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Sunny's Angel rant part deux

Okay...so people have been asking for more of Sunny's Angel. The last time I posted a chapter for this story was in July. I started writing chapter 10, I even have notes, but I go back and look at it, and I ask myself, what the hell was I thinking. I continue to think about it now and after going through the chapters, the only thing that comes to mind is deleting the entire story and rewriting it in its entirety.   I just don't know what to do with the story anymore. I was so proud of what I h

Linxe Termoil

Linxe Termoil

An update

So, I've been busy between my new job and school lately, and organising my thoughts on Sunny's Angel. I've temporarily placed SA on hold for awhile I think until I become way more organised with it, but in the mean time I'm in the process of gathering my thoughts and such for a new story that I'm probably going to write. After writing the outline vs. No Outline post and seeing other individuals thoughts and such on it, I've decided to try my hand out with a new approach on writing stories. As su

Linxe Termoil

Linxe Termoil


I'm just writing this because I feel the need to rant, mostly at myself. So, prepare for a slight whine fest.   I just looked at my notes for Sunny's Angel and realized I haven't been following all of them, and am entirely unsure of how to fix the chapters. I feel so bad about this that I've come to the point where I'm preparing to write an outline just to get to an ending point for the story, and yet I know if i do this there will still be a couple chapters or so before I hit the end of Sun

Linxe Termoil

Linxe Termoil


Okay, I've officially come to the conclusion that finals suck. On the bright side after this next quarter I'll only have 7 more classes I have to take before I graduate, then it's no more working nights for me (I hope). I've also come to the conclusion that having to write papers and come up with powerpoint presentations for every single class I take is extremely annoying, thus I've decided that this next quarter around, I'll be coming up with my topics alot earlier then in the middle of the qua

Linxe Termoil

Linxe Termoil

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