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Blank pages

Yeah, that's the way one begins, with a blank page. "What the bloody hell can I write about?" But, dear Breth, all a blank page is is a tease daring you to produce something. :boy: It becomes a challenge that any author worth his salt cannot resist. Do you know where that saying comes from? Roman soldiers were paid in salt as well as coins.


Hoo, hoo, hoo. We've got salt! Miles and miles and miles of salt! Oh it's

fine to be a genius of course, but keep that old horse before the cart!

Yes, ya gotta have salt!

I saw an old Rover drive down the street today...dear old thing from the late 40s. Old cars fascinate me, living monuments to days gone by; technology at its then current peak. I'm inclined to believe that modern cars lack individuality and character...functional, yes, efficient, yes, aerodynamic, yes...BUT, also testament to the rule of technology over art. My old bus is 36 years old...a 1971 Holden Premier that runs like a dream. Its registration plate begins with TTZ, so I call it Tough Titties. It cost me $1000 five years ago and, apart from normal servicing, has cost me zip since. If Betty Windsor visited Oz and requested my chauffeuring her around in old TT, I'd consider it a pleasure. "Do you have Earl Grey on board?" "No, darling, but there's a couple of cans of Fosters in the glove box."


Now, lemme tellya something, never take anything as gospel. I started out with a chef's recipe for lemon butter. Mmmm! Yummy! Now, how can I improve on that? So I used the same recipe but substituted cream cheese for the butter (and more of it), and added freshly ground pepper. Whoa! Hey, baby, we're talking genius here! Yes, ladies and genitals, if you think you can do better, go for it.


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