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It's been a month. Over. I completely skipped March. I have been unreasonably busy. I haven't even had time to talk to Mike in about that long, which had been heading towards an every day thing. In summary I:



*Saw my folks.

*Worked two jobs to pay for above activities.

*Slept when and where I could

I also had to find time to keep up some kind of exercise, lest I *gasp* gain weight. I barely had time to read or write either. It's been unreal. It is little wonder the couple grey hairs I found last fall have returned, with friends.


BUt, hopefully, My life can slow a little. My new apartment is quite a bit less than my last, so perhaps I don't have to work quite so hard. Then again, I do have to put together something for Texas, because damnit, I'm going. Come hell, high water, or tourist season, I WILL be in Texas this June.


I had a very vivid, truly odd dream last week, about a boy of about 16 being repeatedly sexually abused by an adult, a coach I think, who once he had the kid under his thumb forced him to satisfy not just him, but just about everyone on his high school team. Including one freshman boy who convinced himself he was in love with the first boy, however bizarre the circumstances. As I said, it was odd. The gang rape imagery still comes up easily to my mind. Odder still, is that there isn't the slightest fear or arousal, then or now. TheZot (can never remember his real name, Dan maybe?) mentioned on one of his earlier blogs that multiple first person perspective flat don't work. I'm not entirely convinced of this, and may turn this dream into such a story. I need to hammer down the plot, which in the dream was pretty far-fetched, being a dream, and not needing to make sense.


Yes, I just admitted my dreams have plots to them, rather than being a disparate series of images, with no internal logic that isn't serendipitous. I was an English major in college. It happens.


If you have not done so, check out the Spring Anthology. I went for something totally different this time, and will do so again with the follow up for "Escape" (always assuming I finish in time). I won't say sequel, since "The Slaying of Lydia Syanto" is pretty much action/sci-fi, and next time around (tentatively titled "Chiaroscuro") I want to do horror/psychological, but it will have the same main character.


Anyways, keep it real all.




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