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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

There's Always Time - 1. Chapter 1

Ryan was driving along the Kamilaroi Highway towards Narrabri to visit his mother. It was all very routine and a trip he had made regularly while at university. Travelling alone he had stopped at Gunnedah for a coffee before continuing. He slowed to drive through Boggabri and was again cruising at 100ks and half listening to Troy Cassar-Daley singing “Some Days”. As he sang “some days are better than others my friend” it happened.

“Would you mind stopping at Gin’s Leap Rest Area.”

Ryan was startled and his body jumped. He glanced at the now occupied passenger seat. “Fuck you scared me.”

Before he was able to say any more Ryan felt the car speeding through the gravel shoulder of the road. Mild panic and adrenaline sharpened his reflexes as he regained control of the car, avoided what had to be one of the few trees on this section of the road and slowed.

“Glad you slowed. I thought you were going to miss the turn off to the rest area.”

That reminded Ryan that he had an unexpected passenger. Battling confusion and anger he pulled into the deserted rest area. “What are you doing in my car? Or rather, how the fuck did you get into my moving car?”

The stranger was concentrating on something in his hand. “I fell out of my time machine.”

Ryan stopped next to the picnic tables and looked carefully at this stranger. “Are you high on drugs?”

“No. I don’t use drugs.” He opened the door and stepped out. “I need to get a fix.”

Ryan stepped out of the driver’s door and called across the car’s blue roof, “Well, to me that sounds like a druggie.”

“What?” He looked back at Ryan across the car’s blue roof. “Oh no, I meant a fix on my time machine. It will have landed somewhere nearby.”

The thought, “That still doesn’t reassure me you’re not high on drugs,” passed though Ryan’s mind.

The stranger sat on the picnic table and fiddled with what looked like a small phone. Now that he was able to watch this enigmatic stranger Ryan found himself drawn to him. He looked to be early twenties, about the same age as Ryan and they were about the same height although his light olive complexion was darker than the white skin that accompanied Ryan’s thick ginger hair. Ryan was drawn to this stranger’s dark brown curly hair. Just the type that Ryan liked to run his hand through and grip when . . Ryan cleared his head. What was he thinking?

Ryan walked around his car and towards the picnic table. The stranger looked up and they made and, for a moment, held eye contact.

“I’ve established the coordinates. Now I have to plot them on a map.”

Ryan looked back into those dark brown eyes. “What’s your name?”

“Oh sorry, I’m Aaron.” He extended his hand towards Ryan. “And you are?”

Their hands met and lingered. “Ryan.” They released their hands. “I’ve got a GPS we can use to plot the coordinates, if you can explain how you ended up in my car.”

“I told you I fell out of my time machine.”

Ryan sighed, “And telling me that a second time still doesn’t tell me anything. For my benefit, let’s go simple. What do you mean 'time machine' and how did you fall out of one and then how did you suddenly get into my moving car?”

Aaron looked around to reassure himself that no one in this otherwise totally deserted rest area could hear him. “I suppose you deserve to know.”

Ryan rolled his eyes and waited with his inbuilt bullshit detector on full alert.

“I built myself this time machine that I travel around in.”

The bullshit detector pinged loudly and incessantly in Ryan’s head. “Are you sure you’re not high on drugs.”

Aaron expelled an exasperated sigh, “I’ve already told you I don’t use drugs. Don’t you ever listen?”

Ryan was warming to Aaron and happily smiling replied, “OK. I’ll believe that you aren’t on drugs and for now I’ll sort of accept that you have a time machine.”

Aaron smiled back, “At least that’s a start.”

“But you still have to convince me you fell out of this time machine of yours.” Ryan used air quotes with time machine, which did not go unnoticed or appreciated by Aaron.

“Hmm I’m not convinced you’re going to believe me anyway, but here’s what happened. I was leaning out and trying to make a minor adjustment when I slipped, let go and lost contact. Before you ask. I was obviously intersecting with your timeline when that happened so when I materialized it was next to you.”

Ryan thought for a minute during which he looked at his car shimmering in the heat, Aaron still sitting on the picnic table and then into Aaron’s eyes. Aaron waited and finally Ryan spoke, “Your story is totally unbelievable, and I have no idea what ‘intersecting time lines’ even means.” He used air quotes again and Aaron rolled his eyes. “But I can’t think of any other explanation for you suddenly appearing in my moving car. Unless I’m just imagining all this.”

Aaron jumped off the table. “Awesome.” He moved swiftly and wrapped his arms around Ryan in a hug. “Does this feel like you’re imagining me?”

Instinctively Ryan hugged him back, “No. No, this feels very real.” His mind added, “Wonderfully real.” The hug continued.

“Great! So you will help me find my time machine.”

Ryan groaned and broke the hug. “What do I have to do to help?”

Aaron was delighted. “I knew I could rely on you. You said you have a GPS I can use to check the coordinates.”

In his car with the air con on full, Ryan opened the GPS and together they plotted the coordinates. “It’s on Mount Kaputar. Can we drive there?”

“That’s looks like it’s near the lookout. We can drive there but it’s getting late. Can you wait until tomorrow? I mean will your ahmm time machine be OK out there overnight?”

“Yeah, it’ll be OK but where will we spend the night?”

“I’m visiting my parents in Narrabri. You can stay with me. If that’s OK with you?”

Aaron wasn’t sure about imposing on Ryan’s parents but welcomed the idea of spending the night with Ryan.

“Will it be OK with your parents?”

“Sure. They’re farmers, so they’re very hospitable and anyway they’re used to my siblings and me turning up with friends.”

“So I’m your friend?”

Ryan hadn’t expected such a casual comment to be challenged, but it didn’t take him long to decide. “Yes, I want you to be my friend.”

Aaron had already decided he liked Ryan so he was able to respond immediately. “I want that too. I want you to be my friend.” He reinforced his comment by hugging Ryan in the confines of the front seats. Ryan did not object.

Ryan pulled out of the rest area and headed north. In Narrabri Ryan turned right off the highway and into Gibbons Street where he pulled into the driveway of an elevated house opposite the high school that he knew so well.

“I thought you said your parents are farmers.”

“They are. The family property is on the Wee Waa Road. Mainly cotton and sunflower now. They bought this place when the four of us were in high school so we didn’t have to travel in from the farm each day. My two brothers run the property now, so Mum and Dad retired and moved here.”

“It’s just that I expected us to be staying on a farm.”

“My sister’s married to a farmer. Like my brothers, they live on a farm. We can visit them if you really want to see a farm.”

“No, I rather meet your parents.”

“In that case let’s get inside and meet them.” Ryan was about to say “grab you bag” but realized that Aaron didn’t have a bag or in fact anything besides what he was wearing and that thing that looked like a mobile phone.

Ryan opened the boot and tossed one of his duffel bags towards Aaron, “Here carry this in for me.” He then slung a second bag over his shoulder and closed the boot with a satisfying ‘clunk’.

They walked through to the back steps and had just reached the top when the door was flung open and a woman, who had to be Ryan’s mother grabbed him in a momma bear hug.

“It’s wonderful to see you, darling. You’re later than I expected. Is everything OK?”

Her gaze lifted over Ryan’s shoulder and fixed on Aaron standing in the doorway. She broke the bear hug. “Who’s your friend, dear? I thought you’d have Stanley with you.”

Ryan let out an exasperated sigh. “Mum, Stanley and I broke up. I told you on the phone.”

“It’s a pity. I thought he was a nice young man. I liked him.”

“Apparently so did the other guys he was having sex with.”

Aaron sniggered.

“That’s not a nice thing to say about your boyfriend in front of your friend.”

That allowed Ryan to stop his mum talking about Stanley.

“Mum this is Aaron.”

Aaron smiled, “It’s nice to meet you err um Mum.”

Ryan’s mother’s face turned into a wide friendly smile. “Welcome Aaron, and yes you can call me mum. I like that.” She wrapped her arms around Aaron and pulled him into her bosom. After releasing him she said, “Well don’t just stand there Ryan. Take Aaron and your bags down to your room and get comfortable while I finish cooking dinner.”

They entered the bedroom and dropped the bags on the bed. “When were you going to tell me about Stanley?”

“I wasn’t. He’s not my boyfriend. He’s screwing around. Anyway, what’s it got to do with you?””

“Hmm so do you have another boyfriend?”

Ryan thought he detected flirting in that question, so he took longer to answer.

“We only broke up a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t had time to start another relationship.”

“Your mother thinks I’m your boyfriend now.” He looked around the room and very pointedly looked at the only bed in the room. “Does that mean I get to sleep with you tonight?”

Ryan’s prominent Adam’s apple moved up and down as he swallowed and considered that question. “We only met this afternoon. We hardly know each other.”

“We could really get to know each other if I sleep with you tonight.”

Ryan picked up one of the bags and started to open it, hoping it would disguise his arousal.

“Your mother said you were in here. Welcome back son and you must be Ryan’s new boyfriend. Aaron, I think she said.” Both received a strong handshake and slap on the back.

“In case you missed it, this is my dad.”

“The one and only. Come on, we’ve got time for a beer before dinner’s ready.”

While drinking the beer, Aaron managed to keep the focus away from himself by showing a keen interest in cotton and sunflower farming. He was not so lucky during dinner.

“Tell us about yourself Aaron. What work do you do?”

“That’s easy, I’ve started working as an engineer after finishing university. I’m also an inventor.”

“Ryan has been studying engineering, so you met each other at university?”

Aaron was going to correct this when he felt Ryan’s foot tap his ankle.

“Well mum, with both of us doing Engineering courses, we’d have to meet at some time.

Ryan’s father stopped eating. “As a farmer I’ve had to be inventive around the farm myself. What have you invented Aaron.”

“Well, as you’ve asked I’m really proud that I’ve invented a ti . Oww.” Ryan foot had connected more solidly with Aaron’s ankle.

“Are you OK Aaron?” it was Ryan’s mum.

“Yes he’s OK. He just has to remember he should be careful talking about his inventions until he has the patents sorted out.” Aaron gave Ryan more than a passing glare.

Ryan’s Dad liked talking about inventions. “What! Not even to family?”

“Dad, Aaron isn’t family yet. We only met this afternoon.” Immediately he knew that was the wrong thing to say. Aaron’s smirk and foot confirmed it.

“What Ryan’s trying to say is that we’re been very close friends but were on separate holidays. My er . . campervan had some problems and I was left stranded in . . .”

Ryan supplied with a smirk, “Gunnedah.”

“Yes, Gunnedah. Ryan was passing through and kindly offered a lift and company while it’s being fixed.”

“Pity you didn’t make it to here. I’m good at fixing mechanical things. Could have helped you out. Probably could have fixed it.”

“Well, it’s not here Dear,” Mum interrupted, “And I’m sure it’ll be good where it is. I’m just pleased that you were able to meet up. You must have been surprised that you were both there at the same time.”

Ryan looked at Aaron, “Yes Mum, meeting up certainly surprised me. But I think it’s going to work out.” The foot touching had become gentle.

“What are you two up to tomorrow?” It was Ryan’s Dad.

“I going to take Aaron up Mount Kaputar to show him the view and do a bit of hiking.”

“That’s good. You should enjoy that Aaron. I’ll be going out to the farm. Ryan, I’ll let your brothers know you’re home.”

“And I’ll fix a picnic lunch for you to take with you”



They stood on opposite sides of the bed undressing.

When Aaron was naked he looked across the bed. “Are you really wearing your underpants to bed? I didn’t know you were shy.” A touchy point for Ryan.

“I’m not shy! It’s just that I’m not comfortable being naked in my parent’s home when you’re here.”

“So you would be comfortable being naked here if Stanley was here?”

Ryan wondered why everyone kept mentioning Stanley. “No, when he was here, we both wore boxers to bed, like I’m doing now.”

“So I should be like Stanley and wear my underwear in bed?” Ryan didn’t like Stanley being mentioned again but liked Aaron standing there without his underwear. “Or is it that you are uncomfortable having sex in your childhood bedroom.”

That was all too close for comfort for Ryan. He was indeed uncomfortable about having sex with his parents nearby, but he was also uncomfortable with his penis hardening the way it was. “I’m getting into bed. You can join me with or without your underwear. I want to sleep.”

Ryan almost dived under the sheet and rolled onto his side with his back to Aaron, who slid into the bed and close to Ryan. Ryan felt Aaron’s presence and even some skin to skin contact. He wanted to move away but also wanted to move closer.

Aaron whispered, somewhat seductively, in his ear, “May I touch you?”

Ryan moved back against Aaron, who draped his arm over Ryan and teased a nipple. Ryan moaned.

Aaron whispered again, “So you’re loud and don’t want your parents hearing you. Luckily, I have a solution.” He moved back and at the same time rolled Ryan over so they were facing each other.

Ryan tried to say, “We should stop this and go to sleep.” But couldn’t because his mouth was covered by Aaron’s. Also their tongues were dancing to the same tune as their erections.

When they broke the kiss, Ryan mumbled, “I think you need to stop me making any noise again.”

Aaron grinned and covered Ryan’s mouth. He also deliberately slid his hand down and inside Ryan’s boxers and wrapped it around his throbbing cock. Ryan moaned even more appreciatively into Aaron’s receptive mouth.

Ryan could feel Aaron’s erection throbbing against his thigh. His hand snaked down to engulf and stroke. It was Aaron’s turn to moan into a receptive mouth.

If they had thought that their first together to be a display of mutual love starting with an extended period of arousing foreplay which revealed their shared deep seated feelings for each other and leading eventually to an explosive, copulative and satisfying expression of their undying love, they would have been disappointed.

Fortunately, neither thought that. They both desperately wanted to get their rocks off while doing the same for the other, and at least for Ryan, making as little ‘give away’ noise as possible. They were totally successful with the first and reasonably successful with the second.

As their bodies relaxed and they became aware of the stickiness between them, Ryan gave Aaron a quick kiss and pulled back so he could stare into those beautiful eyes. “You accused me of being loud. Your moans rattled my tonsils.”

Aaron raised an eyebrow. “Just your tonsils! I was sure I felt the vibrations much lower down.”

Ryan chuckled, “Whatever.” He went for another kiss. “We need to clean up. I don’t want to wake up stuck to you in the morning.”

“Oh, I think you’re stuck with me for some time.”

“Hmm, should that thought worry me? For the time being it doesn’t.” Ryan tossed the sheets to the side and pulled away from Aaron. “Stay here I’ll get something to clean us up.”

With the evidence cleaned away and still slightly damp they fell asleep spooned together. The next morning, they were still spooned together.



By the time Ryan and Aaron had showered, dressed and entered the kitchen the only other person in the house was ‘Mum’. Ryan’s dad, always the farmer, had risen early and was already at the farm telling Ryan’s siblings about his new boyfriend.

They were greeted in the kitchen with, “I thought about waking you, but when I looked into your room and saw you together like that, I decided it would be cruel to wake you so I let you sleep.”

Both remembered how they were when they woke. Ryan blushed while Aaron replied, “Thank you Mum, I appreciate you doing that. We were both tired after yesterday.”

“That’s OK Aaron. I understand. At least you weren’t as loud as Stanley.”

As he smiled at Ryan, who was trying to glare simultaneously at both of them, Aaron asked, “Mum. would it be OK for me to make coffee and some breakfast for Ryan and me.”

Ryan immediately recognized the danger of a boyfriend, no not a boyfriend, a friend, maybe a friend with benefits, sucking up to Mum. Mum would love him.

“That’s sweet of you Aaron, but we’re a farming family and I make sure the men in the family have a good breakfast.”

Ryan felt that she emphasized “family” more than usual. If Aaron noticed he didn’t let Ryan know as he continued to charm ‘Mum’. As much as he wanted to, Ryan couldn’t sulk while enjoying an excellent Mum made breakfast.

“I’ve made a picnic lunch for you to take with you. It’s in the esky on the bench. I don’t want you going hungry.”

Aaron responded first, “That’s very kind of you. I know we’ll appreciate having something to eat. Thank you, mum.”

Mum smiled appreciatively. “It’s my pleasure. You boys just make sure you enjoy yourself.”

Ryan was going to be first this time and glared at Aaron to let him know. “Thanks for everything Mum. I’m sure we will enjoy ourselves.”





Ryan put the esky in the boot and closed it. “I know what you’re doing. You’re endearing yourself to mum.”

“I like your family. I already feel part of it.”

“You’re not part of my family.”

“If you marry me, I will be.”

That wasn’t the direction Ryan expected this discussion to take, and not only because the idea did have some appeal. Still, he wasn’t ready for that. He still had concerns about this strange stranger.

“In your dreams. Let’s get going.”



Ryan drove over the low level bridge spanning Narrabri Creek, turned left and headed towards Mount Kaputar. The mountain was easy to see as its sheer cliffs sprout straight up to more than four thousand feet above the surrounding plain. This volcanic plug is a remanent of volcanoes that were active around twenty million years ago.

They were approaching the foot of the mountain.

“You’ve not talking. Are you angry with me?”

“A bit I suppose. No, it’s more me trying to work you out. To know if I trust you.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“That’s it. I like you and want to trust you, but you’ve dragged me into this weird story of having a time machine and now I’m driving you up a mountain to find it. Basically, this could just be some weird time wasting wild goose chase.”

“If it helps, I like you too, and there’s nothing time wasting in what we’re doing.”

It was comforting to hear that Aaron liked him, but suspicion lingered. Suddenly he asked, “How old are you?”

“Twenty three. Why?”

“Same age as me. What year were you born.”

Aaron paused long enough to fuel Ryan’s suspicions. “There. That’s it. Everyone knows the year they were born and can say it automatically. You had to work it out. How can I trust you when you can’t even be honest about your age?”

They had arrived at the start of the winding road up the mountain.

“Ryan, I know my date of birth including the year. I hesitated because I didn’t want to surprise you. It’s over fifty years in your future. If you are still alive in my present time, you’d be over ninety years old.”

Ryan turned and looked at Aaron to try to ascertain if he was lying. That took his attention from the winding road long enough to worry Aaron.

“Ryan, please keep your eyes on the road.”

Ryan just managed the next turn. “Fine we can talk more at the lookout.”

“If you can keep to the road we can enjoy the view on the way there.”

They parked next to an Angophora with its orange trunk and opposite the wooden steps and walkway that led to the viewing platform and Trig Point. “Wow,” enthused Aaron, “This place is so awesome. Come on let’s go and look at the view from the lookout.”

“What, don’t you want to look for your time machine?”

“It’s OK. It’s just over there.” Aaron waved in the general direction of the end of the car park where all Ryan could see was a large callistemon covered in bright red bottlebrush flowers.

Ryan looked around the empty carpark and mumbled to himself, “Fuck! What have I got myself into. Is he just a conman or a deluded madman?” He looked for Aaron, but he was already running along the wooden walkway towards the lookout. Ryan took another look around the eucalyptus lined carpark to confirm that it was unoccupied apart from his car. He shrugged and took off after Aaron.

Aaron was leaning over the railing when Ryan arrived on the platform and walked around the Trig Point towards him. Aaron was still ecstatic with the view. “Isn’t this incredible? Such natural beauty.” He gestured across the tops of the eucalyptus with their creamy white flowers towards the East where under a cloudless blue sky and, thanks to recent rains, the green vista rose undulating towards the New England highlands.

Aaron didn’t wait for a response before running to the western side, “And here so different. Flat plains as far as we can see.”

Growing up in Narrabri, Ryan had participated in many family excursions and picnics to Kaputar, so the familiarity of the mountain and the surrounding panoramic view had bred a certain amount of, if not contempt, at least complacency. Suddenly he was swept up by Aaron’s enthusiasm and started to see his surrounds as new and fresh as if through the eyes of this stranger. He looked at what was familiar through new eyes.

They stood together at the railing, engrossed in what they were experiencing. Without thinking Ryan placed his left hand on top of Aaron’s right hand. Neither reacted even though it felt . . . . well, how did it feel? ‘Right’ is probably the simplest way each of them would have described it.

Ryan remembered why they had driven up the mountain and shook off some of the feeling coursing through his body. “Aaron, we’re here to find your time machine.” He wondered why he had said it in a way that sounded as if he believed there was a time machine to find. He continued, “Sorry mate but it’s not in the carpark.”

“Really! It was there when we arrived. Shit! Let’s get back there and see what’s happened.” Again Aaron raced off leaving Ryan to follow. He caught up with Aaron next to the car. “What are you talking about? It hasn’t moved. Its still over there.” Again gesturing towards the red flowering callistemon on the edge of the modest parking area.

“Fuck, mate can’t you see. There’s nothing there.”

“What? Oh, of course. You can’t see it. It’s invisible.”

Ryan was dumbfounded, “First you come up with this cock and bull story about a time machine and now when you say we’ve found it . . . it’s invisible. What else do you expect me to believe?”

“Stop stressing yourself. Mate you need to relax.”

“I was a lot more rebloodylaxed before you somehow dropped into my life.”

“Maybe. Come on.” Aaron started walking towards the end of the carpark. Ryan stood and watched. Aaron stopped and pressed that phone thing he had. He then stepped forward and disappeared.

Ryan stood mouth open. His mind screamed, “What the fuck?” His body refused to move while he tried to rationalize what he had just seen.

Thanks for reading.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

On 10/15/2024 at 10:46 AM, Cane23 said:

I LOVE that film! A true sci-fi! Idea to communicate with aliens using the music - amazing!

Yes, but what the hell did Beethoven say?

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