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Thunder storms.

I absolutely love them. So much.


The concept of thunder snow gives me shivers and is something I want to see in my life time.


It's just, so pretty. When I was younger, my father lived in a series of apartments. One in particular, the view was spectacular. The outside wall of the apartment was all glass. We used to sit in his room and watch the storms, at night. One night in particular stands out, for no real reason. The storm must have been at least 10 km away, but we could see it perfectly clear. The direction we faced was right into the city, with no other apartments to block the view.


Ontario thunder storms are intense. We get a lot during the summer, and they're huge. I remember once there was a ribbon of storms. It was about 600-700 km long. It was the most impressive storm I've seen. Though I didn't get to experience it.


Actually, that's a lie. That's not the most impressive storm I've seen. Again, at my father's. We saw the storm approaching and it was the biggest contrast I've ever seen in clouds. One part of the sky was literally sunshine and partly cloudy, a beautiful sky. Then there was this barrier and the clouds were black. It was like a line drawn in the sky, there was no transition. He took a picture and sent it into The Weather Network. They actually showed it, too. But it was with a warning to not take those types of pictures and to stay indoors.


That's the biggest thing - at times the only thing - I missed about Ontario when I moved to Newfoundland. Because it's an island and the Atlantic Ocean, storms are really rare. In the 4ish years that I lived there, I remember two. They weren't even that impressive. They were really small in size and duration.


Now that I'm back in Ontario, I'm glad to be back. Right now, I hear the rumbling of thunderclaps and the downpour of rain. But it's not the same. Our city has a bylaw that all lawns need to have a tree on them. It makes for very pretty roads, but terrible for viewing the sky.


As I typed that, with my headboard to the window and my back to the storm, the entire top half of my bed lit up. I'm disappointed that I didn't get to see the beautiful thing that made that light. But I know if I tried to look, I wouldn't have seen it anyways.


Probably the most beautiful image I've ever seen is of a lightning bolt. The sky behind it is a bright red. The bolt is going straight down, but it branches out in the most amazing way possible. It looks like a tree. It's a lightning tree.

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I remember one time when I was reading a Calvin & Hobbes strip, I mused that I wanted to fly a plane into the clouds at supersonic speeds to see the origin of lightning with my own eyes.


Also, why on earth is there a law that you must have a tree in your yard? And why is that law bisexual?

advocatus diaboli


Derp, bylaw, not bilaw. That's what I get for writing this off the top of my head, on an iPod and not thinking that word through. It's to make the city "pretty".



I love thunderstorm! I always have, when they would shake the house I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I also liked when the lights would go out.   My kid was born during a Thunder-Snow Storm.  We always tell her they are rare like her and she's special. :)

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