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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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By The Moon - 1. Chapter 1


My nails raked his chest as I shoved him out of the way, running to the door. “ I hate you!” I screamed at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. “ I never want to see you again!”

“Mark, please wait.” He pleaded. “Just let me explain.” He took a hold of my shoulder and spun me around. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get out of his grasp. The tears made him seem sort of cloudy like it was raining. I still loved him. More than I had with anyone else ever. I made a sound somewhere between a sob and a snarl. He made me look into his eyes. His emerald green eyes, that always seemed ready to light into mystic flames, bright, warm, green flames. He pulled me into a rough kiss.



Chapter 1.

I’m Mark. Short for Marcus. But I don’t like people calling me that. For reference I’m 17. I don’t live with my family anymore. I don’t want to nor would I ever on my free will. I now live with a couple of my friends. My life is kind of hectic and I don’t expect you to know much about it.

I absolutely hate goodbyes. They never are good and they only make me sadder. The house I now live in is owned by a man by the name of Jordan Moonshine. Odd name, I know. But it kind of fits him. He let me move in as a favor to my mom. The best way to explain it to describe it.

It was middle of the night. I was running thought the woods. It’s a good way to clear the mind. And just to let you know I wasn’t expecting anyone to appear in the middle of the woods at midnight. But then again weirder things have happened to me. Jordan just kind of appeared.

“Hello.” I turned and jumped in surprise. As I said. Midnight. Middle of woods. I really didn’t expect to see someone.

“Wha- who-who are you!?” I was kind of freaked, so give me a break. I feel kind of annoying, so I won’t explain anything unless necessary.

“That doesn’t really matter.” I must of seemed skeptical because he explained. “My name is Jordan. Jordan Moonshine. You okay?” He took a step further concerned.

I held up my hand. “Don’t. What do you want?” I kind of snapped at him.

He looked kind of upset. “ Just to talk, what else?”

“About what?” I asked him cautiously.

“What you are.” He said simply with a shrug of his shoulders.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Either you are really stupid or really stressed. I’m a vampire and I know you’re a werewolf. Or not yet, you still haven’t fully transformed.”

I started to panic. I was always told to never talk about my nature unless it was with another person like us. “You’re a lunatic.” I wasn’t that convincing.

‘How you didn’t get my scent worries me. You aren’t that good at the whole werewolf thing are you? Did you think that only your kind existed? There are a whole bunch of different species.”

“Well, I have had my thoughts about vampires, but I only truly knew about the were-clans. Any ones that I should know about?”

“Well quite a lot. But the main species are Faeries, Warlocks, Demons, Elementals, Shapes-shifters, Necros, Halflings, and some humans, as well as our species..” He listed each off with a finger raised. He looked up and realized that he had lost me a long time ago.

“Anything else you want to tell me?” I wanted nothing more than to continue running. I needed time to process all the new information.

“Well actually…”

“What now?!” I shouted. He didn’t seemed phased by this outburst.

“Your mom called me. She wanted me to take you in. That is until the whole you-the pack thing blows over. I don’t need to know what happened but it was a fight right?” He didn’t seem to want to interfere but maybe he would feel better if he knew some of it.

“Kind of.” I looked past him into the trees half expecting a pack member to jump out and report that I was talking about my species to an outsider.

He quickly looked behind him when he saw where my gaze went. “Well she wants you to come and live with me.”

“How do you know my mom, anyways?” She was kind of shy. I didn’t know any of her friends other than the wives of some of the wolves.

“ She saved my life a year back. Maybe you might have heard about it. It happened at the bar. Me and this wolf got into a fight and she was the one who stopped us before we hurt each other. I was new to this whole life and I would have probably have lost. She and I have kept in touch since. Mostly to trade information about the supernatural world. She tells me about the wolves while I tell her about the rest of the world.”

“Do you know his name?” I asked.

He looked slightly confused. “Whose?”

I looked down from the sky. “ The wolf who attacked you.”

His face cleared up with understanding. “ It was Maverick. I think”

I knew that name. And, boy, did it bring up a feeling of anger. “Dad.” I sighed exasperated. Jordan looked at me. He was expecting me to continue my train of thoughts. “Maverick is my father. That’s why she was able to break up the fight so fast. He would never hurt her ever.”

His face lit up in amusement. “Really? He is a jerk. You do know that?”

I turned to face him. My face grim. “I hate him.”

Jordan simply blinked at my comment and then burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. After he recovered he pulled out an index card. On it he wrote an address. He handed me the card and gave me some time to look at it. I soon put it in my back pocket. “ That the address of the house I own. Just to let you know two other people live there also. One is my brother. Chase. They other is the brother of a friend. Gray. Don’t try to get the two to talk, they won’t. That is if you decide that you want to live with us.” He smiled huge. His smile was so genuine and welcoming that I could help but to smile myself at the big blond vampire. Did I forget to mention that? Well Jordan is a tall sand blond vampire with warm brown eyes. Very handsome and probably had many different people lusting over him.

“What are they like?” If I was going to live with new people then I wanted to know as much as I could. As soon as I could.

“Which one?”

“Either. I guess.”

“Well Chase is kind of cocky and arrogant. But he is really caring and very loyal. A good friend in a tight spot. Gray, on the other hand, isn’t as sociable as Chase. Sad fellow. Kind of in his own world. But a beautiful artist. Very beautiful work. You should see some of it.”

I began to worry. “Do they- you know- know what we are?”

“They know. That being said Chase is a vampire and Gray is a warlock.” I felt happy. I didn’t have to hide being a werewolf. Not in front of them. “Yeah, Chase is really looking forward to meeting you. I kind of told him a little about you. Hope you don’t mind. Gray, as I should say, doesn’t really care either way. Don’t take it personal. He does it to everyone.”

I thought about the offer for a while. “When do I come to visit?”

He looked like he had just won a bet. “Anytime.”

“So I can visit anytime at all right?” I looked at Jordan. To be honest it sounded really amazing. Jordan tapped his foot, waiting for an answer. “Thank you. I really appreciate the offer. I wont let you down, Jordan.”

Jordan smiled again. “ Good. Chase doesn’t take no for an answer. Come as soon as you want. We already have an empty room.” He turned with a laugh and walked away . As soon as he entered the shadows he seemed to vanish. I began to run back to my house. I tried to work all the excess energy and stress. As well as all the new information I had to process. As soon as I got back to my room I fell asleep.

I wanted to run. Run away from it all. But my legs wouldn’t move under me. I felt all the things they said as if each were it’s own knife and each one was tearing my flesh apart. I fell to my knees and then the pain got worse. I couldn’t stop them and I soon fell into unconsciousness from the pain. I woke up and kept slipping out of it. The fear vanished as soon as I closed my eyes but would inevitably return as soon as I opened them again. The blackness my reprieve. Dad was the most upset. Derek tried to defend me but they just ignored him. I looked for Zachary but he wasn’t there. I could feel reality slip out from underneath me. Nothing was as I was. With all the strength I had I pulled myself up and ran. I kept running until the darkness consumed me.

I woke up with the rising sun at my window. That was the same dream I’ve had for the past month. Never being able to wake but instead having the nightmares continue uninterrupted. I kept having to relive it again and again. This was the second time this week that I had woken up on the floor with tears in my eyes. I know that no one said anything but I know that I had been screaming. Derek, my twin brother, was sitting on the small couch asleep. He must have calmed me down during the screaming. Mom sometimes did that but never Dad. I sat down on the edge of the bed and cried. I knew that I wasn’t the most ideal child but I didn’t think that I was the most horrible one either. Tears poured from my face until I took a warm shower to wake myself up. When I got up Derek was still asleep on the couch. I woke him up and told him to go sleep in his bed. He gladly complied. I knew that I had to do something to keep myself occupied or things would get much worse. I pulled out the index card from the pants. The address said that he lives only a little while away. Livavel was about a 15 minute drive away.

I cried the whole drive. Before I got out of the car I looked in the rear view mirror. I had glassy, tear covered eyes and my face was red. I wiped all the tears off my face and tried my best to make myself look normal. The house was pretty big, Jordan must have had some money or at least his family did. Behind the house I could see a small garden. Someone was standing there. Painting on a big canvas. Could only see part of the person. Male. His hair was pretty far off his face and it was pretty long, shoulder length. It was purple and black. The cool way not random. He raised his nose and looked like he smelled the air. He looked up and around. When he saw me he looked surprised. But he quickly turned towards the house as soon as the yelling started. I turned as well.

Copyright © 2011 Song Of The Dark; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Good first chapter. The narrator has a strong voice and the characters are interesting. The only criticism I have (and it's nit-picky little OCD thing, anyway) is the repeated use of "kind of". I counted 12 of them in this chapter. "Kind of" is a weak modifier, especially when used to vaguely describe something. "Kind of angry" isn't as precise as irritated, distracted, frustrated, annoyed, or peeved. That's just my opinion, though.


I really enjoyed reading this and I look forward to the next chapter.

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