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I surprise myself sometimes



I'm being remarkably stupid today. It amazes me how often this happens, actually. I'm comfortably in the high nineties when it comes to measurable intelligence, and I was nearly always in the top third of any class when I was in college (only four exceptions, and in two of them I was near the top when it came to actually understanding the material, despite my laziness when it came to doing the work, which drove my instructors to distraction). So I shouldn't be stupid, or at least not illogical. That said...but that's the end of the story, so I'll begin at the beginning.


My birthday was Monday. 24 years and no deaths! By the way, thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday; it was much appreciated. What, may you ask, did I do to celebrate said birthday? Work, work, and work some more. My sisters swear I'm adopted, since none of them seem to have such a self-abusing work ethic. When I wasn't working, I was sleeping. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow morning, at 5:30, at a job I don't need and on a shift I wasn't required to pick up.


I also haven't' slept since 6pm yesterday. I don't intend to sleep until about 4pm tonight.


So yeah, stupid. But this, I believe, is the only way I'll be in acceptable condition to work tomorrow. Making omelette's is hard on a few eggs, so I guess my sleep schedule, which has been truly out of whack since I switched to nights, is getting the omelet treatment for now.


On the other hand, I stand a good chance at accomplishing all the things I've been putting off until I could get up early enough to accomplish them. Starting right now in fact. So wish me luck!


Edit: Perhaps I can blame this converstaion on lack of sleep.


Random Car guy: "Well, we weren't able to fix your radio. We don't install Sirius radios here, only XM, so none of our guys could work on it. However, we took the satellite radio out of the circuit, and now your FM radio works fine. You can go pick it up now."


Me (after a moment to process this): "You couldn't fix it?"


RCG: "No. I'm afraid you'll have to take it to the dealership you got it installed at, because we can't work on it here. Now, if you'll just sign here..."


Me (cutting him off): So, thanks to you guys and your service, until I get back to Ventura, which depending on traffic is up to a four hour drive away from here one way, I have a pretty piece of plastic that I paid $800 up front and $10 a month since and going forward. Is that what you're telling me?"


RCG: "Well, you could have no radio at all. We could have just left it broken."


Me: "And I suppose I could have taken it to someone competent in the first place. It, after all, took you guys three and half hours to determine you could do damn all, except break it."


RCG: "I think that's going a bit far. You still have a radio. And as for the wait, well, you didn't make an appointment, and there were a few cars ahead of you."


Me: "But I don't have my radio back. And I did make an appointment. I showed up five minutes early for it in fact, and pulled up to the lane marked 'Appointments Only.'"


RCG: "..."


Me: "I take it you didn't check to see if, in fact, I did have an appointment?" (long pause) "Well, I guess I can only be surprised I didn't wind up with my tires replaced or something." (After taking a moment to read the document before me, I sign here he still has his finger pointed. When I look up again, I'm smiling) "But the important thing is that I got a free car wash with my 'service' today. That has to count for something, right? By the way, how much am I being charge for this priveledge you;ve bestowed upon me."


RCG: "No charge. Let me hand your paperwork off, and we can get you out of here."


As he turned to leave, I had one more question.


Me: "One last thing, how long has my car been sitting in the parking lot with the hazard lights blinking away merrily?"


While I'd like to blame this on lack of sleep, I don't think I can. For some reason, I've been dying to lay into someone for days now. Its just his luck he drew the short straw.


Meh, at least I saw "Jumpers" today, and got the details magazine where they make Zac Effron look like straight.


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