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The war is lost

"Drugs are easier to get, cheaper and more potent...the war is lost." So says an expert on a current affairs program airing at the mo. Meanwhile, the pollies argue in ivory towers that have nothing to do with grass roots. It's a worry. Actually, it's pathetic. The interviewee goes on to say, "ask yourself where is the easiest place to get drugs? And the answer is in jail."


Why any kid would want to put sand in his fuel tank or f**K with the mother board of his computer is beyond me. WE ARE WHAT'S BETWEEN OUR EARS, BABY, DON'T MESS WITH IT!


Mind you, just about everything else messes with our brains...the environment, the home, the people we know, what we read, what we see....everything. How much of that cerebral input do we consciously choose to accept or reject? And what is it that actually influences our ability to choose or reject? Hehe. Whoa! Almost every morning I chat with three brothers on their way to the school bus...boys of 10, 12 and 15. One of them mentioned brainwashing the other day and I responded by saying, "we're all brainwashed to some extent, but we're not consciously aware of it".


Yes, how can we possibly avoid the effect of whatever influences that may surround us? We're born with a mental vacuum and I don't know that we are capable of separating the good from the bad, or possess the ability to judge the difference.


Hmmm, this is all a bit melodramatic. Tellya what...if they could figure out a way to put humor in a pill we'd all live longer...and happier. Meanwhile, I posted chapter 6 of Horace Fink today.




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