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American Greatness

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Basking Sharks

If you read Abel III's Awakening you know it involves telepathy. In my story, Basking Sharks on earth formed a primitive telepathic network in the world's oceans and seas. The news from Australia shows a picture of one that was inadvertently caught and the article is located at the following URL   http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/huge-20ft-basking-shark-caught-accidentally-by-fishing-trawler-in-australia-to-go-in-museum/ar-AAbZ0qps   The more descriptive Wiki article on this species is f



Michael Brown, May 20, 1996-August 9, 2014

The tragedy that occurred in Ferguson could have happened anywhere in the suburbs of any large American city.   An unarmed eighteen year old male was shot by a policeman. Mike Brown was black. The officer Darren Wilson was white.   The whole confrontation lasted only about a minute and half.   Mike Brown was confronted by officer Wilson who was driving in his police SUV down Cannfield as Mike was walking down the middle of the side street in Ferguson. The officer ordered him to move



American attitudes toward PDA in the gay community

I came across an interesting article which reported a survey on American attitudes on public displays of affection (PDA). It used several scenarios and the results were interesting.   Here is the link:   http://www.livescience.com/48820-americans-gay-legal-rights-pda.html   And here is the article!         Americans Support Legal Rights, But Not PDA, for Gay Couples by Kelly Dickerson, Staff Writer | November 20, 2014 07:28am ET       [/url] Credit: Aleksandar Stojkovic/



Annoying Commercials

While watching the Major League Baseball Division Series and now the League Championship Series we have been subjected to some of the most annoying commercials on television.   The Dodge Dart commercial is the worst:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctZsLiAV9eg   The Creepy Rob Lowe Direct TV is also right up there.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMfzh8Zfi5U     I can't understand how anyone would think either commercial could possibly sell those products.... DDK



Super Clusters

I posted the following entry in the forum for my story Abel III and unless someone was interested in my story most probably did not see it. In laymen's language the video describes the latest theories about galactic super clusters. It is very well done and I recommend everyone to take a look if they haven't already seen it. DDK   Posted 03 September 2014 - 11:21 PM   I just saw a great video that came out today explaining galactic super clusters and the most recent and best understanding o



Baseball is back

I came across an article today that may not make any sense to someone unfamiliar with baseball, but makes perfect sense to me.   In essence the argument is made that baseball is all about the anticipation. But the author in the article cited does a much better job than I ever could:     http://theweek.com/article/index/259600/yes-baseball-is-boring-thats-exactly-what-makes-it-so-great   I would only add that the pace of the game allows the fans to interact more and perhaps this is why



Valentine's day

Not a very happy Valentine's day. The weather sucks. Not just here in the America, but generally, except perhaps in Sochi.   My son has finally admitted he is a complete fuck-up and has broken his mother's heart.   He has been a financial and emotional drain for almost all of his adult life. It started when he was just eighteen and just out of highschool when he decided he just had to get married to a seventeen year old highschool dropout. She was a bitch from hell. Devious, controll



American Greatness

I came across a powerful indictment of American hubris. Not to pile on about the decline of America which I don't personally think has happened, but in my opinion we are less than we assume and less than what we were.   Please take a look at the video in the below link and watch it all the way to the end but be warned it contains some very strong language:   http://www.safeshare.tv/w/UAGOcLSuLX     I submit that with politics dead-locked in this country, we are becoming a dysfunctional so



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