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Poor Oscar



On any given day of the week, I have absolutely no idea what the balance is in my checkbook. Moreover, for someone as ridiculously practical and logical as I am this is a damned odd phenomenon. Most of my working career has involved financial stuff (notice the technical term) so I gladly handed the personal stuff (another technical reference) over to my husband years ago. I only get involved when he screws the balance up, which happens at least twice a year. Then he calls in the big gun (that would be me) to figure out how the bank made a mistake (that


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Hahaha, funny story. Mom really doesn't know what the key looks like. We'll get home from the store or something and she'll hand me the key, and I'm like, "Mom, that's not the right key." Then she'll freak out and go, "Well it's not my fault I don't know what the key looks like, I never get to use it!" And I'm like, "Mom, stop spazzing out, you're being weird!" But it's OK I still love you mommy! :wub: (Even if you are crazy :wacko: )



AHAHAHAHA. This just made my day (:.

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