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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Warrior Children: Legendary Three - Prologue. Prologue A & B


He landed in the canyon. The ground shattered and cracked in five places, four hundred feet below from where he was standing at the top of the cliff. He stood up, shook his head and yelled out to nobody in particular. “Seriously?! What. In. The. HELL?!” How do they keep following me? From where?

A minute later, two portals opened up in front and behind him. Ten large and grotesque, hulking figures, five from each portal, shuffled through. He eyed them curiously and saw each had an upside-down half-moon on their forehead. Just don’t give up, do they? Sharp fangs and demonic in nature. Well this should be fun, at the very least.

They slowly circled him, enclosing him in the center.

The leader of the group scoffed and spoke out. “Ten of us! Sent to dispose of one small boy? A waste of our time!” The others agreed, and murmurs and jeers simmered around the circle.

Small, sleek and slender, the boy appeared to be in his mid-teens. He sighed and ran his left hand through his dark, wavy hair, while his right hand rested easily on a long, golden and metallic staff, which stood as tall as him. Acting as if he was ignoring the predators before him, he casually touched and inspected the leaf-shaped tip at the end of the staff, rubbing his hand slowly on one of the flat sides.

A voice rang out from the circle. “Leader, after coming this far, you should allow each of us to tear him apart slowly, one at a time. It would be more satisfying than just gutting him with a spear.”

The boy slowly lifted his head and sneered. The right corner of his mouth curled up into a thin smile. All that could be heard was, “Heh heh”. Maybe I can find out more about this portal, if I can draw a few more out of it.

In his most cocky voice, the boy retorted, “One at a time? Each get a bloody turn, while nine of you watch on the side? Technically, that’s still ten against one. The way I see it, ain’t much of a fair fight.” He paused. “I’m thinking, maybe you should call a few more of your pretty friends to come join you. You know, to even the odds a little bit?”

The leader yelled. “Enough!” He pointed to one of his followers down the line. “Get it over with! Kill him, now!”

Immediately, the boy shifted his stance and sprang up into the air in a back flip. A beam of light shot out from his staff and exploded one foot in front of the leader, causing him to tumble backward, while the boy landed outside the circle.

He stared at the group in front of him and taunted them. “I’m much faster than all of you. I can run, and I can hide. I can do this ALL day. I would even venture to say, I am physically stronger than your strongest. If you care to test me? Ah, but I already told you. Let’s even the odds. Bring a few more here, and then I’ll fight.”

After pursuing him for nearly two hours through the mountains, leaping from rock to rock and running through the woods, they came into a clearing. Again, the boy repeated, “It’s really very simple. My directions aren’t hard to follow. Bring a few more here, and I’ll fight.”

Clearly frustrated, the leader threw his arms up in the air in rage and screamed at the top of his lungs. Instantly, a portal opened up.

The boy watched intently. He saw five more emerging from the portal. He set his gaze to the very back of the portal, as far back as he could see inside of it. A familiar feeling set upon him.

Well ain’t that interesting. They’re from home. I knew there was something familiar about these yayhoos. A moment of annoyance, and he creased his brow. But where would they be hiding on Mars?

“Father? You gonna answer that one?” the boy asked, loud enough for his ears only. He waited a moment. No answer. Right then. “I forgot. You only answer when YOU see fit,” he muttered.

Whatever. “Do I really ask for much? No. Do I talk to myself? Absolutely. Why? Cause I’ve no one else to talk to, except for huge, ugly demons twice my size. Mission. Find rocks. Throw rocks around. Holy bitch. I’ve definitely hit a new low.”

He let out a long sigh, then screamed out. “Eight months, Father! You said he would be here! But still no sign of Edward!” No reply. “Whatever. Let’s just finish this.”

He kicked a rock and prepared himself for battle with the fifteen demons before him. Just then, the air crackled and popped behind and above him. What the hell? Only a small handful in the universe could possibly know this technique of communication.

Without turning around, the boy said sarcastically, “Whomsoever you are, you have picked a most inopportune time. As you can see, I am in no position to talk. Even though I’m, talking to you right now? I can, however, tell that your intention is not to harm me. Because of that, I’ll not waste your time in finding me by cutting the communication. If you wish, you can watch. Before I begin, state your names. Quickly.”




"Those stars! Man, it's a perfect night!" Starko was resting on his back, staring up at the sky and pointing his finger. "You know what, Thomas? With all those planets, I sometimes wonder if there are any others out there."

“By that, you mean?”

“Well, like me and you. And if there are, you think we’ll ever meet them?”

“You know, I wonder myself,” Thomas replied lazily. “But it’s all speculation. Maybe they’re out there. Maybe they’re not.”

Starko was silent and thoughtful. Then, in a slow and drawled-out manner, he stated, “So. The sons of Surya exist.”

Reflecting on his entire past, Thomas finally answered, “We sure do.”

“But what do you really think? After all these years, surely you’ve gotta have some kind of an opinion?”

Starko, for a god, you sure do sound like a babbling, ignorant child. I mean, you sound like I used to, before you turned me into this Greek god. Look at me! I’m thick and muscular, over six feet tall, and this fiery, red hair of mine…”

“Doesn’t make you look like a Greed god,” Starko interrupted with a cheerful grin.

They were both humorous, remembering the antics of their days together. Starko leisurely sat up and looked at Thomas. “Seriously, though. Give me your most intelligent answer. You think the children of all those other stars exist somewhere in form? Look at all the planets up there, and think about all the ones we can’t even see. You’d THINK the gods of those other universes have spawned children also. It only makes sense, doesn’t it?”

Thomas was quiet for a moment before he answered. “I really don’t know. Actually, I don’t know if it’s even worth caring or thinking about. I mean, maybe the gods are making babies. I don’t know. I suppose if the Otherworlds wants us to know, it’ll make us know. Wouldn’t that be slightly arrogant and moronic of us to think we’re the only ones?”

“Maybe we ARE the only ones.” Starko shrugged his shoulders casually. “Okay, fine. I can remain content with that answer. For now, at least.”

Suddenly, a blazing stream of fire and light shot across the sky. “A shooting star?” Starko’s eyes bulged in wonder. “How much more perfect can this get?!”

A straight line soaring to their right, it changed colors, from green to gold to white to blue, and back to green. It slowed down, until it hung suspended in mid-air for nearly half a minute.

“What in the blazing hell?” Startled, Thomas slowly stood up.

The colorful star discharged with a blast from its suspended state and traveled toward the left, before it zigzagged, racing closer and closer to the ground. There was a big explosion in a field in the distance. Lights from every color of the rainbow lit up the night sky.

“Come on!” Starko ran toward the field, with Thomas at his heels.

Three hundred feet away, they both stopped. A powerful force reverberated in the air, which caused their bodies to tingle wildly. Both Thomas and Starko were rendered speechless, and all thoughts dwindled to nothing. There was but a single hum, vibrating from the field. In both their minds, they heard, “Sons of Surya, an honor it is for me.”

Striding from out of the field came the outline of a small boy with an aura of pure white, reaching thirty feet in length in every direction. In his right hand, he carried a three-pronged weapon, five feet in length, which shined with its own aura of pure silver.

When he finally stood fifteen feet away from Thomas and Starko, he laid the weapon down and simply fell to his knees in full prostration, with his forehead to the ground and his arms outstretched. A wave of blinding energy pierced through them both. Slowly, the boy rose from his position and stood staring at the two sons of Surya.

He was a teenage boy, slim in figure and cut facial features. A broad smile passed over his face right before he laughed heartily. “Hahahahahahaha!”

He laughed for quite some time, with his hand pressed to his belly, until tears were running down his face. It was so infectious and intoxicating, to the point where Thomas and Starko were laughing without reason.

After some time, he quieted. Dictating with immense pleasure, he voice out, “Starko, Thomas, as you can already feel from the very depths of your bones, we know each other as the rains know the sky, as the leaves know the trees. It was, after all, my father who urged your father to turn the tides of transformation for you both, from mortal thinking to enlightened intelligence, nearly one hundred and fifty years gone by.”

“Who… who ARE you?” asked Starko in awe.

“I am as you are. I am that which has always been. I am my father, and my father is me. I am the son of Siva.” He breathed in the nighttime air with great elation and slowly looked around, taking in his surroundings.

He turned back to the two sons of Surya. “On this planet, I believe I will choose…” He closed his eyes and seemed to be concentrating, listening for something. Opening them back up, he looked eagerly at the two sons of Surya. “I have chosen the name Andrei. A strong and beautiful name, I heard it whispered to me, as I scanned the length and breadth of this planet. What do you think?"

“Andrei. Siva. It works,” Starko said. “Siva,” he repeated. “As I know it, he’s the greatest god in existence.” He turned to Thomas and slapped him on the shoulder. “Like I said, a perfect night!”

Thomas gave a slight bow of his head. “Seems like a perfect night, indeed. But something tells me you’ve come with a bit of urgency, and that there’s more to this story than the merry meeting of three gods.”

“Truly, Thomas. I HAVE come with urgency. Your roles in the coming days are about to change.”

Starko politely interrupted. “I knew this day was coming.” Andrei merely nodded in agreement. “Father warned me about a time when we would have to join forces with the three gods from eons ago. It seems that time is upon us now, is it not? Is my story on par with yours?”

“It is.” Andrei’s gaze was intense and piercing. “Exactly one month from now, the skies in three different directions will light up in grandiosity, and the deities of grace will fall from the heavens to lead the peoples of Earth from the Age of Darkness into a Golden Age of knowledge, wisdom and heartfelt silence.

“The suchness of this moment to come has been declared by my father. Through the combined forces of the authorities of the son of Kala, the son of Gaia, and the son of Arul, the tyrannical occupancy of he who leads in the guise of fear, doubt, worry, jealousy, greed and dread, can be disposed of. It is such that this deity of terror has arisen in full form through the ignorant minds of humanity.

“He is but a blood god, one who has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocents, and he has dripped the life force of hundreds of thousands more to nearly nothing.”

“You paint a pretty bleak picture for us.” Thomas stuck his hands in his pockets and tilted his head.

“Perhaps, but true,” Andrei responded. “Yet, the three to come, so long as they remain intact and alive, will train, inspire, and rouse the forces in order to annihilate.”

He continued. “Once upon a time, a wizard of very high status, and a god from the loftiest realms, banished the brother of this blood god to an unknown space between the spaces. The demonic energy, which was sealed away, has since been dissolved into pure light. Yet, a part of that banished demon lives on through the reign of he who has claimed supremacy in the unnatural foulness of human nature.

“Humanity is now at a crux, in which the scale can be tipped in either direction. This blood god, Moloch, has rooted his energy into all the sleeping minds of unawareness. He has made them all forget who they are and has twisted their minds to the darkest corners of abomination.”

“Moloch?” Thomas was full of questions. “Sounds like a good name to fit an evil bastard. Just who or what is he?”

“That is a very good question, Thomas. On my honor, it is also a question I cannot answer, for I simply do not know the exact origin of this monster. It has been speculated by various gods and goddesses in the Otherworlds, but none have bluntly come forth and affirmed in a knowing manner. If my father knows, which surely he does, he has not spoken.”

“Ah,” said Starko. “But you said, the brother of Moloch was once banished and that his energy dissolved. So, if that’s the case, then what was his brother?”

Andrei tilted his head a bit. “I also said, a part of that demon lives on in what is now known as Moloch. And if I know not what Moloch is, then I know not what his brother was. As far as I know, which is not much, since I was not there, and I only received the story second-hand from my father… Moloch’s brother was the antithesis of purity.

“And if conscious, streaming awareness is your definition of purity, then the brother of Moloch was the complete contradiction to consciousness itself. If that is the case, so too is Moloch the antithesis of consciousness, or that which streams through everyone and everything.”

Thomas and Starko looked confused.

“As I stated, in exactly one month, the three gods from the Otherworlds will take their thrones upon the world to battle once again. They have been chosen for the second time to courageously defend this planet. Upon their arrival, they will inhabit their spaces for one month, as their bodies will form into substance from the particles of light from the Otherworlds.

Thomas creased his brows. “So, let me get this straight. Three gods are coming to Earth to do battle against some apocalyptic demon who wants to plague the planet with violence and destruction. And these three gods aren’t like those legendary half-breed, demigods, born from a god and a human, are they?”

Andrei shook his head slowly. “No. They will not be born from a mortal. The three to come, will be born from pure light, pure energy.”

“Ah,” said Thomas. “So, one hundred percent god. When will this happen?”

“On the eve of luminosity, as the lustrous Chandra shines her light of intelligence, the bodies of each of the three gods will have reached their peak densities.”

“Chandra?” Starko asked.

Andrei nodded. “She is the goddess of the Moon. There is no other like her, and she will hinder or grace as she sees fit.”

“I see. You said, on the eve of luminosity. You mean the Full Moon, right?” asked Thomas.

“Indeed, I do mean that.” Andrei continued. “However, although their bodies will have formed into dense matter, they will still be very weak. Only when the Blue Light from the Otherworlds comes pouring in, will they be capable of gaining bodies of immortal strength. It is imperative that the three gods stay alive until then.”

Thomas inquired again. “The Blue Light? You mean the Blue Full Moon, right? There are two Full Moons in December, and one of them is the Blue Moon.”

Andrei stared at Thomas for a moment. “Hmmmmmm.”

Well that was a non-answer. Clever bastard. Thomas turned to his right and spit on the ground. He looked at Starko without saying another word.

“And you? Can you not stay and fight with us?” Starko asked. “It seems the powers you wield could easily wipe out a lot of the bad stuff going on.”

“It is not for me to interfere, at least on that level,” Andrei said. “What would the people learn if all I did was wave my hand and pull the demons from this world? Only through a combination of the magicks of the Otherworlds and the life experiences of each individual, as they overcome the demonic forces, can the people AND this world truly move forward in strength and intelligence.”

“I see.” Thomas shook his head, and the corners of his lips creased upward. “I have to admit, that makes too much sense.”

Andrei nodded. “Thomas. Starko. As the sons of Surya, the great god of the Sun, you have been called by the gods of the Foremost, to serve humanity by serving the sons of Kala, Gaia and Arul. Although their bodies will have formed into bones, blood and organs, they will be very weak for some time.

“As gods who walk as matter amongst the mortals made of matter, you are urged, and expected, with the help of the three gods from the Otherworlds, to wrestle the human and animal races from the grips of darkness, and bring them all to the brink of the Otherworld’s boundless boundary.

“Starko, son of Surya, do you accept?”

“I do.”

“Thomas, son of Surya, do you accept?”

“Sounds like no other choice, huh?”

Andrei tilted his head a slight bit and raised one eyebrow.

“In that case, I suppose I do.” Thomas stretched his arms out and yawned.

“Very well, then.” Again, the son of Siva bowed heartily to them both. “My time has now drawn to a close. I must bid farewell. One day, I shall return.”

His body exploded into millions of light particles. Both Starko and Thomas had to shield their eyes. When they uncovered them, the son of Siva was gone, but there remained an incandescent glowing throughout. Surrounding them in all directions were the most colorful roses and flowers from every species.

“Wow!” Starko was in complete amazement, staring at the glowing orbs in the air and all the flowers strewn about the ground.

“Wow is right,” said Thomas. “But wow, did he have a way with words. I felt like I was in an airy, fairy tale from centuries ago.”

“I’m sure he rarely makes it to Earth, so it probably doesn’t matter what time-period he’s in. Besides, he’s the son of Siva. He’s probably earned the right to talk however he wants to talk.”

Thomas shrugged his shoulders and stuck his hands in his pockets. “I can live with that answer.”


Copyright © 2023 Vaughn Edward; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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On 10/17/2023 at 3:57 PM, Dan South said:

You certainly have my attention!

Thank you, Dan 😄 there will be more to come soon. The full story is already on Amazon. Hope you are well, wherever you are in the world! 

Vaughn Edward, www.vaughnedward.com

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