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Comments on the Day to Day Life

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Another child pushed out into the cold cruel world or Oops new story.

We all do it as writers, or at least nearly every writer I know. You come to look at the story and characters you are working with as your children. However eventually every parent has to stop coddling them and push them out into the world. I did that tonight again with Red.   So I gave the site another strange look at the worlds that can inhabit my mind. This one was just supposed to be a retelling of Red Riding Hood. I can't even say it is the same tale at all any more. This one just kept gr



Looking ahead at the darn birthdays.

I'm off tomorrow. I was hoping to get some writing done but might have to forgo that in order to get some shopping done.   Tomorrow, my father has a doctor's appointment and then he wants to go to Sam's Club. For those of you who may not be familiar with them, Sam's Club is another massive store like Price Club where they sell gigantic sized packages at low prices. You can by a half gallon jug of Vanilla Extract for a dollar more than you might buy seven ounces of it in a grocery store. You do



Mail Call

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love mail. Not junk mail, and not bills, but actual mail. Today was one of those days I just love.   Today in the mail I got two special things. One was a postcard from Mark. Hey, I make no secret who i become friends with. Those I do I come to care and worry about. Well I've sort of taken Mark in as close friend. I sent him a few postcards and today I got one from him as well. Funniest thing is it has a picture of a pig on it and all I could think



Odd Day

Things are work are getting pathetic but even I don't have the energy to talk about that.   Been on a writing kick lately. Been doing a lot of the prompts. Granted I create them now, but I have been doing the ones no one has attempted. I am not sure if it is because people feel they are no good or because they just didn't know how to approach them. Luckily there are some brave souls who will give my wild ideas a whirl so very grateful to Cia, Dolores, and Nephy.   I got the latest chapter of



Thursday is Thor's Day

Well it has taken me some time to sit down and finally watch the movie Thor. It was pretty decent. I guess between the director and the actors they finally got it fairly right.Of course being a comic book geek I do have one or two things to nit pick but the only major one was killing off Loki. Hard to do when he is such an important part of Ragnarok.   The title for this blog is actually very correct. Thursday is actually Thor's Day. One of those little twists in history. With so many months a



Mixed sort of day

Amazing the friendships you can create here. Yes day by day if you wish to you can make friends and deep that friendship. I know I have been doing that with people I met here.   Anyway, was busy as hell today. The whole morning was spent running around like a nut. I started this morning off going to my Weight Watcher's meeting. Wish I could say it was a huge loss but I did lose 2 pounds. I know I shouldn't complain but just wish it would melt off already. Well didn't put it on in a day so not



Tuesday Night Ramblings

Okay so it was another interesting night at work. It is getting so the drama there at work could infuse life into any old soap opera. Feels like you need a score card to keep track of who is dating who, who isn’t friends with who, who is has an in with the junior mangers so may not have to work and can disappear to talk or go on cigarette breaks whenever they like. I long for the store I use to work in where rules mattered and policies were followed.   In the mean time I can happily announce I



How time does fly

Okay today was sort of a mixed bag of stuff. I guess it is always that way. For those who care to read just hang on cause the mind is overdrive and I just hope the fingers can keep up.   First up is my job. I didn't wait I just put in for the only week I knew my co-worker was on vacation. So I'm presently trying to get the second week of October off. I will know tomorrow if I got it or not. Willing to bet money at this point that I didn't. Anyway I am going to put in for some assorted days of



Screwed and so not enjoying it

Okay, I’m having problems all over. This is the second attempt to post this blog so let’s see how it goes. Got a nice message from Myr the first time telling me the site was updating.   Let me begin by apologizing. This blog is going to be a bit of me just complaining. Feel free to read other things. In the meantime if you have been looking to see what I am up to I do say I’m sorry. Things here have been a bit out of whack.   My father is now home from his vacation. The only problem seems to



End of a silent time

Well my time alone is drawing to a close. Tomorrow my father returns from his vacation. While I had a small portion of it off I am torn about his return. He is home but I get a break from the dog.   I have been busy turning out stories in the mean time. Charlie is getting ever closer to the end. I keep finding time to knock out short stories. Influenced by those authors I love both here on the site and those whose books I buy, I've written a number of things lately. I've gone in for vampires,



Just Reminding People to Read

Okay, there are some people I know who read my stuff. I always say the best way to tell if you like an author's longer stuff is to check out their shorter stuff. There are so many wonderful things in the Fall Anthology. Nephy, Cia, Lugh, Frosty, Jian and so many others have put forth such totally different ideas when it comes to the word Legends. If you haven't read them, try them all. You never know when you might find a new author you want to read or stalk. And remember if you enjoy the work



Saturday and catching up

Okay so this is the second day I am off and alone and trying to get things cleaned up.   First, I realize now why I never replaced my dog, Fawn. Pets are wonderful stress relievers. They are there for you even when no one else is. They crave your love and attention and ask for nothing but food and water. However when they have been spoiled rotten and left with you to take care of you can also learn what a pain in the butt they are. My father's dog, which I am use to being around in small doses



Me time and work time

I am not sure how to explain this without sounding like an idiot but here goes. Last year I moved home at my father's request so he wouldn't be alone. My mother had passed on the year before and to say me and my father get along, well it happens about as well as gasoline and a match. However, I being the person I am moved home. His health had taken a down swing and I didn't want him to have to deal with things alone.   When I moved home I wasn't even in the door 24 hours when he went on vacati



Late nights and early mornings don't make me happy

Okay last night was inventory. That means hours of counting, crawling around on your hands and knees, and twisting to get into corners no one wants to be in. You hand count dozens of boxes of candy, cds and dvds by the score, and other things you normally don't care about either. The job figured they would be done with the counts at the latest by 2 am. Of course they didn't figure on the idiots they picked out to work with us. It also didn't help that this old man pulled something in his back.



September 11, 2011

You can't escape the date or what memories it brings up. I was teaching when the towers fell. The principal stopped by my room and called me for a moment out into the hallway for quick comment. Her comment, "There is something happening in New York City. They think we might have been attacked. Remain calm and don't let the student's know." The joys of working in a private school. Your mind is now subdivided between an attack in the city and your students in front of you. By the time the second t



Life's ups and downs

Granted that life has its ups and downs but lately everything seems to be such extremes.   I don't know how many have been following the fires down in Texas. It has gotten bad and a few of the people here on GA said it got close, but for one it got more than close. Rustle lost his home. The fire swept through and wiped it out. Luckily he was given notice and managed to escape with his dogs, a few items, and his partner. However their home is now gone. When tragedy strikes you feel bad but when



Friday night and a new blog

Seems these things have a life of their own. I never know what is going to come pouring out in them so I don't even try to stop it any more.   First up, I managed to post Devil's Wager. This was my fun little twist on the idea of Good/Evil and what happens when they run into each other. I play with the big guns here and as usual I put my own spin on it. I would say it was a quick read but it was 12 pages exactly. My stories lately might be short but I try to fit enough into them all.   Secon



Nightly Ramblings.

So been on a bit of a writing jag lately. I crafted this really wild story that Frosty is still editing for me.I guess if this doesn't get me excommunicated from the church nothing will. LOL   Then today I finally tackled one of the prompts I put up for people. If I can get all my handwritten notes typed up I will put that story up tonight. I'll forewarn everyone I am playing games with Fairy Tales again. I like twisting them to fit my own needs.   I pulled out the recipe for the zucchin



A hodge podge of stuff

Lately my blogs have been spotty. Sorry about that. I have been all over the place trying to get things done. Seems I have problems popping up.   1) If you have been reading the blogs you know I finally got stuff out in the mail to Frosty and Mark. Well, it seems I screwed up with Frosty's stuff and missed a zero in her zipcode. However, the rest of it is correct and even with the one error it does state it is to go to India. Somehow the package is now in Louisiana on its way to Florida follow



Simply playing catch up

Today has been a long day. I woke up with a headache and it just hasn't left me alone at all. I left work early and came home and slept for hours. Then made dinner. Guess what, the sucker is still with me. I hate summer colds. They are the worst.   In the meantime I sat down and wrote out all my September and October cards. So all my friends with Birthdays, Anniversaries, and all my Halloween cards are done now. I also was a bit busy yesterday as I finally managed to tape up the packages I



Signs of Autumn

It isn't even nine am as I write this blog. Yeah I usually write mine in the evening but I go to work shortly. I am sitting here with the room feeling cool and looking out the window into the yard.   Across the street the neighbor has hung up yard signs that say back to school, have fall leaves on them, and pumpkins. My father is digging out his fall collection of flags for the yard as well. The mums my next door neighbor planted last year are already growing up to a large size and will be blo



Sometimes you just wish ...

Okay. I live with a man who is passive aggressive in his attacks. But then again he also likes to attack when no one else is around to hear him. Agh. Sometimes you just wish, I can fill in that blank so many ways right now.   Alright it takes me a while to reach my boiling point. I am not the kind to just attack. However you push me up against the wall and you might find you don't like the mild manner man you had been dealing with.   Okay so my father has been having problems with the phone



The Power of Words

The electronic age can be both a blessing and a curse. Most communication between individuals use to be done face to face, or at the very least by phone. Today people still keep in touch but now it is by text and chat. These can be great or absolutely horrendous.   Take those sacred three little words - I LOVE YOU. They can be said with passion, with sarcasm, and have multiple meanings depending on how said and the body language. However, reading just the words alone and you are left to wonder



Hurricane Irene and Job Stupidity

Hurricane Irene did what few storms do to the East Coast. She came along and caused havoc. It wasn't that she was too strong a storm, or too rainy, or too windy. She decided, like many powerful women before, that she would blaze her own trail and forget the path that was laid out for her.   Irene was suppose to come up the coast and either make a glancing blow off of Florida or the Carolinas before smacking the end of Long Island on her way up to Boston. Well being a real child of Mother Natur



Scottish Fairs, Hurricanes, and other issues

Well I couldn't sleep last night if my life depended on it. Been so long since I have had any sort of natural disaster to deal with I just wasn't sure what I should be doing. No, that isn't right, I wasn't sure what my father would allow us to do.   So the yard flags are in, the yard sculptures are in, and everything is pretty much ready. Then again that was all done yesterday. If you have been reading my blogs (God help you if you have) then you know I was suppose to go the Scottish Fair toda



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