in Andiol, originally founded to protect the rights of peasants. Since then, it has spread to all sectors of society. Also active in Malkania. The emblem of the Shadow Cross is a cross-shaped tree with a larger and darker cross-shaped shadow behind it.
Shadow dogs: a not so polite nickname for the shadow sentries or the members of the Shadow Cross.
Shadow sentries: soldiers of the Shadow Cross
Shadow walkers: a nickname for the members of the Shadow Cross
Snagosts: monsters of the dark woods depicted in horror stories. Yellowish, long-limbed, their skin covered in toxic slime.
Southern Trade Route, the: a major road in southern Andiol, goes through Paidos and Ipalos among others.
Southerners: dark or black-skinned people who inhabit the Southlands.
Southlands: continent across the Great Ocean south of the Andiol. The countries of the Southlands are Qoi-Tenqeee, Saadda and Mtuul. There are also some self-governing territories.
Spring Competition, the: a sports contest for young people held around spring time in most parts of Andiol. Traditionally, the Spring Competition includes fencing, steeplechase, running, archery, kite fighting, long jump, discus throwing, swimming and wrestling.
Spring Day, the: an annual national holiday in Andiol Empire. It marks the end of the first term of the school year. Celebrations throughout Andiol.
Starveds' Desert: a wide sandy desert in the Southlands.

Tigeros Forest: an enormous, almost unexplored forest area in western Malkania
Town Council: a body in each town or city of Andiol. The Town Council is responsible for regional decision-making in the town, together with the provincial governor. It is made up of representatives of the main professional groups in the town and organisations such as the Shadow Cross. Can pass a vote of no-confidence on the governor, which is then approved or rejected by the Imperial Senate.
Town Councillor: the highest administrative authority in the Andiol towns, responsible for implementing the decisions of the commander of his district and the Town Council. Responsible to both the governor and the Town Council.
Traitors, the: the name used by Anden Telon for Eistaf Negos, Mocvann Gravenhild, Maendrym Cors, Chab, Bendac and Lufudon Narthoy.
Troubadour Kharl: the protagonist of Andreuz Sandkan's adventure novels

Veilwood: a vast forest area in the south of Andiol
Vendum: the capital of Malkania
vra-dagraaj: see: dreaders

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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

This is a very detailed inventory, It will be useful to reference and this story progresses.

Thank you,

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2 hours ago, akascrubber said:

This is a very detailed inventory, It will be useful to reference and this story progresses.

Thank you. I thought such a glossary might be useful, as there are so many terms and characters in fantasy stories like this.

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Can't tell the players apart without a scorecard...an old baseball saying...

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