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Disruptive Influences: Colinian


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I did it all the time in HS, so much so I was called "disruptive" by a couple of teachers. :P


Teachers often call their students with higher IQs "disruptive". Usually its because smarter students push or challenge them and are more work than the stoned kids that just sit there like a puddle of mush and make a C.


As far as the RED dorm room goes, I don't see it as a problem. Her concern is that you can't paint over it when you move out. The trick is that when its time to go, it takes a coat of primer in addition to whatever color that you paint it back to. Primer is a thick, light gray color and does a great job of covering even the darkest colors. It also come in anti-fungal varieties which is great for dorms.



This is my first attempt being a "disruptor" in college. I think it was a success! :worship:


Colin B)


You'll find the bar to be raised quite high with respect to disruption at the college level Colin. After the sixties generation and their bombs, riots and shoot outs with the National Guard, it's hard to get school administrators to even raise an eyebrow over anything less serious than a shooting spree.


I will say that the classics always work. Get hold of an uncut copy of Animal House and/or Van Wilder for inspiration.


The old horse in the Deans Office gag or the basket full of bulldog cream croissants to the mean jock frat will always work.


However- if you want to become an true immortal, someone the kids are still talking about as a real disruptive genius fifty years from now, you need a classic original gag. Something new and untried which takes some real doing. Broke, bored college kids can be ingenious and it takes a real stroke of inspiration to come up with something truly unique. New technologies like computers and bluetooth make new generations of gags possible.



I was a odd ball in school: a hybrid Jock/science GEEK. I liked pranks but my goal was to get away with it rather than take the heat and the fame.


My best moment is when I created a sugar based coating for bars of potassium metal. We went to an away game at our arch-rival school and I flushed a half dozen of these things. The time delay element was what made it really work. When the first one went off, I was a quarter mile way in full view of the principal. The explosions left CRATERS 2 1/2 feet deep, 4 feet wide. No body got killed and the statute of limitations has run out... :ph34r:


The Monday after "the bombings" my Coach called me into his office and accused me of doing it but he couldn't figure out how. I took the fifth since he was fishing. If I had told him how, I would have incriminated myself.



The Challenge:


Tell us about your best "Disruption"/prank, gag and or practical joke. Did it work? Did you get away with it? Did you get what you wanted out of it- revenge, laughs, a lesson in humility to an asshat?


I may have grown up but not nearly enough to lose my love of a great GAG.




Code of Ethics for pranks, gags and/or practical joke:

1: No one gets hurt: pain ain't funny.

2: Property damage is acceptable as long as it is minimal (<$40)

3: A Mess is preferable to property damage.

4: If someone gets hurt, its off and you help.

5: Its good to come by the next day and help clean up.

6: It's about mischeif not malice.

7: Race, sex, religion and sexuality are off limits.

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Code of Ethics for pranks, gags and/or practical joke:

1: No one gets hurt: pain ain't funny.

2: Property damage is acceptable as long as it is minimal (<$40)

3: A Mess is preferable to property damage.

4: If someone gets hurt, its off and you help.

5: Its good to come by the next day and help clean up.

6: It's about mischeif not malice.

7: Race, sex, religion and sexuality are off limits.



well there goes all my stories

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A friend of mine did that in high school AP Chem. He and another kid had the idea of putting some solid K into a beaker of fresh water under the hood in one of the science labs. The other kid was the one who did it, so he got all the blame when the hood was destroyed.


I haven't done anything really disruptive. We once drove by a traffic stop and I yelled, "YOU'RE f**kED NOW!" out of my open window (was not driving) since there were two cruisers behind the kid. BOTH cruisers then came after us and pulled us over on the grounds that the driver had crossed over the solid yellow line around the last bend before the apartment complex. We all knew it was bullshit since he saw her put on her blinker and decided right then to throw on the cherry tops. They gave her a written warning for something she did not do and then pulled me out of the car to yell at me. They said I could be taken to jail for such and so forth, and that I was wasting their time. BULLSHIT! They didn't have come after us at all since I was in no way interfering with their work and was in no way breaking the law. The only law I could have broken was the use of profanity in public, of which there is none. They let me go because they had nothing to go on.


Another incident occured in my freshman year. I left my room to go drop a deuce when two kids that were on my floor ran into the building and hid in their rooms. A girl from upstairs followed them in, so I stepped out of the bathroom to let her use it (of the three stalls there was one reserved for deucing and one for girls... the same stall). I walked out and waited, when two cops ran in and up the door the kids had dissappeared into. I walked to the lounge and saw a third cop standing at the door. I walked back to the bathroom and continued to wait when one of the first two cops came up to me and started giving me a hard time. They asked if I had been drinking or doing drugs. Of course I wasn't, and I said as much. THEY DID NOT BELIEVE ME! They took my license and called my name in to see if there was anything on me that they could arrest me for! Other kids came out of their rooms to see what the commotion was and were surprised as hell that they were calling MY name in. After all, I was/am the quiet kid that did not bother anyone beyond loud music.


Nowadays it seems as though my car is a cop magnet. I was pulled over on several different occasions for no reason at all. I think they're just profiling me since I have 18" aftermarket wheels with five split gunmetal spokes and deep polished lip, which all lend to an aggressive stance when combined with the muscular curvature of the car. Besides that, I have had plenty of cops simply play shadow games with me, getting close enough to get a read on my license plate, but in the end do nothing (they have nothing to go on since I have no warrants and I don't practice illegal driving characteristics... much). It annoys the crap out of me and sometimes makes me want to just sell the wheels and go back to the stock wheels... but I love them too much :P

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