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I have been very turned off by the lecturing nonsense that's been released from Hollywood the last few years.  The hack Millennial moron writers that have taken on scriptwriting and laid waste to subtlety and entertainment have virtually destroyed an entire industry and murdered my hobby of video collecting.  I have over 1300 DVD's and Blu-Rays.  But I've only bought 5 in 2021.  And 4 of those were 80's and 90's movies on 4K.  But I heard Nobody was both good entertainment and lacking any obvious karen nagging on some agenda or narrative or another.

So, if you like a good action movie with an interesting little twist, then Nobody is a great movie.  It's entertaining with no obvious agenda.  Finally.  Now if those clowns could keep doing that, I might start buying movies again.  I'm not holding my breath.

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I'm of two minds when I hear objections like this.

On the one hand, it's not as if I don't know what you're talking about. The paint-by-numbers approach to social justice is frustrating even to people who support it. It feels sloppy and inauthentic. But then again, so does any new worldview finding its bearings. Awkward films now may be paving the way for nuanced ones later.

And on the other hand, when I watch older movies, I don't see the absence of an agenda. Forrest Gump is a conservative fairy tale. My ears prick up when I hear people complaining about "narratives" and "agendas" because when I scratch the surface, it usually turns out that what they're really complaining about is the sidelining of their own narrative and agenda. Seemingly neutral films aren't agenda-free, either: the status quo is just as much a product of ideology.


Defensive Millennial

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1 hour ago, Z.A.N.M.A.T.O said:

The paint-by-numbers approach to social justice is frustrating even to people who support it. It feels sloppy and inauthentic.

1 hour ago, Z.A.N.M.A.T.O said:

I don't see the absence of an agenda

As I stated, "Entertaining" and "lack of nagging".  Hollywood is paid to entertain.  No entertainment, no pay. 

Certainly there is plenty of agenda driven past stuff, that also happen to be entertaining.  Such as Star Trek on television paving the way.  Multicultural diverse cast with first interracial kiss on Television back in the 1960s.  That was certainly an agenda and a message.  Compare the same message pushed today.  The current version of Star Trek is just STD.  And as popular as one too.

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Hmm, “woke” is the term bandied around for much of this along with “virtue signalling” to show just how “on message” companies, wannabe “leaders” and the like are as part of “on-message” “group think” - motivated in large part, I suspect, by fear. Fear that if anyone even questions the “ideology” just for a moment then they will be “the enemy”, to be shunned, attacked, brought down. Coupled with the new Holy Commandment - Thou Shalt Cause No Offence To Anyone. It’s a toxic combination and doesn’t augur well for free speech. Or the whole point of education - which surely ought to be about how to think for yourself and make up your own mind.

Of course, even Star Trek TOR had its lecturing storylines, although mostly it was about entertainment. But if the Prime Directive is to be not causing offence to anyone then the industry may end up entertaining no-one.

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