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About this blog

As it says this is just a collection of thoughts and ideas that I'm happy to share. Some members may like to read others may not, some may even like to comment or even share their own thoughts and ideas, again others may not. Whatever anyone feels it is not a place for any unpleasantness, just a place for general thought sharing.

Entries in this blog

Seeing some light at the end of the tunnel

This is about mental health, it's something that many of us find hard to talk about, especially us men. Not talking about it only tends to make things worse and for those of us experiencing difficulties it slows and can prevent recovery. This is just a small part of my experience, yes it's the better part I don't want to depress or bring anyone down with the bad parts. Today I'm feeling good about myself and that is a feeling that I'm experiencing more often lately, the days of feeling anxi


Mancunian in Mental Health

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