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Writer ☠️ Lover 🖤 Occultist 💀 A benevolent-natured machiaevellianist 😈 Husband to an ethereal being called Allan👻 

Entries in this blog

Gillygate's Updates

Hey guys 😀 First of all, don't take this as a nag. It's really not meant to be. But the daily updates only take place if the most recent chapter gets comments on it. Otherwise updates take at least a week. While I have quite a few chapters pre-written, more time to write them means the updates are likely to be longer. So guess that's up to you. Anyway as this story is much more relaxed I'm open to a heap of suggestions. Including spell recomendations or character inserts. Or any aspect




This is less a serious work and more a bit of fun. Hopefully I can get a following somewhere. Pls comment if you like it and I can update a little bit every day, maybe encourage people to make something similar. I'm on Uni holidays and have had some thought about my next novella but nothing set in stone yet. I've done some reading but can probably stand to do some more before I start something serious. Thanks!



Wicked & a FanFic up

Sooo I'm glad you guys liked my story Wicked.  It along with Necromancer and Ceramic Flowers make up my three gay novellas. Which did you guys like better? According to the stats it's Necromancer. There could be various reasons for this. Like, the story does portray itself to be a typical romance up until the point you realise a relationship wasn't gonna happen. A harsh slap of reality right there. 😒 Anyways before asking about opinions on a fourth novella, I was going over old pr



Ceramic Flowers dusted

Thanks guys to all who are leaving feedback!  Please review if you liked it 😳 Ceramic Flowers caused more controversy and comments than my first novella did, though it has less followers and reviews. But maybe that will change as the story is only now completed. So far requests for novella number four have been for something lighter and with a less abrupt ending. I actually have lots of online stories, some completed and some not, but they don't compare in quality to my novellas becaus



Q&A Blog Feature 2

As Eminem would say: "guess who's back with a brand new rap?" 😂😂😂 I'm just being a dork.  Anyways I decided to upload my poetry in one big bunch for everyone as opposed to something like one poem per page cause... I don't know, I just wanted them all out for you guys to read in one go.  Haven't had feedback yet but I'm fairly proud of them. That doesn't matter!  I'm here to continue Renee Stevens' pinned post in the lounge, but continuing with the poet questions.  Cause as you can



Necromancer done

Thank you to everyone who read, commented and liked my first novella!! ✨🎉 Necromancer is done. Please recommend or review and all that other stuff people can do on here. Now onto the important topic of novella number two... there's no use being coy about the title seeing as all the covers are visible. Still I'd like some comments or something to know that people are eager for what's to come next.  Do you really want it?  Or should I delay and do some info teasing for hype or whatevers?




So I don't know how much occult stuff would be frowned upon to talk about 💀 But part of the reason I made this blog was to talk about Allan as well as writing and other stuff 😈 So when I have sex with my incubus lately he will wait for me to start imagining a scenario before engaging.  Then I feel impressions on my body, for me it's an almost soreness between my legs as if he's slamming me.  And several times when I'm about to climax he'll stop me, and I'll even feel my cum get pushed



Q&A Blog Feature

As per Renee Stevens' pinned post in the Lounge, this is a good way to start off a blog 😋 Authors: Have you experienced writer's block? If so, what helped you get past it? Yes. Unfortunately I believe the best way is to force yourself to write. First write out the dot point list of what your chapter will contain, and then sentence-by-agonizing-sentence grind that baby out of you like your bones in a meat-grinder.  It hurts and it's supposed to. Even though its a strain, in my expe



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