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World Aids Day

Today is December 1st and it is World Aids Day.   AIDS   Yeah I grew up in the time that terrible thing reared its ugly head and made everyone afraid. AIDS was a death sentence when I was a teenager. There wasn't a chance of survival. It was just a wasting death.   1988 when I was in school there was still so much that wasn't known. People thought it could be passed by sharing needles, drinking cups, spit, and you name it. That made everyone suspect. Eventually it was known to be passed du



A quick update

Life has a way of going forward, even when we might be frozen and not paying attention. Please forgive me for being a bit out of it lately.   I try my best not to let my daily life keep from doing the things I love or the things that are important to me. However, sometimes the daily life overwhelms everything else.   I'll start with my father. Tuesday he went in for surgery on two aneurysms that have been growing for over ten years. His doctor stated that most people who have this happen wit



To the authors of the prompts ...

Okay this week I want to focus on something slightly different when I do the prompts. i know some of the authors on the site have taken the prompt ideas and either used them as a jump off point for a longer story, some have used them for chapters, but I want to give attention to those who have taken these prompts and run with them. I know a few of them, but I know there are many more and I don't want to snub anyone. If you have taken a prompt and used it in a longer work please let me know here



October? Already?

There are few things going on right now that are driving me nuts. I can't believe we are already in October. Seems this year is in fast forward. How did the time slip away so fast?   I am going to bounce around, so those who read this, I apologize in advance.   First up - The government shut down, again! I can't be bothered to point fingers and say whose fault this is. What I can say is if those elected to represent the people decide to put their polices before the welfare of the country we



Endings, Beginnings, Friends, and Weddings

Life always seems to go in cycles. There are ups and downs, good times and bad times. I think we all go through them.   My father went out to see my brother for eleven days. It was nice to have peace and quiet. While he was gone I probably did more than I should have. Today, knowing he was due home I went full out like I haven't since I hurt my back. At least the house is clean and he came home to a clean bed, fresh blankets, and no problems. As a result of the non-stop movement all day, my ba



A Moment of Thanks

I think it is important every now and then to take a moment and think about the various good things that are happening, especially when so many things are going wrong.   Right now I have friends who are watching loved ones dying, facing cancer, or just surgery for various health reasons. They have faced other issues with their health and family, yet they find the strength daily to keep getting up, facing the world, and moving forward. No one said it was easy, or that it wouldn't be painful, bu



Signs of Immaturity

You live your life and grow older, but occasionally you show signs if immaturity. I think I can sum this up in one word - smurfs.   Growing up there was only thing I collected, and it was smurfs. Eventually, the shop I bought them from closed and I just varied displaying the ones I had. Then I found out every year they released a few new ones. Those I would find on line and like a giddy little kid order them.   Today, I got a surprise. A little kid came into my job with his mom. While she wa



After reading this week's Wacky Wednesday ...

I noticed someone had commented on leaving reviews. I've been on both sides of this, reading them and leaving them. I just figured I would note a few things.   1) I love a review. It is nice to know what what people think of the ideas I have in my head. I have had great reviews and bad ones.   2) Bad reviews - I have no problem if someone doesn't like my story. However saying "You suck as a writer," or "Why did you write such crap," really doesn't tell me much, other than feeling it is a per



An Apology

I just don't want people to think I have forgotten the story that is being posted. I have three more chapters already written. There are other issues with my team at the moment. One is having personal issues that take complete precedence over my story. I would have serious issues if she tried to do anything while she is dealing with them. I will be looking for someone to fill in part time until things settle down in her life. I do apologize, and I have not abandoned Life Changes. I simply ask fo



Just Another Friday

Been wild few weeks. I finally began writing. I started an ongoing story. I forewarned everyone that I was keeping the chapters short because, well I am afraid my focus would wander and my dear muse would give me the finger before she walked out. Other than a few blips she has been out every week since I began.   I should be wearing a scarlet letter, a big red H for home wrecker, or so it feels. When someone's future falls apart because they are stuck on you, you can't help but feel responsibl



Thursday is here.

Okay, there are a few things I am doing today.   1) The cold is letting go so I don't feel like death warmed over. Yeah for sleep.   2) I have a few little things to get out. Cards, birthday gifts, and all that jazz.   3) Rework my eating habits. Went up instead of down for the first time in two months.   4) Give myself time to mend. This isn't so much physical as emotionally and mentally. Losing someone you have come to love and depend on is hard. Worse when you know there is nothing y



A Life of Ups and Downs

I think, like most people, I don't take the time to stop and look at my life. Sometimes you have to decide if your life is going where you want it to, taking you to new exciting places, stopping you from growing, or just plain becoming a train wreck. Presently not sure.   Three years ago my life altered. I don't care how old you are, when you lose a parent that changes you and your life. I had been out on my own, living a life, not a great one or a bad one, just a life. I had friends and had h



Finding a bit of relief

Okay, I have been in physical therapy for two weeks now, and have finally found my first bit of relief. Yesterday, my therapy took a new direction. In addition to the chiropractor , I have begun trigger point therapy. Basically, they insert needles into the muscles of my back and inject something to force the muscles to relax. I hadn't realized how tight the muscles were, but a day later my back is in constant ache mode. I will take that as a success.   At work one of the women I really get a



Oh, damn! Going to be one of those days.

I know I can't be the only one. I woke up this morning with a song stuck in my head. I wouldn't mind if it was a happy or upbeat one' but no. I got up and the song "Smile" is running through my head. Usually when this happens the song indicates what sort of day I am in for. Wonder what sort of heartbreak I am in for?   For those who don't know it, one of my favorites sings it here  



Life isn't easy

I have begun physical therapy. I've only had two sessions so not looking to go dancing or run a marathon. I realize this isn't going to heal overnight and I have to be patient. Just wish that while one part of my life was out of kilter the rest would remain on course.   Just feeling really old and alone lately. Life marches on and rather than be run over, I find a way to keep on going.   I offer this one piece of advice to those who might read it. Be careful what you say. You never know what




Time has a way of moving on and not always do we notice. Unfortunately we seem to mark events by the good or bad events in our lives. Overall I guess I cannot complain.   I have events that are great milestones. Graduating high school, then college. Going for my Masters degree (okay it is just the damn thesis I need to finish). The birth of my godson. The marriage of my brother. The marriages of so many friends.   However these are offset by the passing of some important people as well. The



A very special Thank You

With everything going on in today's world it isn't often you hear of people taking the time to put together a project just to make someone smile.   I've had a few set backs this year, but I keep going. Like everyone I have my ups and downs. Yesterday was a bit rough with the tests I had to take causing my back to flare up again. So you can imagine my surprise when I got a package today.   At first I thought it was a really big box from one person, however I soon discovered that there were ma



Ups and downs

First off thank you very much for putting up with the occasional rants and all I put up.   Secondly a special thank you to those who have kept up with my various mails and all. The cards and things made Easter that much brighter. Trust me, especially lately, I enjoy coming home to find mail that isn't a bill and brings a smile to my face.   Okay now on to the health stuff. I have no idea what is going on with my back yet. I see the first of two specialists this coming Tuesday. My nerves near



Damn, Damn, Damn. I really need a change of luck.

Until a half hour ago I was excited. I was going back to work on Monday. I was able to get out of bed and move without needing the cane every moment. I wasn't feeling too bad.   Okay I had been given a few knocks since I this began last Wednesday. I was diagnosed as a diabetic. I lost five pounds this week, taking my total to over thirty pounds. I still had a job. I was feeling better, nearly normal.   Okay then all that sort of ended. My doctor called. I suppose I should back up a bit.  



Life happens even when you aren't ready

I just need to make things clear to everyone.   First off I have no definite news so can't fill in blanks that might be left here, but figured I would let people know why I have seemed to vanish from here.   Wednesday I was at work. Normal night, and nothing out of the ordinary. I went for lunch and came back. I was standing at the counter all of five minutes and my back began to hurt. I went to splash water on my face and was returning when pain shot up my back so badly I grabbed the wall a



Thoughts, Thank yous, and whatnot

March is one of those months where things seem to pile up for me. Anyone reading this, just excuse me if I bounce from idea to idea.   First a special thank you. I am not sure I know exactly who did it, although I am sure it was someone from here (which sort of narrows the list down.) I have had a few rough weeks lately, but someone took it upon themself to try to make my life a little easier. I guess now I know what it is like to get a package out of the blue. To which of ever of you did it,



All the facts about Hosted and Promising Authors - or how you can become one too!

Recently someone asked me, “How do you become a Promising Author?” To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to respond, but like any good English major, I did my research.   First I found a whole piece on how to become a Hosted Author. Hosted Authors must have an existing body of quality writing AND an established reader base. In addition, Hosted Authors are encouraged to be active participants in the GA community, to cross-promote and link back to GA when posting stories el



Finally a little good news

The weather outside is a damn mess. They are expecting up to two feet of the heavy wet snow, but I don't care!   My wife is getting married. I know that makes no sense. About 9 years Tracey started working with me. She was sweet kid who didn't drive. Occasionally I gave both her and her brother a lift home, but that was really about it. Then life does one of those things that brings you together. Her grandmother passed away. No one from work was going, but I felt I should. She was so grateful



Bad luck streak.

Alright, I don't know what I did in my past or former life, but lord am I paying for it now. Haven't been sleeping well, fighting with my father, worked an hour on a beta project only to have it vanish, and then the damn car. Last week on the way home the front left tire went flat. Woke up this morning, before I had even crawled out of bed, the front right tire is flat. Repairs are one thin , but my luck has been replacement. Seems I am not allowed to save a dime lately. Grrr. Sorry just needed



Superbowl... you mean that was today?

I try not to get upset or bent out of shape, but today was really screwed up.   On Friday I left work all excited. I had Saturday off and I was opening Sunday. I really don't follow football, yeah my brother thinks I'm daft but when did the Jets last win? Anyway for me the Superbowl simply means I get to see friends, eat, and have fun. Right?   I got to work early to find the schedule I had was wrong and had been completely rewritten. I was now closing instead. Needless to say I didn't eve



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