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Like the title says... I don't really have anything new to post, but I need to pass time before I head to work, so I decided to write a new entry.


Speaking of work, we're finally getting a new person (who starts tonight) to help out. Hopefully that means some of my hours will be cut. I don't like this School, work, home, sleep, repeat crap... it gets rather boring after a while :P Plus, I don't plan on staying there for too much longer. Though I'd hate to quit and leave everyone there, I really need to find something better. I'll probably wait until December to do that so I can find a day job and then go to college night classes instead, but who knows.


Thanks to everyone for the comments on the senior pictures. I don't remember which ones she picked. I think she did the bottom left for both the casual and formal, but I didn't pay attention when she told me. Oops.


Once again, thanks to everyone for the help with the 'hypothetical situation' that I posted. An extra thanks to Viv and Jeff for holding the hypothetical friend's pansy-assed hand through it even though the friend decided to suck it up and move on.


I honestly hate school right now. The days seem to drag on forever and the weeks never end! Then the weekends are so short because of work that it makes everything even worse. It sucks! The one good thing though, is that I have a sculpture class where the teacher is completely oblivious to anything anyone does on the class. So I made a really cool looking penguin thing for Val for Christmas... I just need to wait until the teacher fires it before I can send it to her :D


I have a real bad cold right now too. And to make it worse, you have to be 18 to buy god damn cold medicine! Stupid laws and their stupid age restrictions. Blah!


On a different note, I think I'm being flirted with a lot at school by a girl in one of my classes. I haven't been paying too much attention due to another situation, so I can't say for sure, but I'm almost positive she's been hitting on me for the past week. Oh well...



(Who is learning more creative ways to deal with stress) :)


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