In the finance world, we aspire to be hedge fund managers, masters of the universe of the the highest order.
In medicine, (I suppose) we aspire to run hospitals and become like the woman Dr. House likes.
In law...we aspire to be megafirm partners. Though money is pretty much capped and you don't get to be a master of the universe, you can still make it as a major-domo of a moderately-sized galaxy.
These are their stories. (all anecdotes taken from
Disclaimer: I s
Try this one out for size. If you can solve it within say...30 minutes, you may be at an advantage for 1/4 of the LSAT. Supposedly, this puzzle was invented by Einstein as a boy.
Here is the premise:
There are five houses, each painted a different color. Their inhabitants are of different nationalities, own different pets, drink different beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarettes.
Here are the rules:
There are five houses, all in a row.
The Englishman lives in
He then describes the nature of those laws. Here is the prompt:
Makes you see Barack Obama and Justin Bieber in a new light doesn't it? Bet that's the first time you heard of their names used in the same sentence!
I've never written a blog before. But you guys seem like a cool bunch, so I'll give it a try. Also I want to get my reputation up from Zero
What I want to do here is to talk about legal things--things related to law, the practice of law, the enforcement of law, and law school--both as encouragement for myself to be reading legal news, as well as to give information to aspiring law students in the GA community.
So first, let me self-introduce. I am what they call a 0L--that is, a senior