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Scientist denounced as heretic and witch burned at the stake

Scientist Denounced as Heretic, Witch- Burned at the Stake



Dr. Ed Welsh was burned at the stake today by the Holy Church of the Global Warming Apocalypse, LLC.


Dr. Welsh's paper on Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate Change was deemed heresy by the Holy See of Global Warming and the execution order was signed by Pope Al Gore.


Given a chance to recant his heresy, Welsh refused.


Welsh was excommunicated, his holy science decoder ring impounded and held without bond for his trial by peers that all agree with each other.


All publications by Welsh and his property have been seized.


His family has been sent for evaluation and possible re-education so that they can not pass on heresy.


Welsh has been officially classified as a non-person.


All copies of the journal have been seized and burned and the publisher has officially apologized. Science Publications of Rochester, Maryland was fined $250,000 for publishing heresy. In his confession and apology the President of the company is quoted: "We are just a publisher and not familiar with what is acceptable Church Cannon. From now on we will have a high priest consult with us in all of our articles accepted for publication. Those that propose heresy like the witch will be forwarded to the Church for immediate denunciation."


Anyone that still has a copy of the journal is urged to turn it in to the publisher or the Church and submit to re-education. Failure to do so will result in swift and severe prosecution.





We have learned so very little in our brief time on this planet that perhaps we don't really deserve to stay.


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