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Assisted Dining



This is something that I've meant to do for a long time now, but never got around to it.


Most of you how know me, knows that I work in a County owned and operated Nursing Home. Three years ago this past August, the Administrator started a program called the Assisted Dining Program. This program is designed to help Nursing in making sure all residents are fed in a timely fashion. It was set up as a volunteer program and all Department Heads were thanked for volunteering. Yeah, you read right, we were volunteered.


My boss, another person, and myself, were assigned a resident and we take turns in feeding him breakfast. Since I can't use his real name, I'll call him Al.


Al has been with us for a few years. He's only about three years older than I am and from what I understand, when he was in his 20's he was in a sledding accident and sustained a head injury. As a result, he has limited use of his right side and memory loss.


A typical meal conversation may include a little singing, asking me my name, a bit of the Lords Prayer, and if the door happens to be closed a little bit, he's say 'door', signifying that he wants the door opened. His most popular question is,'Where's mom and dad?' Most people will tell him that they are in Switzerland skiing, which in reality, they are no longer living. Even tho, he wouldn't know it, I don't like lieing to him, so I tell him a half-truth. I tell him that they aren't here right now. It's a bit early and they may be having breakfast somewhere. Only one time has that statement not worked. He does remember his manners, he will say excuse me and Thank You. He will also sometimes ask about his brother and sister. His sister is in at least twice a week to see him.


Al is considered a slight choking risk so his food is pureed. I also have to add a thickening agent to his milk. It only has to be honey thick. A typical breakfast can consist of any combination of the following, prunes, prune juice, hot oatmeal or Cream of Wheat, yogurt, pancake, waffles, or french toast with syrup, and milk. Ever tried to mix syrup with pureed pancakes? It's not very easy to do.


I would have enjoyed meeting Al when he was younger. From what I've seen of his pictures, he was quite good looking before the accident.


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