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Wicked & a FanFic up

Sooo I'm glad you guys liked my story Wicked.  It along with Necromancer and Ceramic Flowers make up my three gay novellas.

Which did you guys like better? According to the stats it's Necromancer.

There could be various reasons for this. Like, the story does portray itself to be a typical romance up until the point you realise a relationship wasn't gonna happen. A harsh slap of reality right there. 😒

Anyways before asking about opinions on a fourth novella, I was going over old profiles and saw how little attention my old Death Note fanfic got. Considering the fact it was completed and novel-length I found that unfair. And so since I was re-watching the anime I decided I'd put it up here and am glad some people could enjoy it. It was stagnating there on FanFiction.

I have exams very soon so can't jump into any recreational writing. But I have looked over three other old stories I could upload here as well. They are: Triton Prism, a nine chapter short with superpowers action but no gay themes. Mini-Crusher Tournie, a humorous but also superpowers action that goes for a little longer (no gay stuff). And Metis Chronicles, which was designed to have four novels and I have finished three. It also contains magical action but also gay vampires. And is dark and tragic in its own right.

I reckon I ought to upload Metis last seeing as the final book isn't complete. By reading how I write action you guys will be able to make better suggestions with a better perspective on how I write the different genres.


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