What is the Moderation Queue?
- Authors with a reputation of less than *250 in GA Stories* must have their stories/chapters approved by site staff before they can be viewed by the general membership. Once an author exceeds a reputation of 250 their stories receive automatic approval and will be visible within the hour. *This is the reputation on your author account which can be found when viewing your author profile in Stories, not your overall site reputation found on your general profile.
What do you check in the Moderation Queue?
- Stories in the moderation queue are checked to make sure the author has followed the Stories guidelines for content and posting, the story falls within a basic editing standard, as well as a plagiarism check.
When does the Moderation Queue get checked?
- Typically the moderation queue is checked once per day. If you have waited longer than 24 hours since you posted your new story or chapter, please check your personal messages (envelope in the upper right corner) to see if you have a message from site staff regarding your content. If you don't have anything there, please PM Cia.