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Why I'm Not Patriotic

I'm proud to be Canadian, but I'm currently not proud to be a Canadian, at least not domestically. Why? Well:   Federal Government   1. There's the ongoing Senate scandal. Senators on suspension are having criminal charges placed against them for, effectively, stealing tax payer money. Many things have happened as a result of this:   a. The NDP want to abolish the Senate completely. They feel as if it's a complete waste of time and energy. The Senate is so muddled by party politics that no

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

The education system is fundamentally flawed.

The statement that is the title is an opinion. To determine if a system is flawed, the purpose of the system must first be established. Once it's established, and only then, can the determination be made if it's functioning correctly or not. So, this prompts the question: What is the purpose of the education system? To educate, of course! But the deeper and real question is, to teach what?   Currently, the education system roughly works like this: Elementary school teaches you basic English

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

The Silk Road.

Disclaimer: In no way, shape or form does this blog entry advocate for or against the use of controlled substances. This blog entry discussed the use of controlled substances and the fallout of the closure of a marketplace that distributed controlled substances. Do not mistake the call for legalization as a call for use, it is not. The author of this blog entry feels that it's the individuals decision to engage in this activity or not, and it's not the government's decision to determine the lega

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

Government shutdown.

Here's some things that the United States government doesn't consider essential: Safety inspections for foods and drugs.* * Operating in emergency status. Details here: http://www.hhs.gov/budget/fy2014/fy2014contingency_staffing_plan-rev2.pdf Public housing. No new social security applications are being accepted. The CDC and flu shots. The Environmental Protection Agency. The Head Start program. For those of you that don't know what that is, it provides education, health &

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli


Valve announced Steam OS today. It's the Linux-based software that will run their living room ecosystem.   They also teased two other announcements in the immediate future. They will be:   1. The new Source game engine. Along with the announcement of the engine, they'll announce their launching titles, Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3.   2. That will lead into their second announcement, the Steam Box.   This is my prediction.

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

Thunder storms.

I absolutely love them. So much.   The concept of thunder snow gives me shivers and is something I want to see in my life time.   It's just, so pretty. When I was younger, my father lived in a series of apartments. One in particular, the view was spectacular. The outside wall of the apartment was all glass. We used to sit in his room and watch the storms, at night. One night in particular stands out, for no real reason. The storm must have been at least 10 km away, but we could see it perfec

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

I have a prediction.

Recently, Google Ventures lead a huge $258 million investment round in Uber. Which is interesting in itself, because it's their largest investment ever. But, things are put into an interesting perspective when you consider some of the rumors floating around.   So... Google wants to build cars and sell them to Uber. Sounds great, really. Uber will corner the automated taxi business, grow huge and go public. Google will cash out and get a huge return on their investment. But why stop there? Why

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

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