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Shanghai Grand



First, I was kind of worried that my story was too Chinese and might have been a little too "Cultural". It felt natural to write based on personal experience and things happening around me. It's a fun writing style and it allows me to write a lot faster and more naturally without worrying about technical terms or financial concepts. One reason why I am churning out a chapter a day.


As for some of the more controversial topics touched on, I know I pushed the envelope a bit. In Chapter 3, I made a few criticism of American racial dynamics, but you guys knew I had pointed things to say about that even back in Chapter 1; yeah, I know I am not being PC about American racial relations. Maybe, it will add something fresh into my story, contrasting conflicting racial with conflicting cultural or I might drop it all together, depends on my next Bus trip. :P Remember all of this is spur of the moment stuff.


As for my background and the description of Hakka, it's true. 1/4th of my lineage including my paternal grandfather, which basically identifies me in the same grouping as the Hakka. I'm just describing culture, not depicting my personal advocacy of Patriarchy or anything like that. Even with a Communist mandate of gender equality for decades, traditional concepts like male lineage principles don't die. Just like the US and UK have old boys' network, the Chinese have an even older one. Oddly enough, we all speak Cantonese at home. The Hakka based Chinese language is not one that I ever use.


Now for some funny stuff:


Yes, I did sing it, drunk and uninhibited. It's not a truly romantic song, more like a song of power and passion in its original context. The translation is as best as I can get it.


I know I was definitely not up to par with Francis Yip, whose voice is well beyond my range:


Here's the original song:



In mainland China, they recently produced a remake of the old TV show "The Bund" with a Mandarin version of the song, it's a decent series, even with Cantonese dubs for people like me::



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