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A 'Genetic Study' Of The Galaxy

A 'Genetic Study' Of The Galaxy


Galactic Bulge and Disc Stars Shown To Have Different Oxygen Abundances


ESO 34/06 - Science Release

12 September 2006

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Part of one of the four regions of the sky in the direction of the Galactic Bulge in which the astronomers measured the iron and oxygen abundances in stars. This particular field is in the vicinity of the so-called 'Baade's Window', a region with relatively low amounts of interstellar "dust" that could block the sight, allowing astronomers to peer into the central parts of the Milky Way galactic centre and beyond. The globular cluster NGC 6528 is visible in the lower left corner. The image is a colour composite, based on images obtained in the B-, V-, and I-filters with the FORS instrument on the ESO VLT. The images were extracted from the ESO Science Archive and processed by Henri Boffin (ESO). North is to the right and East on top.



Galactic Bulge and Disc Stars Shown To Have Different Oxygen Abundances

Looking in detail at the composition of stars with ESO's VLT, astronomers are providing a fresh look at the history of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. They reveal that the central part of our Galaxy formed not only very quickly but also independently of the rest.


"For the first time, we have clearly established a 'genetic difference' between stars in the disc and the bulge of our Galaxy," said Manuela Zoccali, lead author of the paper presenting the results in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics [1]. "We infer from this that the bulge must have formed more rapidly than the disc, probably in less than a billion years and when the Universe was still very young."


The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, having pinwheel-shaped arms of gas, dust, and stars lying in a flattened disc, and extending directly out from a spherical nucleus of stars in the central region. The spherical nucleus is called a bulge, because it bulges out from the disc. While the disc of our Galaxy is made up of stars of all ages, the bulge contains old stars dating from the time the galaxy formed, more than 10 billion years ago. Thus, studying the bulge allows astronomers to know more about how our Galaxy formed.


To do this, an international team of astronomers [2] analysed in detail the chemical composition of 50 giant stars in four different areas of the sky towards the Galactic bulge. They made use of the FLAMES/UVES spectrograph on ESO's Very Large Telescope to obtain high-resolution spectra.


The chemical composition of stars carries the signature of the enrichment processes undergone by the interstellar matter up to the moment of their formation. It depends on the previous history of star formation and can thus be used to infer whether there is a 'genetic link' between different stellar groups. In particular, comparison between the abundance of oxygen and iron in stars is very illustrative. Oxygen is predominantly produced in the explosion of massive, short-lived stars (so-called Type II supernovae), while iron instead originates mostly in Type Ia supernovae [3], which can take much longer to develop. Comparing oxygen with iron abundances therefore gives insight on the star birth rate in the Milky Way's past.



Ratio of Oxygen over Iron abundance as a function of the iron content in stars (both axis are using logarithmic scales). The green circle denotes the stars in the Bulge studied by the present astronomers, while the yellow triangles and blue crosses are previous data obtained for stars in the disc of our Galaxy. The bulge stars are clearly more oxygen-rich than disc stars, highlighting the 'genetic difference' between the bulge and disc stars.



"The larger size and iron-content coverage of our sample allows us to draw much more robust conclusions than were possible until now," said Aurelie Lecureur, from the Paris-Meudon Observatory (France) and co-author of the paper.


The astronomers clearly established that, for a given iron content, stars in the bulge possess more oxygen than their disc counterparts. This highlights a systematic, hereditary difference between bulge and disc stars.


"In other words, bulge stars did not originate in the disc and then migrate inward to build up the bulge but rather formed independently of the disc," said Zoccali. "Moreover, the chemical enrichment of the bulge, and hence its formation timescale, has been faster than that of the disc."


Comparisons with theoretical models indicate that the Galactic bulge must have formed in less than a billion years, most likely through a series of starbursts when the Universe was still very young.





[1]: "Oxygen abundances in the Galactic bulge: evidence for fast chemical enrichment" by Zoccali et al. It is freely available from the publisher's web site as a PDF file.


[2]: The team is composed of Manuela Zoccali and Dante Minniti (Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago), Aurelie Lecureur, Vanessa Hill and Ana Gomez (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France), Beatriz Barbuy (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil), Alvio Renzini (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy), and Yazan Momany and Sergio Ortolani (Universita di Padova, Italy).


[3]: Type Ia supernovae are a sub-class of supernovae that were historically classified as not showing the signature of hydrogen in their spectra. They are currently interpreted as the disruption of small, compact stars, called white dwarfs, that acquire matter from a companion star. A white dwarf represents the penultimate stage of a solar-type star. The nuclear reactor in its core has run out of fuel a long time ago and is now inactive. However, at some point the mounting weight of the accumulating material will have increased the pressure inside the white dwarf so much that the nuclear ashes in there will ignite and start burning into even heavier elements. This process very quickly becomes uncontrolled and the entire star is blown to pieces in a dramatic event. An extremely hot fireball is seen that often outshines the host galaxy.



PDF of Zoccali, et al- Oxygen Abundances in the Galactic Halo


Recommended Comments

C James


James, thank you for another extremely interesting article!


I wonder, though, how other aspects of stellar density impacts the oxygen/iron ratio?


In more conventional cosmic conditions, it's true that supernovae account for the vast majority or iron and oxygen, but that's only because it would otherwise remain in the cores of suns. Iron and Oxygen are produced in stars not much more massive than our sun, and normally would remain trapped within the star unless a supernovae occurs.


However, the a region of high stellar density, other methods increase in probability. Stellar collisions or the gravitational disruption (including via a close encounter with the event horizon of a black hole) of a star would also release iron and oxygen into the interstellar medium. In a more crowded environment such as in the galactic core, these events would occur more frequently. Also, it is presently assumed by many astronomers that a super-massive black hole exists at the core of this (and other) galaxies, and that (stars crossing it's Roche limit and being torn apart) would also be a factor (in my opinion) for releasing Iron and Oxygen into the interstellar medium in the core.


I wonder if any of this was taken into account for this study?



Massive stars (20-60 solar masses) that enter the Wolf-Rayet phase often lose quite a lot of mass- sometimes up to a third of the stars mass. It is thought that this phase is a precursor to a type II supernova.


The material that is lost from these stars is quite rich in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.


Wolf-Rayet stars are characterized by a strong, hot solar wind.




In this picture the WR star is blowing a bubble of highly ionized plasma around itself. The gas that appears green is oxygen. This picture was taken with a filter sensitive to O II (double ionized oxygen).


WR stars are quite hot because the outer layers blow away and expose layers of hot plasma underneath.


Lower mass stars like our sun go through a similar red-giant phase. The difference is that most of the mass is lost and the core will eventually become a white dwarf. The star just isn't heavy enough to undergo a coer-collapse.




The Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC6543) is a good example of a planetary nebula formed by a degenerate main sequence star.


Both processes serve to enrich the interstellar medium with key elements but only during supernova are elements heavier than iron synthesized.




Supernova, particulary type II, are relatively rare but are so energetic that they can be detected from billions of light years away. The picture above is SN1987A +six months in the center of the frame. The only supernova in modern times that was close enough for careful study. (Anglo-Australian Observatory)

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