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Setting up a Chat...


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When would be a good time to try to set up a Live Chat?

I operate on Eastern Daylight time myself...

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This is a good idea guys, but we should make it a time different from cosie's.


So all you that would be intrested reply to this post and let us know what would be a good time and day for you and we will see if we can not get some of us together.




p.s. Now I just have to reinstall windows and see if it will accept java!!!

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And whilst you're at it, please don't forget that those of us in the UK run about five or six hours ahead of you!

That's the problem for me with '#Niftywriters' It was always at 1am for me. A little on the late side, especially when it didn't finish until 4am.



(Java runs ok on my Windows Sparhawk! Though it tends to demolish a load of RAM at an alarming rate!)

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