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hh5's Blog

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so Whats up?

Well its almost a week after my birthday. I'm 47 now.   There are things going on that got me very concern and nervous (extremely) ... like my first job interview last monday and then my visit to the University of Florida Hospital for my Bilateral NF of sciatic nerve on Tuesday.   First the long driving and the sitting certainly was getting progressively painful. But the real pain of the matter is the stress of being unemployed, the NF creating pain that affects what you think or do or feel




I was talking with my sister in-law. We both seem to connect because we're the same age. I think of her as a sister I never had. She into documentary film making and I always had an interest in movies but never did what she did with the topic.   We were talking a bit and I showed her my earlier stories. She liked them. She mostly like the one that covered family history which was a pivotal prior to my birth years before.   As she read some of the other stories ... I think she picked up and d



Gosh such a great brotherly talk (ugghhh)

Gosh my mom had me talk with my #2 brother about my NO JOB situation.   I have to say talking with any of my brothers on this subject is like you might as well just take me out to the shooting range and pull the trigger or the other saying "Reopen an old wound and pour salt on it"   Gosh, why is it ever easier to talk with people that's not your family than with. I don't expect them to change since my family is not much to hugging nor giving love nor helping out another brother beyond wor



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