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So im a senior now and alot has happened since Ive stopped writin and I learned alot. I found that it is always best to be honest than rather cheat. But Ive found out alot about what I want to do with myself. Next step for me: College. I really want to go now. Anywhere. Maybe somewhere away from home. I need to get out. I love my parents, but Im ready to go out and do something. I know I sound naive...I dont care. I want to make mistakes and do something useful. Meet new people like myself or somebody different. Maybe somebody I can be closer to. I dont know. My high school year could have been better if I made it. But from experience, it's barely the beginning. Im 17! God I havent even bought a house yet or paid an actual bill. Im glad i live in this age where Im just starting a new life. If you hate this letter and want to strangle me right now too bad you read this. All I wanna say is that I've gotta seize the day.

So what have you guys learned form your past experiences and lovelives. Id like to know? I dont know. Im just curious. lol.

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Some things Ive learnt:



Paying bills, while novel, is in no way fun.


Dont have a relationship with people who have major issues. If you do, dont hold unrealistic expectations - you probably cant 'cure' them.


Be proactive at everything.


Try not to let your higher education institute screw you over somehow - theyre a company, not a schooling establishment in the sense youre probably used to.


If you want something done properly, you have to do it yourself.


Trying to cut through university red tape is no more fun than paying bills.




Those are mostly negative though.. hmm..



Learning that I can live on my own and mostly off my own means has been an eye opener for me. It feels damn good.


Other people can be worth investing your heart into.

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Be careful who you're friends with. They'll effect who you become.


As an extension of that -- when you leave high school you will learn who your real friends are. Your real friends will try to maintain contact with you.


My best friend did a total 180 when his girlfriend broke up with him. Prior to that, he never touched drugs, never got drunk, never had sex. After that, his friends and roommates at school showed him the wonders of pot, booze, and promiscuous sex. He became a totally different person. I believe he has since then cut that shit out. He got a new girlfriend and hadn't touched pot or another woman, but I think they broke up so I really don't know. He has issues with being alone and I think that is what made him so vulnerable and the wrong people were there to "help" him.

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Im 17! God I havent even bought a house yet or paid an actual bill. Im glad i live in this age where Im just starting a new life.All I wanna say is that I've gotta seize the day.

So what have you guys learned form your past experiences and lovelives. Id like to know? I dont know. Im just curious.

Through my age (I'm almost 80), I suppose I have the most past experiences and lovelives here from all GA members :unsure: !

I could tell a very long comment about them (I was 14 when I had my first gay expereinces), but short is the best B) .

My advices to you :

Try to understand who you are and accept it.

Be faithful to yourself and trust yourself (even to make mistakes is an advantage, you will learn how to correct them).

choose well your friends and be careful with them.

Enjoy each day as if it would be the last one.

And a last advice, the most difficult to follow (believe me !) :

Each evening, before you go to sleep, think of what to have done with your day, list the good and the bad moments, think of the next morning and prepare you for a better day.

Good luck my friend :)

Old Bob

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How wonderful for you to be standing on the shore of an ocean of discovery. There is so much in the world for you to find, to see, to experience. Paying bills? That's routine, mechanical. Don't forget to pay them, but don't let them rule you, either. You've almost certainly heard the phrase, "Render unco Caesar that which is Caesar's..."? The underlying message was not the stated conclusion ("...and unto God that which is God's.") The underlying message was "and live the rest of your life as you will."


I'd add, "and have sex as often as possible, but be careful," but that might lower the level of an otherwise sophisticated discussion. [seriously, do it while you can, but take your time. There's nothing like anticipation and foreplay to make it better. Much better.]


Here's an aphorism for you: "You always have time for that which you put first." Decide what is important, and pursue that. And know, always, that there are those who love and support you.


Be well, be strong.

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Another thing I have learned over the years is that when you get bombarded with work, stress, etc., it is always best to take it one thing at a time. If you've got several projects, papers, and/or problem sets due in the next week, or over the next day or so, do them one at a time. Finish one, take a small break, then move on to the next. You'll come out on top and you'll feel very accomplished and good about yourself. Next to being with the one I love, the successful end of each semester is the best feeling I have had.

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At 31... a few things I have learned:

When you have a credit card, it isn't supposed to be a challenge to hit your limit... even though they keep teasing you by raising it.

Paying bills sucks!

When you go to college, make friends with the administrative assistants for your academic department. Even the department chairmen bow to their demands. And they can hook you up with the classes you need.

It's always better to be honest, especially with yourself. Little white lies are okay now and then to make someone feel better. (No mom, that doesn't make you look fat)

While I can tolerate the occasional drama queen online, being one in person around me will make me either avoid you or hit you.


The most important thing I've learned is that I don't know anything and still need to learn more.



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