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I was talking with my sister in-law. We both seem to connect because we're the same age. I think of her as a sister I never had. She into documentary film making and I always had an interest in movies but never did what she did with the topic.


We were talking a bit and I showed her my earlier stories. She liked them. She mostly like the one that covered family history which was a pivotal prior to my birth years before.


As she read some of the other stories ... I think she picked up and deduced that "I am Gay"


She made an off comment \ joke that was not even homophobic but encouraging.


I am happy that I don't have to worry with her about my sexuality.


I think during her stay ... She notices that I am still in the closet with my family.

So I presume she won't let the cat out of the bag.


But even if she did - I wouldn't blame her.

But I know she would not inform anyone like right this minute.


So I don't have to face anything as of yet.


She commented about my writings and it confirms David McLeod findings.

I am happy thats its fine.


I will still work at my writings over time.

I will still invite the inspiration of a story to mature.


But I am glad in some indirect way - I am out to someone in my family and it didn't hurt our relationship. :D


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