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  • About the Gay Authors FAQ

    Gay Authors offers two ways to view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).  You can view a list of help related questions or you can view the topics directly using the links below. If the help here is not sufficient, please open a support ticket by selecting "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is an Account Credit?


Account Credits occur when you get a refund, receive referral credits, receive payment for Paid Clubs or have left over from Gift Cards.

  • You can see your Account Credit by selecting Account Credit from the Help -> Store Links Menu.
  • If you have credit in your account above a pre-set amount, they you'll be able to request a withdrawal.

  • Story of the Moment

    Wedding Ring

    By JMH, 10/09/2011 (Updated: 11/18/2013)

    Can two roommates cross the barriers of friendship and find themselves in a deeper relationship?

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