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Bah Humbug



This Christmas malarkey is getting on my tits.


Perpetual adverts cozening us to buy 'must have' crap we can't really afford, offset by the occasional program telling us that personal debt in the UK is out of control, and that 'The Samaritans' are overwhelmed.


Now don't get me wrong, I like having a good time with the best of them. I'm all up for going wild and crazy, and apart from being possibly (but not probably) wiser, 'cause I'm longer in the teeth than some, I'm still a big kid. But please ... give me a break from the jingley bellied old farts that get employed to hassle you outside supermarkets. Just one commercial break without adverts persuading me I need to borrow more, just one more fir tree with roots would be sweet and peachy.


Ah well, New years comes soon, and then the 2007 January sales! Whoop Dee Doo!


I think I'm beginning to turn into Side-Show Bob. James Savik was right all those months ago (doffs hat and bows). Perhaps I should be a lamb (to the slaughter) or join the Goats... Dunno.


So, blog, blog, blog. Right. I have neighbours who have spent the last three years doing up their house. They both work hard, and have spent every penny DIYing. She, so it turns out, was unhappy that he was spending so much time on the house and not giving her any (nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more) that she had an affair during the summer. He (ya gotta laugh) caught her at it in a field. Now they are getting divorced. The moral of the story? DIY sucks (but not anymore). Aha aha. That's prolly enough neighbourhood gossip.


What else ... Well, Seraph (me writer, Seraph story) is going well, and 'Spuke' my Anthology entry is in. Ummm, and I wrote a poem for the Christmas festival at www.codeysworld.com. Oh and my NaNoWriMo Novel is undergoing surgery, though the doctor (me doctor, you patient) says it's going to be fine.


erm ... well that's about it for now. Drivel is fun. More fun than dribbling, which is undoubtedly the next stop.


For those of you who have read this far, there are beds available in the local hospital; provided you have insurance. Or if you'd like I'll operate for a reduced fee. Bargain!


If I don't blog again before Christmas, then have a good one, and may your God be with you.


All the best!


Camy B)

PS A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to two of my favourite people: Kitty - Friend and Editor extrordinaire, and Rob - Friend and newly wed! :P May the year ahead be good to you both. Also A Happy Birthday to Jan. Three in a day deserves a little dance ... there, I hope you liked it. ;)


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He caught her in a field? :o First, I'm assuming it is a little warmer there than it is here. Sex in a field in...December? Brrr. And...was he LOOKING for her in that field? Is this a UK thing? "Hmm, I think my wife is having an affair. I best go check the fields." Makes me wonder whether HE had spent some time in that field similarly occupied.


Christmas is such a nice time of year. Brings out the greed and the guilt in all of us. The sad part is that I have always believed that commercials/ads tend to reflect who we REALY are (unlike our tv programming that more reflects who we THINK we are--or want to believe we are). I start noticing in early November the increase in the number of jewelry commercials. They seem to be the first in line with the psychological attack. I guess, being one of the more expensive gifts, they have to get to us before we have bought all the party platters and electric razors and sweaters and such.


I think the commercial that annoys me the most is one that starts out showing what looks to be an old home movie of a little girl at Christmas. Starts to make you all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic for more innocent Christmas times--and then it turns out to be a commercial for some car. No, I do NOT remember the make of the car because I INTENTIONALLY have blocked it from my mind out of principle.


Though I do admit I like the Planters Peanuts ad that shows the baby Mr. Peanut in an old "home movie" and then cuts to an adult Mr. Peanut sitting on a couch with Santa and someone else (I mean, who would really notice anyone but Mr. Peanut and Santa?) watching that home movie. So yeah, i guess THAT commercial worked. *hides the can of Planters Peanuts* Not that I would go out and BUY smoething just because of a commercial...


Hope you have a great Christmas



I have to agree with Luc about the field thing :blink::blink:


That's pretty Jerry Springerish...maybe you should call the show and tell them about your wild neighbors :lol:

Merry Christmas Camy, and thanks for what you told me on my blog :hug:

C James


I agree with you about advertising! UGH! I will never understand why most of it works. Even if an add makes me hungry for, say, peanuts, I have no clue why anyone would choose one brand over another.


I also find adds incredibly annoying. If I watch TV at all, I record it so I can FF through the darn things.


I think I'm beginning to turn into Side-Show Bob. James Savik was right all those months ago (doffs hat and bows). Perhaps I should be a lamb (to the slaughter) or join the Goats... Dunno.


Join the Goats! Join the Goats! :sheep:







(is there such thing as a native country here? :P

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