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Harry Potter Deduction -

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Okay, I'm bored and really didn't feel like writing or doing much productive, so I go and read all the Everything there is to know section of The Leaky Cauldron website. Now, I don't read a lot of HP fansites...but hasn't someone else put it together that Petunia Dursely is a witch who chose not to go to Hogwarts?


Here's a JK Rowling quote from 1999:


Will there be, or have there been, any "late blooming" students in the school who come into their magic potential as adults, rather than as children?

No, is the answer. In my books, magic almost always shows itself in a person before age 11; however, there is a character who does manage in desperate circumstances to do magic quite late in life, but that is very rare in the world I am writing about.



At the recent Edinburough Festival she said:


Is Aunt Petunia a Squib?

Good question. No, she is not, but

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Hmmmmmm that is interesting, but here is another question, is Dudley a squib or is it possible that he has magic but his parents choose not to let him go and to let him but a normal boy?? Hmmmmmmm another possibility.


Pyro :D

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