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I had my eyebrow pierced for awhile. I took it out to clean it after it got caught on my shirt or a towel and it was bleeding a little. Unfortunately, I dozed off on the couch and slept for a couple hours and the hole scabbed over. I don't like pain much at all so I didn't want to try forcing it back through. :P


Immediately after I had the piercing done and I had a chance to admire it, I wanted more. I also wanted to get a ring put in my lower lip but my professionalism won out and I realized that I could get away with the eyebrow but anything more on the face wouldn't be appropriate for the few times a year where I do have to go out an meet customers. I am considering getting a tattoo though. Since I'm moving back to San Diego in a couple weeks, my boyfriend wants me to get a maple leaf tattoo to remind me of the last few years I've spent here in Canada.

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I kind of wanted a stud in my ear (not lobe), buy my skin is not an ideal medium for additional holes (bad pores, even worse follicles). I have decided on getting a green lizard tat on my right bicep (maybe inner) and a fairy (as yet unidentified) on my left bicep. Okay, I'm old, but I still can have a bit of fun. Stodgy grates horribly.

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~sticks out my tongue~ HAHAHA! :D


Yay piercings! Go you! My tongue ring is a smiley face, and it says "I took my Prozac today!"


Isn't it wonderful?! So yes, pierce away!

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