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Luc's Dementia

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I'm glad you got through the 23rd okay. And I'm so sorry about the migraine :(


Obviously I can see your point; everyone wants the person they're talking to take an active, engaged role in the subject they wish to discuss. However, just to play devil's advocate a bit perhaps that isn't always possible. Is Scott a hockey fan? Is he interested in those teams? Does he like hearing about the game, or does he only enjoy them first hand? Personally if you were talking to me about hockey my mind might wander a bit too :P . But even if he is a hockey fan it doesn't mean he likes hearing about. A good example is my mother and I and gambling. We both love to gamble, and both thoroughly enjoy the slots. I'm completely engaged and having fun while I'm playing, but unlike her I find it mind-numbingly boring to hear everything that happened to someone else blow by blow. She loves to recite whole stories about what happened, what she hit, or missed, how much she was betting etc. Personally I usually can't remember what happened in that amount of detail for more than a couple of minutes after it happens, but apart from being impressed at her ability to memorise and recite every detail I don't really care to hear about it. SO I just always smile, and nod, and interject "ohh" and "wow" and "great" and "awww" at the appropriate moments and mostly tune it out. I do try to act interested since I know she enjoys telling about it, but yeah my mind tends to be elsewhere too. And I know I often do the samething with people. I do like to go on at length about various subjects that interest me, and ironically when it comes to regular card games I tend to remember, and enjoy reciting each play that occurred too. Logically I know no one really wants to hear it, but I like to tell it anyway.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I totally see and identify with what you're saying, but generally I think, based on what I read, that Scott's behaviour is fairly normal. I think it would definitely be a problem if he didn't pay attention when you discussed your feelings with him, or when you wanted to talk about "relationship stuff", and I even think he should try to pay attention (or at least give the impression that he is) when you talk about fairly mundane things that don't really interest him, but I hope you don't feel like it's YOU that isn't holding his interest.


Anyway I'm not sure I even properly expressed what I was getting at, but I hope it all works out and I hope you feel better :hug:


Take care and have a great day!




He's a rabid hockey fan. Though he does NOT like the Senators, the team in question. However, I was not going on 'at length' about it or anything else. I had told him that the game was very physical but nothing like the other night's game and they had ended up winning by... which was when he interrupted me. AND he had just spent the previous 5 minutes telling me about the Rats game he and Sam were coming from--which I had actually WATCHED on my computer (whiich he knew) and must have told me three times about how long he had to stand in line at the concenssion stand. I did NOT interrupt HIM during that exciting tale.


I never go on and on about details when I talk to anyone. I might do that when I TYPE :P but not when I talk.


But you have valid points. *laughs* When I bitch about this sort of thing to my mom, she always says "Men are like that." Don't know what she thinks I am...

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