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What to do about liers and people who talk about you behind your back?


Last week, I started a project at work that hasn't been done for awhile. I started taking the wheels off of the carts used and removing all the crap that has accumulated over the past couple of years. I was only able to do it a couple of days due to meeting a good part of the week.


I started out by getting several different size wrenches from the tool cart, different style carts have different size nuts and bolts. As I said, I grabbed several wrenches since our maintenance man keeps the cart in the basement instead of on the main floor like he used to do, so I didn't want to have to make several trips to get the exact sizes I needed.


On Thursday morning, the maintenance man said he needed his wrenches for a job. So I got them for him. I found out later that morning that he had said something about me having those tools. One of my supervisors told him that I probably had them in locked up in the closet and that he would get them for him. He told the supervisor, nah, he'd wait til I got in. He was nice to me in asking for them. He also had told me that he had done 15 of the carts and my first thought was, oh yeah, when? This is something that you can't hide doing. Then he took off to do what he could have done with the wrenches before I got in.


The day before that, his Department Head, Supervisor, and my boss were all in the Laundry look at something and they all saw what I was doing. I was told the following day by one of my staff, that he told her that he was going to get me in trouble for doing what I was doing. It was later confirmed by another of my staff. That pissed me off. I went to his boss about it. I told his boss about what was said and that all the problems that he and I have had between the two of us was because this guy was playing us against each other, and he agreed with that. I also informed my boss about the situation.


Friday, my boss told me that the maintenance man had told him that he didn't care if I used his tools, which conflicts with what the supervisor had told me. I told my boss that over the weekend, I was going to buy some tools and bring in to use. That should avoid the issue of borrowing his tools, which by the way actually belongs to the Laundry Department.


So tell me, how am I going to get into trouble for doing his job?


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