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Twin Powers Activate

Whenever I dream of a new monster, I feel compelled to write about it here. Which, odd, but I'll own it.   Now I don't recall all the details of how this worked, but the dream started as a mystery that I was apparently trying to solve. Bodies were piling up in the town I lived in. And, weirdly, even though the bodies did not look much alike, they seemed to share the same DNA. Or, at least, partly shared DNA. Sort of a chimera. At least, half of them did. The other half were simply murder victi




I had a sad little epiphany today. Well, technically, last night, but whatever. I went out, as I am wont to do when I don't feel like staying in playing video games and there's damn little else to do all night, and found myself at a gay bar, where a pair of out-of-towners tried very hard to get me to come to their hotel with them. While I did ineptly flirt back (I am morally opposed to buying my own liquor), pssh, like that'll happen, but along the way, one asked if I was going to college, and i



Fantastic (now in color!)

This will not be a happy post. In fact, some may come away from it thinking that I am attacking them, even if I name no one by name. They...won't be entirely wrong.   I've been reading this morning some articles on diversity in Fantasy. Specifically, ones related to the Pathfinder Campaign setting, which has made a genuine effort to be inclusive and diverse, on several levels, in their characters. While the articles themselves have not upset me, the comments. Oh, I made the mistake of reading



Too Much Television

This dream-story was pretty obviously inspired by American Horror Story: Coven. The characters looked different, mostly, although sometimes not (it being a dream). Strangely, one person in the dream version looked like Jensen Ackles. I don't exactly disapprove, but I watch nothing he's on, and I wonder how he wandered on set, as it were. Another influence would have been Tanya Huff's Gale Girls novels. There was one line of dialogue that I remembered that I unfortunately had to leave out, becaus



As I go to sleep today

My mother called yesterday to relay some comments my aunts had to say about me. I was well-mannered, so helpful, they said. They told my mom that she raised me right. As I have been at times compared to a permanently boiling over teakettle, I find these comments both amusing and a bit worrying. As blunt and basically arrogant as I am, the only kind of person that would think I had good manners must have an interesting view of the world. But, that's my family. I tell people I'm the nice, mellow,



Untitled Teen Wolf Fanfiction

Don't judge me. I just really like this show. Only part 1 of what feels like three parts, but may be only two. And I need to work on the main character's voice:   “I realize that I’m probably the last you want to talk to right now,” Allison said to Stiles. She’d arrived to Stiles room unannounced, unwelcomed, and unrepentant, but since that described most of Stiles’s visitors, he was willing to let that go. Her continued existence was another matter.   “You got that right,” he said, cutting



Citadelle de Papillon

I was, originally, going to attempt to turn this into an anthology piece. As I tried to do so, the amount of setting and unpacking needed to make the story stand up falgged to me that I was, at beast, looking at a short novel. More probably a full length novel, if not a series of them. And my dream saw fit to only provide me with part 1. I always suspected I was a bit of a bastard. Parts in purple I added after being awake, to fill in some of the narrative blanks. Parts in black, including the f



Singing Against the Noise

Hush little baby, don’t say a word Momma’s gonna buy you a mockingbird   It was my niece’s favorite nursery rhyme. Always calmed her down, usually put her to sleep. Even when I sang it, which, I will admit, is no experience for the discriminating. Her tastes have complicated since, but what can you expect out of a three-year-old? I was fourteen myself, singing loudly if inexpertly. I had to be loud to drown out the pounding of my sister, who was at that moment trying to break down the locked



Story blurb

You're doing it wrong you know.   I turned, abandoning for now the sidewalk chalk drawing I had been working on. There stood a young man, no older than his mid twenties, clothed in a black leather jacket and, judging by his smirk, enough arrogance that I dropped my guess to his age by five years. "Doing what wrong?" I asked,   That sigil, he replied, pointing to my half finished art. You should use blue chalk for that line, or you'll never get it work properly.   "I haven't the faintest id



ADELE is pretty damn awesome

If you have not heard this singer, I reccomend you look her up. Her songs remind me a bit of Disco, especially in " ," and I mean that as a compliment. There's songs that will make me want to dance. This song just makes me dance, in the way that I first learned, where I didn't give a flying f**k who was watching or who laughed, it was me and the music and the fire and shadows of everyone else.  Since I've a tendency to recount dreams here, I'll do so again. I was being questioned, demanded an



She's not there

I've loved this song my enitre life. I usually think of the original version by the Zombies, but I've heard others that I've liked as well. I didn't even mind when "Glee" did a cover, though like all the times they've done a cover of one of my favorite song, I've been wary (though twice I feel their interpretation improved it on the original, such as "Bad Romance").   And in all the times I've loved and thought about this song, there was one reading of it I never considered, and that stopped m



Tribute to a Lady

My aunt recently passed away. She's been fighitng breast cancer for almost five years, and we've had a few close calls this last year, but she finally asked to go home the week before christmas. I was working, and wasn't able to break away until Thursday of that week. She died that Wednesday.   She was my mom's little sister and best friend. Smart as hell, pretty much the Tax expert for all of the relatives. And beautiful. Most of that side of the family has more looks than sense, but she had



Everyone break!

The busiest time of year for my job is over. I did wind up accepting the promotion I mentioned last entry, temporarily though. I like to think I did well at it, at least, as well as can be expected with my immediate subordinate sulking for a month straight because I got the job he wanted, but I'm mostly happy to be stepping back to my old job. I say mostly because I'm going to be saddled with the laziest of the bosses, meaning I'm going to have to do my work plus hers. While I'm not unfamiliar w



In need of a hug

Been a while, eh? I'm actually good for hugging at the moment, but feel a bit down. Work is work, I am being pushed to accept a promotion I don't really want and in the meantime doing a lot of extra work because we're short a trained person. Plus, working the night shift wears me out. Also, there were a lot of somewhat depressing chapters released this week, and the combination of all that has me feeling gloomy. I plan to reread the entirety of The Ordinary Us, in hopes that will get me over it



A most disturbing image

I could scarcely have imagined, when I started this blog, that it would morph more into a dream journal than anything else. I'm not shocked that I cannot maintain a proper blog. I do not have enough opinions or enough variation in my day-to-day life to justify one, even to myself. But there have been many, many fragments of dreams that I would wish not to lose. So here they'll be.   I wrote the paragraph above, and this one, to create a buffer of sorts so that the actual dream image will be be



Boy Meets Stomach Acid - Redux

I decided to trash can the previous entry I had up here. No, not the one where I insulted Emu's manners and he insulted my maturity in the comments, but the one I had up after that. Most of it is just literary analysis run amock, and no one deserves that, espeically if you haven't had coffee yet. So I'll summarize the cogent points that I tried to get across (and don't require prior reading).   **Stories, including webcomics, can affect my mind and disposition in ways that television and movie



Sagging - nope, don't get it either

I am aware of this cultural phenomenon, but I thought surely, surely!, at least the members of my own family would be able to resist. We are not a shy, easy-going lot, after all, quite prepared to buck traditons on their head just to see what will happen. But no, I saw one of my cousins yesterday for the first time in about, oh, a year and a half, and low and behold, when he stood to take the dog out of his house, I couldn't help but notice his pants were sagging nearly off his butt entirely.  



2010 US Census

I'm at a bit of a loss. For those that don't quite understand why their Chicano and Latino friends are a bit bemused this week, Hispanic is no longer considered a race by the census. It's an ethnicity. I'm not entirely certain of the difference, or why the various Chinese races were lumped together but Japanese, Vietnamese, and Korean were separated out.   As I mentioned in one of my first entries, I am racially mixed. A Mestizo, which is culturally and traditionally it's own catagory as oppos



Ninja Gabriel

I saw a roach the size of the palm of my hand the other day. A few things became readily apparent.   1. I am able to leap across the room from a sitting position without either tripping or launching myself into a wall. 2. I am able to nail a moving target with a book. 3. I am able to do these two things in one smooth motion so that the entire incident took less than five seconds. 4. I now need a new copy of Harry Potter Book 4 in paperback. 5. I need to move. Now.   While my finances suc



So very tired

I've decided never, ever, to heal another pick-up group. I don't care if they're competant. I don't care if the instance is easy. My hand hurts from chain heal mashing, and the boss is still alive, taunting me about the futility of it all. She also mentions "rise and exhalt" in a sultry voice and I'm trying not to think dirty thoughts when she does.   Turned 26 last week. For my birthday, my parent's sent me their tax bill. I love my family.



Lotus Takes Position

Yet another image I can't quite get out of my head. For once, the names were very specific.       Her cry was barely louder than a whisper. I'm surprised I heard over the thundering of my own heart. "Hold!" her guard ordered, and we did, taking the moment to regain our breath as Sergeant Danath knelt at her side. "Dame Lotus?" he asked, curtosey dripping despite the circumstance. Never mind that the woman was my grandmother, mages of any rank or class were not people to idly piss off.   "T



I may have a new hobby

I like AMVs, an abbreviation that stands for either Anime Music Video or Animated Music Video. Thanks to Youtube, there's thousands of the buggers available at my fingertips, and every so often I go a hunting for them. In college, I had a blast with this, but since I am no longer current on Anime or Video Games, I don't get the references to a lot of them, rendering my enjoyment a bit less.   Until this weekend.   One of the videos I play a lot on Youtube is a Final Fantasy video set to Trap



Random Crap

**It's okay to punch a strange person that runs a finger down your back to your ass when you're trying to pee in a public restroom, right? I didn't, simply grabbed his fingers and rolled his knuckles together, but it was a near thing.   **In keeping with the tradition that the only people who friend me on Facebook are people I have no particular desire to ever talk to again, *ever*, my mom's family is one by one joining the mob. I think it's prudent now that there is no current contact informa




Does the last stanza of "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To" annoy anyone else? I feel there was a genuine missed opportunity there for a complete ballad. Specifically, instead of presumably getting married, the girl should have turned him down with an explanation that she was going off to college/military/ballet school/antique-roadshow-groupiedom/whatever.   Perhaps I feel this way because I love the way Country music in particular takes a particular phrase and juxtaposes th



The Prophecies

Bought Lady Antebellum's "Need you Now." I realize I'm starting to develop a drunk dial playlist, and I don't quite know what to make of that. They aren't even all country songs.   Didn't have a chance to grab more of the dream down yesterday, and now I only really remember this one bit.   There were once three witches, one good, one bad, and the enigmatic Madame Grey. It was never to be known what Madame Grey desired in her heart of hearts, or even if she had such a thing at all, but both



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