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About this blog

This blog is all about finding true love , and it is all about my past experiences . I am still a “teen” but accidentally I don’t my age , I really fall inlove in older guys. Hope you’ll love this!

Entries in this blog

Real BF , Where Are You?

Me: Hey! Hi ! Hello ! How are you ? Can we be friends ?             I am so like that! it is so funny that I am so hopeful that I can find my true love. True love that I can’t see , it’s like I am blind or that “true love” is so far to see . I am now 18 ! and that existence I didn’t have a relationship yet! I have so many crushes and sadly none of them like me? Am I ugly? “ looking at the mirror” Me: No , my friends and other says I’m cute .  Am I super girly?  Me: No Am I sw

Saint Peter

Saint Peter

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