Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed.
Beneath your playful surface,
I fear I sense a dead man, who wants to be alive once more;
To feel the passion, the anger, the greed and the lust;
All that connects one to life.
Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed.
Create a world of meaningful challenges;
One, who creates all, hadn’t been true to his soul when he created our world.
We need a new world; a world of peace and silence.
Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed.
Why create another world full of challenges?
So, thus we return to the source, the bottomless cup of ambrosia,
That supplies us all that we need most and may be some that we detest;
Yet we cannot forgive them, who had once destroyed.
In silence we shall await their destruction.
Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed.
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