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from "The Big Bang Theory" .. credits words of wisdom


Show of hands, during the climactic, face-scrunching moment of the sex act, how many of you out there sometimes find yourself thinking, "Gee, I must look pretty silly right about now"? C'mon, be honest... Okay, I understand. This is a little too intimate for a public conversation. How about if we do it this way: If you're alone right now, just nod. If you're reading this with your sexual partner, simply look at them, smile sheepishly, then, when they smile back, suddenly twist your face into your freakiest orgasm position. If they laugh, know you're in good company. Give them a hug, hit the play button on your DVR and watchTwo and a Half Men. If they don't laugh, hit the play button on your DVR, watch Two and a Half Men, then go out and find a new partner.




I believe that the voices of fear, both from without and within, can only be dispelled by trusting the voice that comes from the heart. Be still and listen to it. If it speaks of love and compassion for others, for the world itself, it just might be the voice of God -- or a reasonable facsimile. If, however, it snarls with fear of the unknown, fear of losing what you have or of not getting what you want, then it just might be the voice of Rupert Murdoch -- or a reasonable facsimile.


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